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Year 5 Parent Curriculum Workshop

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1 Year 5 Parent Curriculum Workshop
Mr J. Lloyd & Miss R. Wallace

2 House keeping Please make sure mobile phones are switched off or on silent. In case of a fire…

3 Outcomes for this evening
To outline the new expectations of your child To explain the changes to assertive mentoring To explain how you can support your child at home Questions

4 New expectations All children will now be working on their age related curriculum. Meaning that regardless of their stage at the end of last year, they will be working on the year 5 statements in reading, writing and maths. There will still be support and challenge available for children who need it. A whole class approach to lessons

5 Maths Children are still going to be completing the maths weekly sheet for 5 minutes every day before they are marked on a Friday and children then peer teach each other. This will allow the children to be solving a range of maths problems as well as concentrating on one concept during their lessons.


7 The core areas of maths are:
Place Value Addition/Subtraction Multiplication/Division Fractions Measure Geometry Statistics

8 Place Value To be able to read, write, order & compare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and determine the value of each digit. Interpret negative numbers and count backwards and forwards through zero. Read roman numerals to 1000 (M) and recognise years written in roman numerals.

9 Adding/subtracting Children are expected to add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits using the column method. Add and subtract larger numbers (thousands) in their heads without working out.

10 Multiplication/Division
To identify multiples and factors To identify prime numbers Multiply 4 digit numbers by a 1 or 2 digit number Multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 Recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers

11 Fractions Compare and order fractions where the denominator are multiples of the same number Write equivalent fractions Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions Multiply proper fractions and improper fractions Round decimals to two decimal places

12 Measure Convert between different units of metric measurements (e.g km & m, cm & m, g & kg) Measure and calculate the perimeter of composite shapes Estimate volume and capacity Use all four operations to solve problems involving measure (e.g. length, mass, volume and money)

13 Geometry Identify 3D and 2D shapes
Estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles. Identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or translation.

14 Statistics Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph Complete, read and interpret information in tables, including timestables.

15 Times tables As a school, we are starting a new initiative ‘Olympic times tables’ There are bronze, silver, gold, championship and Olympic awards. Children will start on the bronze award and then work their way through the awards. For year 5, the expectation is that children are confident with all of their times tables with particular focus on 11 and 12. Children will be tested for the award at the end of each half term.

16 How will Maths be assessed?
This year, there are only 3 assessment weeks. The teacher will be keeping an on-going tracker of your child’s A,P and N in their books which will be sent home at the end of the half term if there hasn’t been an assessment week. During the assessment week, your child will complete 2 maths tests and then those scores will be averaged along with the teacher’s assessment from the books

17 How can you support your child at home?
To take home with you is a support pack which explains in detail what each maths statement is that your child will cover along with examples of questions. BBC Bitesize (KS2),, are all free internet resources where children can play exciting educational games.

18 Writing Children will be completing the weekly grammar hammer sheet for 5 minutes everyday before marking them on a Friday and then we go through the answers as a class. This will give the children opportunities to be exploring grammar in every lesson as well as the specific genres they will be learning about.


20 Spelling Spell some words with silent letters.
Distinguish between homophones and other words which are often confused. Use further suffixes and understand the guidelines for adding them.

21 Composition Plan their writing by: identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form. Draft and write by: using a range of devices to build cohesion within paragraph Evaluate and edit by: assessing the effectiveness of their own writing. Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.

22 Vocabulary, Punctuation and Grammar.
Use brackets to indicate parenthesis. Uses dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis. Use modal verbs or adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility. (should, would, can, could, may, and might)

23 How we Assess this. There will be three writing tests throughout the year. Teachers will APN the children’s work in every lesson. Each child’s assessment will be a combination of the writing tests and the teachers assessment.

24 How you can support your child at home.
You will each receive a stage card which explains all of the skills that the children will be using this year. You will also receive an assessment sheet which outlines the expectations for your child in year 5.

25 Reading There will continue to be a half an hour session of guided reading a day. Each group will have a different activity to do each day on a two week rota. This will mean that they will be able to engage with different skills everyday.

26 Reciprocal Reading Children will be predicting, summarising, looking up definitions and asking questions about a text they are reading in a group.

27 Word Level Work For this, the children will be looking at different types of words and what they mean in context to the text they are reading. Retrieve, record and present information from a text.

28 Comprehension Children will be discussing and finding information in a text. Identifying and discussing themes and conventions and explaining how they different or similar to other texts they have read.

29 How we Assess their work
Reading will be assessed by the Teachers during the guided reading sessions where we will APN every piece of work they complete. There will be one Reading Test during assessment week. Each child’s assessment will be based on a combination of their reading test and the teacher assessments throughout the year.

30 How you can help your child at home.
Listening to your child read. You will receive the required word lists for year 5 as well as the weekly spellings sheet which your child will need to learn for the spellings test on Friday.

31 Changes to assertive mentoring
Your child will be assessed as either Working towards the national expectation Working at the national expectation The expectation of ‘working at’ will increase over the year. For example, in maths: Testing point 1 – 8 marks will be working at Testing point 2 – 15 marks will be working at Testing point 3 – 24 marks will be working at

32 Changes to assertive mentoring
Those children who are working at a greater depth for their age will be challenged in lessons by applying skills they have learned to new contexts. Children who are working towards their age expectations will receive support prompts and resources in class. There are also interventions for our year group on Tuesday afternoon along with conferencing time on a Friday for one hour.

33 Homework For this half term, the expectations of your child is to read at least three times per week and for this to be recorded in their reading records. Practice their weekly spellings. Practice their times tables.

34 Homework From the next half term and moving forwards, homework will also include a list of 10 activities for children to complete as well as their spellings/times tables and reading. Activities can include: speaking about their day around the dinner table, visit the local park and play with family/friends or to spend time with their brother/sister completing an activity at home. From the 10 activities, children will need to only choose to complete 1 per week. Children can keep a scrap book for their work and there will also be opportunities in class to share their activities with the rest of the class.

35 Any questions?

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