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“Don’t make me read, make me understand “

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Presentation on theme: "“Don’t make me read, make me understand “"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Don’t make me read, make me understand “
Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “

2 Space Exploration

3 What is Space Exploration ?
Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft.

4 1st Man Made Object in Orbit
The early era of space exploration was driven by a space race between the Soviet Union and the United States The launch of the first man-made object to orbit the Earth the USSR's Sputnik 1, in 1957 Sputnik -1

5 1st Living Being in Space
The Soviet dog Laika became the first animal in orbit in 1957 Laika

6 1ST Human Flight The first successful human spaceflight was Vostok 1 carrying 27 year old Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in 1961. Yuri Gagarin Vostok 1

7 1ST Man on Moon In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the 1st man to walk on Moon. The space shuttle name was Apollo 11

8 Series of Important Events
N.Armstrong Ist human on Moon Y.Gagarin Ist human in space Laika Ist living being in space Sputnik 1 Ist man made machine in space 1957 1961 1969 1957

9 Indian work in Space

10 1st Indian Satellite In 1975, First Indian Satellite, Aryabhata, launched.

11 1st Indian In Space 1984: Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian to reach space.

12 India’s 1st Satellite in Moon
2008: India makes it to the moon with the unmanned Chandraayan 1.

13 Do You Know ?

14 Your Weight on Moon ? Do you know your weight becomes 1/6th on moon .
That is if your weight is 30 kg ,on moon you would weigh only 5 kg (=30 divided by 6) So if you want to loose weight ,go to moon

15 Where Sattelites Orbit in Space?
Earth has 5 layers of atmosphere. We live in Troposphere The other 4 layers are Stratosphere , Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere Most orbital flight actually takes place in upper layers of the atmosphere, especially in the Thermosphere

16 Vacations In Space ? Today only astronauts can visit Outer Space, This is because a space shuttle mission is very expensive. Now Scientists are developing new space crafts that will eventually replace the Space Shuttle s These space crafts will make it several times cheaper to fly a space mission and may allow everyone to take a vacation in space.

17 Thanks Submitted by Adit Gurgaon

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19 “Don’t make me read, make me understand “
Full of ingredients to make your child a genius. “Don’t make me read, make me understand “

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