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Mobile Seva – Harnessing wider acceptance of the Mobile Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Seva – Harnessing wider acceptance of the Mobile Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Seva – Harnessing wider acceptance of the Mobile Technology
to enable Government Departments to offer Citizen Centric Services to a larger population Presented By: Mr. Kapil Kant Kamal (Principal Technical Officer) Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) r

2 Agenda India: Diversity & Development
Evolution of e-Governance in India Why Mobile? – ICT connectivity in India Challenges to overcome Strategies Adopted Mobile Seva Project Operational Channels Project Outcomes Case Study

3 India: Diversity and Development
Multi-lingual - 22 Official Languages Multi-religious Multi-ethnic Federal Structure 36 States & Union Territories 70% Rural India, 600,000+ villages Multiple Political Party Multi-tiered democracy 250,000+ Local Bodies

4 Evolution of e-Governance in India
Pre-1990 Railways Office automation Individual Department & State level initiatives 2006 NeGP, holistic approach to e-Gov, 31 MMPs 2009 Unique Identity Project (Aadhaar) 2011 m-Governance Smart Governance, Digital India * NeGP: National eGovernance Program

5 Why Mobile? ICT connectivity in India
Total population of India: more than 1.3 Billion Total telecom subscribers: 1, Million Total wireless subscribers: 1, Million Rural: 41.1% Overall wireless teledensity: 88% Urban: % Rural: 52.84% Total Internet Subscribers: Million 76% access Internet through mobile devices Source: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

6 Challenges before Mobile Seva Project
Low use of electronic public services, especially in rural areas No institutional and policy driver for mobile-enablement High investment required for department for m-enablement Lack of Technical Capability and Skilled Manpower No “single window” solution Integration with major telecom providers No convenience of a unique single number Cross platform support Convince departments to adapt Mobile Seva as a Single Mobile Platform Multi lingual support - India has 22 Official Languages

7 Strategy 1: Open Consultations
“Framework for Mobile Governance” notified in Feb 2012 1) Draft consultation paper prepared in March 2011 2) Public feedback 3) Consultation with various stakeholders KEY FINDINGS FROM THE CONSULTATION PROCESS: Mobile platform ideal for increasing access to Government services A wide range of central and state level services could be easily enabled through mobiles

8 Strategy 2: National Mobile Governance Initiative
National Mobile Governance Initiative launched in cognizance of massive reach of mobile phones in India

9 Strategy 3: Policy Directives
“Public services under all projects would be delivered through mobile devices as well” “Web sites of all Government Departments and Agencies shall be made mobile compliant”” Prime Minister’s Committee on NeGP, chaired by the Hon'ble PM , “ All ministries and departments both at the Central and State levels to integrate their services with the Mobile Seva platform for delivery through mobile devices. ” Prime Minister’s Committee on NeGP,

10 Strategy 4: Mobile Services Delivery Gateway
Mobile Seva MSDG: Key elements under notified framework MSDG provides integrated centrally-available platform for all government departments to integration with common e-Governance infrastructure in the country To deliver public services to citizens over mobile devices Unique, first of its kind nationwide mobile-initiative Centrally hosted core infrastructure on cloud

11 Mobile Seva Mobile Seva Platform is an integrated platform to facilitate delivery of government services to citizen over mobile devices using following mobile channel: Mobile e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (MSDG) SMS Gateway Push Pull (short code and Long Code ) Secure Pull Application Store (for Government mobile applications) Mobile Payment USSD USSN (Unstructured Supplementary Services Notify) USSR (Unstructured Supplementary Services Response) IVRS Push Outbound Call Missed Call Menu Driven Pull Call

12 Universal access National Platform Connected with all 14 Telcos 51969
Opened by all telcos at normal rates 166 Opened by most telcos at normal rates Nationally available number for all non-emergency public services Universally accessible at p2p rates

13 Mobile Seva : Ready & Operational channels
Mobile AppStore 1044+ live mobile apps hosted SMS Gateway PUSH SMS: 3600+ integrated Departments 15 Billon + SMSs sent PULL SMS: 725 + services integrated IVRS & USSD Services are operational Real-time status 24x7 on mgov portal ( ) Regular posts on social media ( ) 6 M-payment solutions available through cards, net-banking & IMPS

14 Massive and growing impact!
Election Commission of India: Mapped 1 mn polling stations Effective EVMs tracking Keyboards in 11 Indian languages: Boost uses of Indian languages on mobile devices High Adaptation States: Andhra Pradesh Himachal Pradesh Maharashtra, etc UIDAI: >210 mn notifications between UIDAI and citizens m-enablement of eDistrict and SSDG services for true and widest impact Ministry of Agriculture: >569 mn notifications between MoAgri and farmers Andhra Pradesh: >329 mn notifications between departments in Andhra Pradesh and citizens Government mApps: >1 mn downloads from m-app store Stakeholder partnership: Telcos, Government depts., Citizens, mobile industry & civil society

15 Recent Mobile Applications
MyGov : Govt innovative citizen engagement platform for direct citizen participation in governance by providing an avenue for channelizing their ideas ,comments and suggestion. e-Hospital : ORS is a framework to link various hospitals across the country for Aadhaar and non-Aadhaar based online registration and appointment system BHIM (Cashless Payments) : Bharat Interface for Money application that facilitate simple, easy and quick payment transactions. One can easily make direct bank to bank payments instantly and collect money using just Mobile number or Payment address. mPassport: Application providing all the Passport-related services to the citizens in speedy, convenient and transparent manner. Aadhaar Mobile update app : App allows updating of mobile number in Aadhaar database after due validation Khoya Paya : App provides information about missing child and enable’s citizen in searching missing child MCGM 24x7 : Mumbai residents can view & pay their water bills, property tax, shop license renewal.

16 Domestic Trends in Mobile Governance
Case Study – I mKisan

17 Background Issue Solution Offered Benefits
- Limited Channels to transfer relevant information to farmers w.r.t. Climate, pest, seeds, market, market price etc. Climate Alerts Awareness about the Best Practice in Farming Agri-Business Crop Insurance, etc - Dissemination of information to Farmers at a short notice -Lower penetration of Computer with internet among farmers Solution Offered - Utilizing Mobile as a platform in view of larger mobile user base (with and without internet) -Information dissemination may be delivered through multiple channels Mobile Application SMS (PUSH & PULL) USSD IVRS Benefits - DAC&FW was able to increase its reach from 3.5 million to 15 million farmers in a short span of 2 years - Lower Transection cost - Feed 820 Crores PUSH SMSes - Farmers come up & uses mobile channels to fetch relevant information on PULL SMSes

18 Mobile Seva – Services offered
Mobile Application Development of mobile applications Kisan Suvidha Agri Market Crop Insurance Pusa Krishi mKisan app Bhuvan Hailstorm Farm-o-Pedia SMS Push SMS Pull SMS 8,210 million SMSes sent by Ministry of Agriculture USSD Fatch information even on basic mobile phone devices IVRS Outbound Calls (provide information) Inbound calls (obtaining information)

19 Functionality of Mobile Applications
Weather forecast, weather alerts, dealers, market prices, agro advisories, plant protection, IPM Practices Kisan Suvidha Market price of crops within 50 km of the device’s location Agri Market Insurance Premium -based on area, coverage amount and loan amount Crop Insurance Promotes Agribusiness Ventures through technology Pusa Krishi Advisories and information being sent by experts and government officials at different levels through mkisan portal mKisan Application Collects data related to hailstorm, loss happened, occurrences, photograph, latitude and longitude, Name of Crop, Date of sowing, Date of likely harvesting, Source of irrigation, etc Bhuvan Hailstorm To get suitable crops as per soil and season, crop wise information, weather information, manage the cattle Farm-o-Pedia

20 Domestic Trends in Mobile Government
Case Study – II Election Commission of India (ECI)

21 Background Benefits Issue Solution Offered
- Limited availability of Computers with internet connectivity across Indian geography - Vast mobility involve in the poll management - Limited Communication Channels to access and spread information - Easy access of Voter centric information - Complaints/ suggestions from the remote location - Information gathering with time lag Solution Offered - Utilizing Mobile as a platform in view of larger mobile user base (with and without internet) - Information on palm of the user/ Citizen -Information dissemination may be delivered through multiple channels Mobile Application SMS (PUSH & PULL) IVRS Benefits - ECI was able to Geo Tag more than 9 lakh polling stations - Election Poll day Report form Polling station with minimal time lag and greater accuracy - EVM tracking - Easy to use - Voter Information Search Using Internet and SMS - Easy Capture of Evidence - Personal details of the Electoral Officers - Online submission of form 6, 6A, 7, 8 and 8A - Auto follow-up through IVRS

22 Mobile Seva – Services offered
Mobile Application Development of the mobile applications ECI Electoral Officers details ECI Election Poll day Report ECI Polling Station Location ECI EVM Tracking Voter Information Search Using Internet Voter Information Search Using SMS Electoral Search Samadhan SMS Push SMS Pull SMS IVRS Outbound Calls (provide information) Inbound calls (obtaining information)

23 Functionality of Mobile Applications
For ECI personnel. Fetches co-ordinates (Latitude & Longitude) of a polling station through GPS enabled android mobile phone ECI Polling Station Location Track EVM by scanning barcode on EVM machines which are being used in Poll. ECI EVM Tracking Collects personal information about the Electoral officer details like Skype Id, Id, head office coordinates, etc. ECI Electoral Officers details Collects information regarding progress of the poll activities from district election officer. ECI Election Poll day Report Voter can check whether his/her name has been included in the electoral roll of the constituency and location of the polling station. Voter Information Search Political Party, Citizen, Contesting Candidate can use this application to give their suggestions, information and can lodge a Complaint. Samadhan

24 Benefits to Government Department
One-Stop shop to enable various mobile based service channels Eliminates the need to integrate and interact with various Telcos and/or aggregators to enable services Increased reach & easy access of Government services to Citizen No need to invest separately by each department in hardware, software, Data Centre, Connectivity, Bandwidth and other infrastructure components Departments can launch G2G and G2C services across various channels and mobile devices / operating systems Open standards based implementation to facilitate scalability, migration, easy adoption, management of services Common use of platform brings down the development and management cost of the platform and helps launch of innovative services at least possible time Access to new services, enhancements, technological innovations, service innovations with minimum / zero investment

25 Project Outcomes

26 Thank You

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