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2 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROCEDURE BLS Primary survey ACLS Secondary survey

3 BLS PRIMARY SURVEY Systematic approach to basic life support.
Includes early CPR and early defibrillation. Until ROSC or ACLS intervention

4 TOOLS Mouth Hand If possible, Defibrillator &
Sincere desire to save a life

5 COMMON CAUSES Half a million people die each year from CAD. 2/3 rd deaths outside the hospital , usually within 2 hours after onset of symptoms. Drowning Drug intoxication Airway obstruction Automobile accidents Electrocution

6 HEALTHY HEART Controllable Risk factors Smoking Obesity Hypertension
Cholesterol Diabetes Stress

Age Sex Race Heredity

8 Plan Healthier Life Styles
Diet Exercise Medications Quit Smoking Relaxed Life

9 Early Warning signs of MI
Pain : Indigestion Uncomfortable pressure Burning feeling lower chest Squeeze in center of chest Position : Chest Back Shoulder Arms Jaw Upper abdomen

10 PAINLESS MI Other symptoms with or without pain Sweating
Nausea/Vomiting Palpitations Shortness of breath

11 VICTIM Weak Pale Feels Faint Sense of impending disaster

12 STROKE RECOGNITION Headache Confusion
Weakness and Numbness of face/arm/leg Dimness of vision Speech difficulty Loss of balance/falls Many preceded by TIA’s

13 TIME IS CRITICAL Cardiac arrest = Victim clinically dead
Lack of Oxygen = Permanent damage in brain Best chance of survival if EMS activated and CPR begun within 1st 4 minutes Should be followed by defibrillation and ACLS within first 8 minutes Permanent brain damage slower in near drowning especially in children/infants.

14 ASSESSMENT - ACTION Check breathing before giving rescue breaths
Check the pulse before starting chest compressions Analyze for a shockable rhythm before delivering a shock

15 Defibrillation Airway Breathing Circulation Perform in ABCD order
Breathing is necessary to support circulation

16 Assess unresponsiveness
Gentle Tap and Shake victim’s shoulder and Shout loudly near his ear- Are you OK? If unresponsive Shout for help Activate EMS In Adults: Activate EMS, then do CPR(>8 yrs) For Children: Two minutes CPR, then call EMS.

17 AIRWAY Head Tilt/ Chin Lift Maneuver Head Tilt = Head rotates back
Chin Lift = Jaw is raised

18 POSITIONING AIRWAY Palm of hand on victim’s fore head and pressure - gentle for infants / more for child/ hyperextension for adults Other hand’s fingers hooked under the bony part of lower jaw on side nearest to you.

19 BREATHING Look: Chest or belly movement
Listen: Air movement at nose and mouth Feel: Air at mouth and nose

20 Inspiration - 20% oxygen used
MECHANISM OF RESCUE BREATHS Inspiration - 20% oxygen used Expiration - 80% exhaled(This is more than enough for the victim)

21 RESCUE BREATHING Mouth to mouth or mouth to nose
2 slow independent breaths 1 sec. delivery in adults 1 sec. delivery in children/infants Allow time to exhale before second breath.

22 RESCUE BREATHS Quick BreathsHigh airway pressure Air may enter stomach Tight air sealfor both nose and mouth breathing Infantsboth nose and mouth covered Mask or face shield/after training

Look for the carotid artery pulse Maintain head tilt with one hand Feel Adam's apple with other hand Draw fingers back toward groove beside Adam's apple and press Take 5-10 sec. to determine pulse

24 VICTIM’S POSITION Victim- over horizontal, firm surface
No pillow under head Slightly elevate legs Lower half of sternum Never over Xiphoid

25 RESCUER’S POSITION One knee at victim’s shoulder and other at waist.
Contact with heel of one hand. Interlock other hand over it. Shoulders directly over victim’s sternum. Straighten your arms. Don’t let hands slip off. Fingers must not press on ribs.

Depress sternum 1.5”-2”. Movement is at hips. Don’t rock back and forth on knees. Fully release pressure to allow chest to return to normal position. Irregular,jabbing compressions should be avoided.

27 CHEST COMPRESSIONS Even Best compressions result in ¼ to 1/3 of normal cardiac output. So, it should be Smooth Regular Uninterrupted 100/min. Cycle should be 30:2 Reassessment- after 2 mins.

28 COMPLICATIONS OF CPR Sternal or Rib fracture
Separation of Costo Chondral Junction Punctured Lung Lacerated Liver Bruises on Heart Above reduced by good CPR technique.

29 CIRCULATION CHILDREN INFANTS Less than one year 1 – 8 year
Carotid artery One hand 100/mt. 1-1.5 inches INFANTS Less than one year Brachial artery Two fingers 120/min. 0.5-1 inch

30 OBSTRUCTED AIRWAY Conscious adult may show universal sign of choking
Or ask “Are U Choking ?” If coughing, encourage. If there is ineffective cough, go to Heimlich’s Maneuver.

31 HEIMLICH’S MANEUVER If patient is standing, go behind the patient.
Wrap around victims waist. Thumb side of fist on pt’s abdomen. Midway between naval and Xiphoid. Inward,upward thrust. After five thrusts, reassess.

32 UNCONCIOUS ADULT Assess unresponsiveness
A and B. If unsuccessful, reposition and try again. Even then unsuccessful, go to Heimlich’s maneuver. Contd….

33 HEIMLICH’S MANEUVER Knee straddling thighs
Heel of hand in middle of abdomen Not over Xiphoid Press inward and upward along midline. Not on either side. Series of 5 thrusts in rapid succession

Less than one year Support in arm with face down Five back blows between shoulder blades Five chest thrusts over mid sternum CHILDREN One to eight years Only abdominal thrusts like adult with little pressure

35 FOREIGN BODY CHECK Tongue and jaw lift
Finger sweep if able to see the foreign body Breathing attempt: If failure, reposition and try again. If obstruction relieved Give 2 rescue breaths Feel pulse If pulse absent, start CPR as 30:2 Contd……

36 FOREIGN BODY CHECK In case of infants and children, sweeping should be done only if you see that. Check for breathing and pulse as usual.

37 SUMMARY ADULT CHILD INFANT > 8 years 1-8 years <1 year 12 20
20/min 2 hands 1 hand 2 fingers 1.5-2 inch 1-1.5 inch 0.5-1 inch 100/min 120/min

38 Thank u

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