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ملتقى حولي للغة الإنجليزية إشراقات الخبرة 2

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Presentation on theme: "ملتقى حولي للغة الإنجليزية إشراقات الخبرة 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 ملتقى حولي للغة الإنجليزية إشراقات الخبرة 2
العام الدراسي دولة الكويت وزارة التربية منطقة حولي التعليمية التوجيه الفني للغة الانجليزية State of Kuwait Ministry Of Education Hawalli Ed. Area ELT Supervision ملتقى حولي للغة الإنجليزية إشراقات الخبرة 2 Hawalli English Language Forum Expertise Enlightenment 2

2 Prepared & presented by: E.L.T. Abeer Khankan
العام الدراسي دولة الكويت وزارة التربية منطقة حولي التعليمية التوجيه الفني للغة الانجليزية State of Kuwait Ministry Of Education Hawalli Ed. Area ELT Supervision Prepared & presented by: E.L.T. Abeer Khankan

3 You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus: 1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. 2. An old friend who once saved your life. 3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about. Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose? CoRT

4 CoRT A man and his son are in a car crash. The father is killed and the child is taken to hospital gravely injured. When he gets there, the surgeon says, 'I can't operate on this boy - for he is my son!!!' How can this possibly be?

5 CoRT

6 CoRT Objectives of the Workshop:
Providing an overview of the CoRT program. Providing strategies for thinking skills. Providing various tools for implementing CoRT skills. Application on textbooks. CoRT

7 CoRT Organization Action Creativity CoRT Breadth Interaction Info.&
Feeling Interaction

8 Considering all factors
CoRT Plus & Minus points Considering all factors Consequences and sequels Aims and objectives Priorities Other people’s views Breadth CoRT 1

9 CoRT Organization Find other ways CoRT 2 Start Focus Recognise Analyse
Compare Select Find other ways Start Organize Focus Consolidate Conclude CoRT 2 Organization

10 Examine Both Sides (EBS)
CoRT Outcome Examine Both Sides (EBS) Being wrong Evidence CoRT 3 Being right Evidence value Agree, disagree, Irrelevance (ADI) Evidence structure Interaction

11 CoRT Creativity CoRT 4 Yer, no &Po Stepping stone Random input
Concept challenge Dominant idea Define the problem Remove faults Combination Requirements Evaluation

12 CoRT 5 Info.&feeling Guessing Information Questions Clues
contradictions Emotions & Ego Belief Ready made Simplify & clarify Values

13 CoRT 6 Action Purpose Target Expand TEC Contract Input TEC-PISCO
Choice Input Solutions Operation TEC-PISCO

14 CoRT CoRT 2: Compare: Using comparison in order to understand a situation. Examining points of similarity and difference in offered comparisons. Compare between the village and city in terms of the following: Common points: City Village (Countryside) Difference points: City Village (Countryside)

15 CoRT CoRT 2: Compare: Compare between the village and city in terms of the following: Important Similarity & Difference points: City Village (Countryside) Conclusion that could be suggested based on the previous points ( Similarities and differences shouldn’t be repeated:

16 CoRT CoRT 4:Stepping stone:
The use of ideas not for their own sake but because of other ideas they may lead to. Children should play on the surface of the moon. Design the floor of their bedrooms as the surface of the moon. Design a whole storey in Future Kids as a space full of planets and satellites including a room for the moon.

17 CoRT CoRT 4: Yes, No, PO: "Po," a device for showing that an idea is being used creatively without any judgment or immediate evaluation. Select a statement and rate it with (Yes, No, PO): Studying in official schools is better than in the private schools. Most clever people join universities. Fathers request from their children more than they can do. Technical schools could be moved to factories. Restoring physical disciplinary actions to school will help retain students’ appropriate behaviour. Studying in factories help making classes more enjoyable.

18 CoRT CoRT1: PMI: Windows should be made of transparent plastic instead of glass. Plus Minus Interesting

19 CoRT CoRT1: PMI: Windows should be made of transparent plastic instead of glass. Plus Minus Interesting * Not easily broken. * It is more expensive than glass. We are used to windows made of glass. However, we can use plastic with many colours. * If broken, it doesn’t hurt people. * It can be scratched contrary to glass. * It has many colours. It is affected by weather and changes colour accordingly. *

20 CoRT CoRT1: CAF: A man and his wife went to buy a second-hand car. What factors should be taken into consideration. They should take into consideration: * That the seller could be the owner himself. * The type and model of the car. * The price of the car. * Engine capacity and speed limits. * The manufacturer’s reputation. * The availability of spare parts. * The regular maintenance cost. *

21 CoRT CoRT1: Consequences and sequels: What if we use nuclear energy.
Immediate consequences: * Provide sufficient electrical supply for the whole country. * Short term consequences (1-5 years): * Development of industry in the country. * Long term consequences (more than 5 years): * Exporting nuclear technology and electricity. * Giving up consumption of oil *

22 CoRT CoRT1: AGO: To live a purposeful life. Aims:
* To be a successful bank manager. * Stage objectives: * Obtaining scientific skills. * Getting a job * Procedures: * Obtain a high school certificate with high grades. * Obtain a university degree with suitable specialty. * Get a suitable job at a bank.

23 CoRT CoRT1: Priorities:
You are assigned the mission of finding solutions for the problem of traffic jam.. Arranging recommended solutions as per priority * Building more highways and underground trains. * Providing public transport for most people. * Distribution of governmental entities and shopping malls in various parts of the country. * Planning different timings for employees setting off to work. * Strict rules against traffic-law violations.

24 CoRT CoRT1: Priorities:
You are assigned the mission of finding solutions for the problem of traffic jam.. Arranging recommended solutions as per priority * Planning different timings for employees setting off to work. * Providing public transport for most people. * Strict rules against traffic-law violations. * Distribution of governmental entities and shopping malls in various parts of the country. * Building more highways and underground trains. * Using alternative transport ( aircrafts). *

25 CoRT CoRT1: OPVs.: It is suggested to have two heads in each department inside schools. Teachers’ points of view * Principals’ points of view * students’ points of view *

26 شكراً لحسن إصغائكم،،

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