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Homework 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework 1

2 Outline Objective Assignments & Requirements Grading Policies Turn In

3 Objective

4 Objective 承接上學期的系統程式設計,進一步的瞭解行程間的溝 通機制 pipe(上學期,系統程式作業)
share memory(本次作業) semaphore

5 Assignments & Requirements

6 Assignments 作業系統課本146頁,問題3.20 Operating system concepts, 8th edition

7 Requirements The final executable program will be named ‘show_shm_ds’
You are responsible for writing a makefile suitable for your whole program The document of your program will be named ‘readme.doc’(format: Microsoft word)

8 Requirements (cont’d)
Your program must run successfully on the following severs. Please write down which server you used in the report.

9 Grading Policies

10 Grading Policies You have to give me
Report (2 pages) including 30% Program structure: flowchart, function call graph, … Main issues and proposed solutions Your thoughts after this assignment Possible extensions Program files including Source code 60% Makefile %

11 Turn In

12 Turn In The E-course System Upload 學號_姓名.tar.bz2 into “assignment_1”
Upload 學號_姓名.tar.bz2 into “assignment_1” Report Program files Makefile Due date 10/27 23:59:59 「不可遲交」

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