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Transitioning CCAMP A succession plan
Karen R. Worcester Senior Environmental Scientist
Transitioning CCAMP Web tools
Developing these tools over time has required approximately 0.3 RWQCB PY along with a full-time programmer. Existing CCAMP tools will transition to a “maintenance and support” mode, managed by several staff and a non-profit entity. The Healthy Watersheds Report Card needs to be expanded over the next year to address groundwater and land management. Various roles for RWQCB staff, non-profit staff, for profit enterprise, and contractors are described in the following slides for: Surface water Groundwater Land Use Web content oversight
System Transfer – 2017 (KWorcester and D Paradies)
Tasks for Data Navigator and Healthy Aquatic Habitat Report Card Maintenance and Support MLML Regional Data Center System Transfer – 2017 (KWorcester and D Paradies) Develop MOU for Data Navigator content management Move Data Navigator to Cloud environment, provide access to MLML Conduct training sessions on basic web site design, data updating, cross walks and look-up tables management, and other aspects of web site maintenance and update. Verify MLML on data update from CEDEN Verify MLML on data update of data via SWAMP Reporting Module Maintenance – 2018 and beyond (MLML) Periodically update data tables with new CEDEN data Maintain cross walks and look-up tables including water quality goals Respond to maintenance requests by RWQCB staff
Tasks and skills for Healthy Watersheds Groundwater Report Card Development and Support (item in blue are non-essential for initial transition) 0.3 PY in 2017; 0.2 PY thereafter Design Phase Review, select and maintain water quality goals Evaluate well data for inclusion in system (minimum required information, well type, etc.) Evaluate and decide on scale of spatial displays Evaluate and verify web-based map outputs Dave – Establish spatial framework in Vision website for score display and index development, work with groundwater staff person to populate Goal 3 with groundwater scores. Evaluate whether existing groundwater models (e.g. USGS WebMOD) are useful for inclusion in web displays. This adds complexity so should be employed with care. Evaluate data potential for 3-D analysis (water level, screen locations) Evaluate whether postGIS automated kriging for use in spatial scoring would be of significant added value Maintenance – 2018 and beyond Periodically update data tables with new groundwater data from GAMA/Geotracker using CCAMP web interface and cross-walking tools Skill set: Basic understanding of groundwater, groundwater data and well logs, modeling, spatial analysis, and water quality objectives and goals Attention to detail with ability to put details into bigger picture context Ability to use Excel, limited GIS Training: Water Quality Goals database
Tasks and skills for Healthy Watersheds Proper Land Management Report Card 0.3 PY in 2017; 0.2 PY thereafter Design Phase – Become more familiar with the U.S. EPA Recovery Potential Screening (RPS) Tool, to apply as a framework to relate changes in behavior and land management to indicators of watershed and groundwater health Interact with staff in other programs to gather measures of landscape stressors and management, especially that can be expressed in a spatial context. Use Region 3 “CalDUCs” data uploading system as a data import tool to move Excel tables into the cloud server. Populate Recovery Potential framework with locally generated measures of stress (for “stressor” index) and management (for RPS “social index”) Evaluate and select base measures for use in Recovery Potential framework, for both groundwater and surface water. Develop interpretation approach and preliminary conclusions and recommendations based on Recovery Potential findings for both groundwater and surface water Learn to create information upload templates for new data layer and dashboard support. Dave – Create a web interface for Recovery Potential framework so that it is incorporated in CCAMP software Maintenance –2018 and beyond Develop new web uploading templates and vocabularies as new measures of management or stress become necessary Update data on website via CalDUCS Skill Set: Familiarity or interest in learning about Recovery Potential framework Familiarity with land management and Recovery Potential data types (e.g. stressors such as low flow, poor water quality and social indicators such as changes in total nitrogen applied or increased use of LID) Ability to work with multiple programs to understand best measures to characterize “social index” to account for discharger/land owner/water board program actions and performance indicators Familiarity with basic principles of data management Basics of spatial analysis including GIS Ability to communicate software and spatial display needs to programmer Detail orientation Ability to analyze, integrate and interpret scientific and behavioral/social/program performance data at a watershed and sub-watershed scale. 5
Tasks and skills for Healthy Watersheds Web site maintenance .2 PY
Design Phase – 2017 Learn how website is maintained and updated. Oversee uploading and management of proper land management and groundwater data components. Develop working rapport with MLML web site manager; manage Foundation contract Manage vocabulary cross-walks and look-up tables Maintenance Phase – 2018 and beyond Software maintenance and/or updates - contract management Coordinate with staff using, providing, adapting and analyzing data Coordinate with staff conducting the programming and data management /website system Present report card- results/interpretations and explanations of how it works and why it is useful- to public, other agencies, Water Board Skill Set: Familiarity and/or aptitude for software and basic programming (PHP, MySql, Javascript and R) Geoserver systems support Attention to detail Good communication skills for interacting with staff and programmers Good presentation skills for presenting to other agencies, public, Board Interest and desire to learn new software skills and associated management tasks
Staff Managed Data Templates
Aquatic Habitat and Surface Water Data via MLML and or CEDEN Moss Landing Regional Data Center Groundwater Data via GeoTracker / GAMA CLOUD Server (Digital Ocean) Data Tables, Software and Key Supporting Documents WEBSITES and Excel based tools Proper Land Mngmt Data via RWQCB database RWQCB Data Manager Proper Land Mngmt Data via Staff Managed Data Templates RWQCB RDUCS
Moss Landing Regional Data Center
Aquatic Habitat and Surface Water Data via CEDEN download Moss Landing Regional Data Center CLOUD Server (Digital Ocean) Data Tables, Software and Key Supporting Documents MLML works under Bay Foundation contract to update Data Navigator and Report Card scores quarterly: Download new CEDEN data and move into Cloud Use Reporting Module to create biological and habitat scores and move into Cloud Calculate MEQ scores and statistical calculations Update look-up tables and cross-walks Address any software issues that arise WEBSITES and Excel based tools
CLOUD Server (Digital Ocean, Amazon, Google?)
Data Tables, Software and Key Supporting Documents RWQCB Data Manager This may be one or more staff. Data uploads to Cloud Web site updating Code updating and maintenance GeoServer maintenance WEBSITES and Excel based tools RWQCB Data Manager
CLOUD Server (Digital Ocean, Amazon, Google?)
Groundwater Data via GeoTracker / GAMA download CLOUD Server (Digital Ocean, Amazon, Google?) Data Tables, Software and Key Supporting Documents WEBSITES and Excel based tools RWQCB Data Manager downloads GAMA GeoTracker data periodically into Cloud Server Updates cross walks and look-up tables Calculates MEQ scores and updates statistical calculations via web tools Interacts with Groundwater staff to make sure correct datasets are being used for scoring RWQCB Data Manager
Direct database download
Data Manager periodically downloads major databases to cloud server to update data associated with these data sources. Use web interface to load new data Address any changes or additions to vocabulary via updates to cross walks and look-up tables CLOUD Server (Digital Ocean, Amazon, Google?) Data Tables, Software and Key Supporting Documents WEBSITES and Excel based tools Proper Land Mngmt Data via Direct database download DPR PUR, Ecoatlas and Central Coast Project Trackers, National Land Cover Databases, updated Recovery Potential data, etc. RWQCB Data Manager
Staff Managed Data Templates
Staff person(s) responsible for Proper Land Management goal will periodically load updated data tables to the Regional Board Data Uploading and Checking System (RDUCS) Develop templates and associated vocabulary for new land management measures. Update cross walks and look-up tables when unrecognized vocabulary is detected Ensure that staff are correctly moving files through the checker for upload to the Cloud Server CLOUD Server (Digital Ocean) Data Tables, Software and Key Supporting Documents WEBSITES and Excel based tools RWQCB Data Manager Proper Land Mngmt Data via Staff Managed Data Templates e.g. Total N applied, LID implementation, acres wetland habitat impacts avoided, etc. RWQCB RDUCS
Cloud Server Software Tasks
Links new site data to various geospatial datalayers (e.g. reaches, catchments, groundwater basins, etc.) Manages Recovery Potential analysis in a web framework Calculates analyte scores and index scores Implements any changes to thresholds table in scoring approach Applies land use rules to control extent of upstream scoring Creates web site environment and populates it with information System management documentation is underway
Cloud Server DigitalOcean Second largest web hosting provider
Hard drives are all solid state (faster) Computing space needs can be easily rescaled at any time from a control panel, so can scale for website updates only. Pricing structure is most competitive, with pay for use approach and no hidden charges System is quick to set up and simple to use compared to main competitors (Google, Amazon) Decentralized server farms
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