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Sustainable Lifestyles and Climate Justice

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1 Sustainable Lifestyles and Climate Justice
Side-event at India Pavillion, COP22 Marrakesh, Morocco 8 November 2016

2 “I will .. call for a change in lifestyles, so that we reduce the burden on our planet. … the enduring success of our efforts will depend on the way we live and think.” Narendra Modi Hon. Prime Minister of India Inauguration of the India Pavilion, COP21, Paris,

3 "... Also recognizing that sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption and production, with developed country Parties taking the lead, play an important role in addressing climate change,...“ Paris Agreement, 2015

4 Ecological Footprint and Population by Region, 2007
Source – Global Footprint Network Ecological Footprint Atlas 2010 Centre for Environment Education

5 Source – Global Footprint Network
Last updated 07/02/2011 Source – Global Footprint Network 5

6 Tweet by PM Narendra Modi,
“Outcome of #ParisAgreement has no winners or losers. Climate justice has won & we are all working towards a greener future,” Tweet by PM Narendra Modi, Quoted in The Hindu, December 13, 2015.

7 Climate Risk “The 10th edition of the analysis reconfirms that according to the Climate Risk Index, less developed countries are generally more affected than industrialized countries” Germanwatch, Global Climate Risk Index 2015

8 “National authorities should endeavour to promote the internalization of environmental costs and the use of economic instruments, taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to the public interest and without distorting international trade and investment.” Rio principle 16

9 “… the global nature of climate change calls for the widest possible cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response, in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and their social and economic conditions.” The principle of CBDR–RC is enshrined in the 1992 UNFCCC treaty, which was ratified by all participating countries.

10 Prime Minister Narendra Modi
“Yoga Awakens a sense of oneness and harmony with self, society and nature” Prime Minister Narendra Modi Forward to Parampara, November 2015




14 Amul Source of photo 1 – Livemint BJP may form ministry of cow protection in Rajasthan. Available athttp:// Source of photo 2 – A. V. G Prasad Unguturu farmer bats for ‘swadeshi’ cows. Available at Source of photo 3 - D’souza, E Amul Dairy, Anand – Visiting the Milk Co-operative that gave us Operation Flood. Available at

15 Community initiative to purify drinking water in Khoda village near Sanand Block in Gujarat through RO plant installed with support from Sumant Moolgaonkar Development Foundation., Tata Motors Ltd.  Source of the photo – Piyush Patel, DNA

16 Today in India in there are over one billion subscribers of mobile phone as compared to 50 million subscribers of landline phones. Source – Sanjay Kumar Singh, 2006, The diffusion of mobile phones in India,

17 Sustainable Development Goals

18 Fundamental duty of Indian citizen:
“to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures” Constitution of India, Part IV A, Article 51A

19 International Solar Alliance
A common platform for cooperation among sun-rich countries lying fully or partially between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn who are seeking to massively ramp up solar energy, thereby helping to bend the global greenhouse emissions curve whilst providing clean and cheap energy. The initiative was launched at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris at the end of 2015 by the President of France and the Prime Minister of India.

20 “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Environment Education 20

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