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DBBT project meeting in Ljubljana, January 17-18,2017

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Presentation on theme: "DBBT project meeting in Ljubljana, January 17-18,2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 DBBT project meeting in Ljubljana, January 17-18,2017
WP3 and WP4 Working Package 3: Creation of new curriculum for academic master studies in DBBT Working Package 4: Creation of new curriculum for vocational master studies Miroslav Voznak VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, DBBT project meeting in Ljubljana, January 17-18,2017

2 Outcomes expected the content, duration and characteristics of courses teachers' competencies and learning outcomes of courses for studies in the field of DBBT. the book of curriculum for studies in the field of DBBT. All above introduced in September (project meeting in Madrid) Documents in WP3 and WP4 are prepared according to approved templates (negotiated in October 2016)

3 Status of WP3, WP4 – January 17, 2017 Higher Technical Professional School in Zvečan STATUS - delivered and approved Person informed: BOJAN PRLINCEVIC Univerzitet Singidunum Person informed: Marina MarjanoviŠ JakovljeviŠ

4 University in Kosovska Mitrovica, UPKM STATUS - delivered and approved Person informed: Mile Petrovic School Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science, Beograd Person informed: Slavica Marinkovic

5 Univerzitet U Bihaču STATUS - 3. 1, 4
Univerzitet U Bihaču STATUS - 3.1, 4.1 delivered and approved, missing 3.2 and 4.2 !!! The problem lies in approval of new courses by senate. Person informed: Alma OraŔeviŠ Quotation: Što se tiče teacher competence nismo u mogućnosti da pošaljemo taj obrazac. U skladu sa zakonom o visokom obrazovanju našeg kantona, konkurs za nove predmete se može raspisati tek nakon što naučno nastavno vijeće i senat usvoje predloženi nastavni plan i program i nakon što se raspiše konkurs za upis studenata. Nakon upisa zainteresiranih studenata, fakultet je dužan raspisati konkurs za pomentute predmete. Univerzitet U Banjoj Luci STATUS - delivered and approved Person informed: ikrcmar

6 Discussion and Questions Thank you for your attention

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