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Final 2016.

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1 Final 2016

2 Primary colors Red, Yellow, Blue Secondary colors Orange, Green, Violet Warm colors Red, Orange, Yellow Cool colors Green, Blue, Violet Complimentary colors Red and Green, Blue and Orange, Yellow and Violet Monochromatic Dark Blue, Blue, Light Blue Analogous Orange, Yellow, Green Hue A color Shade A color mixed with black Tint A color mixed with white Value The lightness or darkness of a color Overlapping Placing one object in front of another to create depth Scale The size of an object in relation to another object

3 Basic emotions Anger, Fear, Disgust, Joy, Sadness, Surprise Contour Line Drawing Drawing using outline of shapes and values Solid Wash Even application of watercolor paint Wet on Wet Mixing watercolor on the canvas while before it is dry. Watercolor Paint pigment suspended ins water. Pastel Powdered pigment and medium in a stick Paper Mache Paper and glue pressed together to make shapes Acrylic Paint Paint pigment suspended in polymer. Graphite Pencil Comes in a variety of hardness levels including 6b, 2b, H, 2H

4 1. Primary colors 2. Secondary colors 3. Warm colors 4. Cool colors 5. Complimentary colors 6. Monochromatic 7. Analogous 8. Hue 9. Shade 10. Tint 11. Value 12. Overlapping 13. Scale Red, Yellow, Blue Orange, Green, Violet Red, Orange, Yellow Green, Blue, Violet Red and Green, Blue and Orange, Yellow and Violet Dark Blue, Blue, Light Blue Orange, Yellow, Green A color A color mixed with black A color mixed with white The lightness or darkness of a color Placing one object in front of another to create depth The size of an object in relation to another object

5 basic emotions Contour Line Drawing Solid Wash Wet on Wet Watercolor
Pastel Paper Mache Acrylic Paint Graphite Pencil Story Elements Anger, Fear, Disgust, Joy, Sadness, Surprise Drawing using outline of shapes and values Even application of watercolor paint Mixing watercolor on the canvas while before it is dry. Paint pigment suspended ins water. Powdered pigment and medium in a stick Paper and glue pressed together to make shapes Paint pigment suspended in polymer. Comes in a variety of hardness levels including 6b, 2b, H, 2H Character, Setting, Plot and Theme

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