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Welcome to Cadishead Primary School

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1 Welcome to Cadishead Primary School

2 Staff Miss McIntyre – Nursery teacher/FS team leader
Mrs Bentham, Mrs Gartside – job share Reception Teachers Mrs Fittis –full time Reception teacher Mrs Cross, Mrs Smith, Miss Schofield, and ?– Foundation Stage Teaching Assistants

3 Nursery Classes

4 Nursery Classes

5 Reception Classes Mrs Fittis Mrs Bentham/Mrs Gartside
Jake Blundell Dane Walker Evie Ennis Layla Thompson Oliver Woodward Georgia Chester Amelia-Rose Harrison Mehdi Houam

6 Nursery Induction Home visits from Monday 4th September- Friday 8th September- you will be given a letter about these on your next visit to school. Half days from Monday 11th –Friday 15th September ( / 1-3) Week beginning 18th September, the oldest (afternoon) children start at am and have lunch. The youngest (morning) children stay for lunch and go home at 1pm. They will all be full time the week beginning 25th September. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.

7 Reception Induction Home visits
You will be given a letter about these on your next visit. First day of school – Monday 4th September (8.40am-11.30am). Repeat Tuesday 5th. Wednesday 6th / Thursday 7th stay for lunch and go home at 1pm. From Friday 8th September onwards – a full day, 8.40am-3pm. Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.

8 Dates for your diary… Visit with your child on Monday 19th June – choose from 2 slots, 10am-11am, OR 1.30pm-2.30pm Visit with your child on Thursday 6th July -1.30pm-2.30pm

9 Communication We operate an open-door policy at the beginning and end of each day. Your child will bring home a home-school diary. Look out for letters and signs. Check out the school website and twitter account.

10 VIPs Once a term (3 times per year) your child will become a VIP for a week. They will be bringing home a camera for the weekend to take photos they would like to share back in class. On top of all the pre-planned activities (phonics, maths, circle, time, music, PE), and access to continuous provision both inside and out, they will spend this week learning about the things that particularly interest and motivate them. The teaching will be very personalised in order to identify their needs, and to move them forward in their learning. All of this will be recorded and shared with you the following week - so you will have 3 progress meetings with your child’s teacher over the year, as well as all the daily opportunities to check on how they are doing.

11 Practical Details Please ensure all uniform is labelled with child’s name, including shoes and PE kit Children need to have a coat/wellies in school. We play outside in all weathers. Nursery children won’t need a school bag- they will have one on their peg instead of a tray. All children have “accidents”, or simply get wet or messy playing at school. Can you please provide a set of spare clothes, which can stay in school.

12 Financial stuff We collect £1.00 snack money each Monday- please give to your child’s teacher/TA Lunch money is also collected each Monday – £10.00 per week. PLEASE NOTE, RECEPTION CHILDREN ARE ENTITLED TO FREE SCHOOL MEALS. Red reading bags are available from the school office – they cost £3.60 School lunches and trips can be paid for by using the app ‘SCHOOL GATEWAY’. You can register once your child starts school

13 Medical Matters Any sickness and/or diarrhoea, must be followed by 48 hours absence from the last ‘incident’. Any absence requires a note or telephone call explaining why. Any prescribed medicines (4 times/day), including inhalers, can only be administered by prior arrangement with the school office.

14 30 Hours Free Childcare From September 2017, there will be a 30 hour FREE childcare entitlement Eligibility criteria: Both parents are working (or the sole parent is working in a lone parent family) and each parent earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent to 16 hours at national living wage and less than £100,000 per year. Working will include self-employed persons. Parents do not necessarily need to actually work 16 hours a week, but rather their earnings must reflect at least 16 hours of work at the national living wage. This includes parents on zero hour’s contracts who meet the criteria. Both parents are employed but one or both parents is temporarily away from the workplace on parental, maternity, paternity leave , adoption leave , or statutory sick pay One parent is employed and one parent has substantial caring responsibilities based on specific benefits received for caring or One parent is employed and one parent is disabled or incapacitated based on receipt of specific benefits.

15 What you need to do today…
Complete the school admission form Please cross your name off the list to show you have attended Order uniform ( Introduce yourself to your child’s teacher/teaching assistants

16 Thanks for attending- we look forward to getting to know you and your child.

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