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John Sabraw By: Kyle Anthony Palma.

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Presentation on theme: "John Sabraw By: Kyle Anthony Palma."— Presentation transcript:

1 John Sabraw By: Kyle Anthony Palma

2 About the Artist His Vision:
Born in Lankenheath, England Also known as the “Toxic” artist Activist/environmentalist ~45 years old He is a Professor of Art and Chair of Painting + Drawing at Ohio University Board Advisor at Scribble Art Workshop in New York. His Vision: “ultimate goal is to create a sustainable pigment product that can be used for commercial purposes.” Complete Sustainability

3 About his Art “Toxic Art” Very Colorful Paintings (vibrant)
His pigments contain rust-colored iron oxide from Ohio coal mine runoff. His art acknowledges issues of environmental sustainability “Sabraw and his team collect polluted water from mine runoff, neutralize toxicity, extract iron oxide and combine it with acrylic or oil binder to form a range of yellow-, red- and brown-hued paints, which he then applies to aluminum or canvas.”

4 Making his Pigments Rain water seeps into these caverns and become contaminated with toxic levels of heavy metals and acidity. These waters then mix into rivers turning them red, yellow and orange. (the metals oxidize with water mixed with oxygen. They blend the slushy material with polymers and resin to make acrylic paint. The project pays for itself!!!

5 Summer Studio 2014

6 Arco Oil on Canvas

7 Bijagos 2013 Oil on Canvas

8 Chroma Si Oil on Canvas

9 Some Exhibitions/recent work
2015 Thomas McCormick Gallery  “New Work” Chicago, IL Museum of Contemporary Art, Honolulu, the Elmhurst Museum in Illinois, Emprise Bank, and Accenture Corp He has most recently been featured in Smithsonian, New Scientist, London, and the Discovery Channel.

10 References alumnilife/john-sabraw-toxic-artist.html staff/profiles.cfm?profile=AD8190E A E533 Sabraw/artworks/chroma-s1-12#info

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