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The age of Reconstruction

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Presentation on theme: "The age of Reconstruction"— Presentation transcript:

1 The age of Reconstruction

2 Radical Republicans Demand civil rights for freedmen
Want to punish the South Occupy the South with Union soldiers

3 Life During Reconstruction

4 Carpetbaggers & Scalawags
Northerners who move south to make $$$ Scalawag – Southerner who supports the Union

5 The Freedmen’s Bureau helps former slaves with schools, getting jobs & housing

6 Elections African-Americans voted into office (Hiram Revels – 1st African American senator)

7 Sharecropping Many former slaves work plantations Similar to slavery

8 Black Codes Laws passed in the South to limit the rights of blacks

9 Former Generals Robert E. Lee urges Southerners to reconcile
Served as president of Washington College

10 Former Generals Ulysses S. Grant elected president
Advocates for rights of freed slaves 15th Amendment passes guaranteeing voting rights

11 The End of Reconstruction

12 Election of 1876 Republican Rutherford B. Hayes
Vs. Democrat Samuel Tilden

13 results Popular Vote Hayes Tilden 4,036, ,284,020 Tilden Vs. Hayes

14 results Tilden won 184 electoral votes Hayes won 165 electoral votes
20 electoral votes in dispute (Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina) Each party reported its candidate had won those states

15 A Corrupt Bargain Since Reconstruction, Union troops occupy South
Control election boards Fix the election so that Hayes wins

16 Compromise of 1877 Democrats agree not to dispute results
All troops pulled out of the South The Age of Reconstruction is over

17 The Jim Crow Era KKK takes power in Southern states
Segregation of races States find ways to deny rights to blacks

18 The Jim Crow Era

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