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The Energy Efficiency and Solar Nexus:

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Presentation on theme: "The Energy Efficiency and Solar Nexus:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Energy Efficiency and Solar Nexus:
Successful Models Of Implementation

2 Why Energy Efficiency First?
Department of Energy: “Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to combat climate change, clean the air we breathe, improve the competitiveness of our businesses and reduce energy costs for consumers.” Rock Mountain Institute Peter Rumsey, PE – In an Age of Cheap Solar Does Efficiency Still Matter? Energy efficiency – $ kWh Solar energy – $ kWh Currently its easier to “reduce than produce”. Average reductions are 10-30% through energy efficiency. Renewable energy is needed to achieve net zero.

3 Why Energy Efficiency First?
Department of Energy “Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to combat climate change, clean the air we breathe, improve the competitiveness of our businesses and reduce energy costs for consumers.” Rock Mountain Institute Peter Rumsey, PE – In an Age of Cheap Solar Does Efficiency Still Matter? Energy efficiency – kWh Solar energy – kWh Currently its easier to “reduce than produce”. Average reductions are 10-30% through energy efficiency. Renewable energy is needed to achieve net zero.

4 Implementation Options for Energy Efficiency and Solar
Traditional Design Bid Build (DBB) PROS Ownership Stepped Approach CONS Must be a taxable entity to recover credits (solar) Energy Performance Contract (EPC) PROS Turnkey No Upfront Costs Budget Neutral or Positive Savings Guaranteed Ownership CONS Unfamiliarity with Delivery Model Must be a taxable entity to recover credits (solar) Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) (Solar Only) PROS Turnkey No Upfront Costs Eligible for Tax Credits Budget Neutral or Positive Production can be Guaranteed Maintenance can be a part of the agreement CONS Unfamiliarity with Delivery Model

5 Small Business Assistance with Energy Efficiency Direct Install Programs
NYSEG National Grid Must pay SBC <110 kW average a month to qualify and pay SBC html Up to 70% of costs of implementation covered by the program Must pay SBC <110 kW average a month to qualify and pay SBC Programs/Small-Business Up to 60% of costs of implementation covered by the program

6 Large Business/Institutional Assistance with Energy Efficiency
Utility Programs NYSERDA Must pay SBC Can incentivize Energy Audit of efficiency measures – up to 50% cost share. Prescription Rebates (Lights, HVAC, Building Controls) Custom Rebates (Process, non-traditional) Must pay SBC Can incentivize Energy Audit of efficiency measures – up to 50% cost share. Rebates can be offered when not offered by utility.

7 Review of Typical Energy Conservation Measures

8 LED Lighting Interior Exterior
Improve aesthetics/safety through better CRI, color temperature and light distribution. Average energy savings 50% Fixture life lasts up to 3 times longer than current Fluorescent technology Reduce maintenance costs Improve security through better CRI, color temperature and light distribution. Average energy savings 50% Fixture life lasts up to 7 times longer than current HID technology Reduce maintenance costs Before After Before After

9 Danfoss Magnetic Bearing Compressor
Cooling Danfoss Magnetic Bearing Compressor Geothermal Magnetic Bearing Chillers Variable Refrigerant Flow Better Economizer Control Air to Air Heat Recovery Desiccant dehumidification

10 Heating Before After High efficiency boilers/furnaces
Outdoor air hot water temperature reset Heat recovery Exhaust air Boiler flue gas Steam trap replacement Burner Controls

11 Building Controls (EMS, BAS)
Building Control Examples Temperature set back Optimal start/stop Occupancy sensors Daylighting controls CO2 Monitoring and fresh air control

12 Other Energy Conservation Opportunities
Free Cooling – air and water side Computer power management software Water conservation (W/S charges) Re/Retrocommissioning Process improvements (manufacturing)

13 Project History – Orleans County, NY
Energy Conservation Measures Implemented in 2013 New/Replacement Boilers Lamps Gas-fired Water Heaters Boiler Modifications Hot Water Piping/Distribution Piping/Steam Distribution Water Heater Replacement/Upgrade Pumps & Priming Systems Laundry Equipment Energy Management Systems Commissioning Equipment Scheduling Controls Insulation/Weather Proofing Low-flow Showers/Faucets Controls/Motion Sensors Lighting Retrofit Low-flow Toilets/Urinals Ballasts Water Conservation Exit Signs 6% Electrical Savings | 19.3% Natural Gas Savings 9.1% Water Savings | 14 year payback Looking for approval this month for a solar array that will offset remaining electrical use.

14 Renewing the Energy Vision (REV)
REV 2030 TARGETS 50% of all New York’s energy will be generated from renewable sources 23% reduction in energy consumption of buildings from 2012 levels 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels Clean Energy Standard’s gained PSC Approval Aug 2016

15 Call to action What are the steps I should take to accomplish sustainable goals when it comes to energy efficiency and solar? Identify your goals? (percentage reduction, net zero, budget neutral?) Look to partners for energy efficiency (Consultants, Engineering Firms, Utility Programs, NYSERDA, Contractors) Look to partners for solar (Developers, Contractors, Consultants, Engineering Firms) Open a line of communication between your Energy Efficiency and solar partners. Assess the feasibility of energy Efficiency and Solar. Implement your plans Market your success!!!

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