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Warm-up: List what you think some successes and failures of Reconstruction were during this time.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up: List what you think some successes and failures of Reconstruction were during this time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up: List what you think some successes and failures of Reconstruction were during this time.

2 The End of Reconstruction

3 Southern Economy Sharecropping and Tenant Farming for the freed slaves and poor whites Left many in a cycle of debt-using this year’s profits to pay last year’s bills South had to import much of its food Rebuilding railroads was one of greatest successes of Reconstruction Turned southern villages into towns and towns into cities Cities offered different job opportunities to the freed slaves Still at bottom: maids, butlers, servants and unskilled day labor Southern factories brought industry to the South Most of South’s postwar industrial growth came from cotton Southern legislatures poured money into rebuilding infrastructure Levied heavy taxes to pay for it Fraudulent loans and grants By 1877 people were growing tired of Reconstruction mostly because of the heavy taxes that were levied.

4 The South & The Supreme Court
Three major cases Slaughterhouse Cases 1873 United States vs. Reese United States vs. Cruikshank Narrowly interpreted the 14th & 15th Amendments Restricted the scope of 14th Amendment Limited the federal government’s ability to protect the civil and voting rights of African Americans

5 The Election of 1876 Democrats returned to power—the solid South
Blocked many federal policies and reversed reforms Rutherford B. Hayes-Republican Samuel Tilden-Democrat Hayes lost popular vote but electoral vote was disputed Louisiana, Florida, South Carolina still under Republican and federal control---so both parties claimed victory Congress commission (more R than D) declared Hayes victor but Demo. in Congress had enough power to reject decision

6 Compromise 1877 Deal struck between Democrats and Republicans over election of 1876 Democrats would give Hayes victory but New president had to remove remaining federal troops from the Southern states Support appropriations to build new levies along the Mississippi River Give huge subsidies (aid or grant from government) to southern railroads

7 Was Reconstruction a… success? failure?
The rebuilding of the South began. The U.S. was permanently united. Constitutional amendments aided a later civil rights movement. failure? African Americans lost many rights, including voting rights. De jure segregation became the law in all southern states. Racist attitudes continued in North & South 7


9 Activity: Write a 10 sentence paragraph discussing whether you think Reconstruction was a success or a failure and why. You must use examples to support your view.

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