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Presentation on theme: "Aero3G PROPOSED GENERIC MASKS FOR DA2GC Objective:"— Presentation transcript:

Spurious and Out Of Band Emissions Mask – SE44(12)053 Ground Station EIRP Elevation Mask – SE44(12)050 Aircraft Station EIRP Elevation Mask – SE44(12)049 Objective: To create generic masks that : Protect victim systems Are technology neutral

2 Aero3G CONCEPT Comparison GO/NOGO System A Victim X Generic Masks
Victim Y Victim Z System A System B System C Comparison GO/NOGO Generic Masks

3 Aero3G Spurious and Out Of Band Emissions Mask

4 Aero3G On-board RLAN ECC Report 140 addresses international wide-bodied aircraft whereas domestic and continental aircraft are normally single aisle and carry far fewer passengers. Hence the required RLAN capacity would be reduced. Perhaps a LS could be sent to FM48 recommending that only the RLAN band 5150 – 5250 MHz be used for on-board C-band access points operating in European airspace.

5 Aero3G Proposed Emissions Specification - SE44(12) Info 002
Taking into consideration SE44(12)047rev1 and SE44(12)054 The average spurious emissions shall not exceed those specified in CEPT/ERC/Recommendation 74-01E Annex 1 Reference Number or the more stringent limits to protect radiolocation systems whichever is less: -36 dBm/100kHz ( 9 kHz ≤ f ≤ 1 GHz) -30 dBm/Mhz (1 GHz < f ≤ 26 GHz) In addition, the out of band emissions shall not exceed: -42 dBm/MHz (MHz (5.725 GHz ≤ f ≤ GHz) (see Note 1) Where: f = measurement frequency Note 1: This limit is applicable to the radiated signal from the DA2GC antenna. -50

6 Aero3G Ground Station EIRP Elevation Mask

7 Aero3G Option 3: Use GS network distribution to assign specific limits
Use satellite aggregate limit dBW/4kHz -31 dBW/4kHz based on BFWA regulation dBW/4kHz Option 2: Maximum mean EIRPGS = 10 * log (10^(EIRPAggregate/10)/N)+ 5 (1 ˃ θ° ˂ 20) Maximum mean EIRPGS = 10 * log (10^(EIRPAggregate/10)/N) (20 ≥ θ°) 1 degree to allow for antenna mechanical alignment error. Antenna height restriction -31 Option 3: Use GS network distribution to assign specific limits 1 90 Elevation angle (degrees)

8 Aero3G Option 3 uses a representative distribution of ground station.

9 Aero3G It considers the following elevation angle bands: 1˂ɵ≤10
10˂ɵ≤20 20˂ɵ≤40 40 ˂ɵ and the following distribution of ground stations within those bands, namely: 1˂ɵ≤10 6% 10˂ɵ≤20 21% 20˂ɵ≤40 64% 40 ˂ɵ 9% and a DA2GC network comprising 300 ground stations.

10 Aero3G dBW/4kHz -22.5 -27.5 -29 -31 -37 1 10 40 20 90 Elevation angle (degrees) Maximum mean EIRPGS = 10 * log (10^(EIRPAggregate/10)/N)+ 5 = 10 * log (10^(-14.5/10)/18)+ 5 = dBW/4kHz

11 Aero3G Option 3: Ground Station EIRP Elevation Mask dBW/4kHz -22.5
-27.5 -29 -31 -37 1 10 20 40 90 Elevation angle (degrees)

12 Ground Station EIRP Elevation Mask
Aero3G Ground Station EIRP Elevation Mask Option 2 - SE44(12)050 Elevation angles ≤ 1 degree The maximum mean EIRP spectral density of the DA2GC transmitter should not exceed -31 dBW/4kHz for the elevation angle θ where -5 ≤ θ° < 1° above the local horizontal plane (of the Earth). The DA2GC ground station must be sited such that the antenna phase centre height is always above that of neighbouring BFWA systems taking into account the curvature of the Earth. In those cases where there are no ground based victim systems, for example over water, the maximum mean EIRP should not exceed -14 dBW/4kHz. Elevation angles ˃1 degree For an elevation angle θ°: Maximum mean EIRPGS = 10 * log (10^(EIRPAggregate/10)/N)+ 5 (1 ˃ θ° ˂ 20) Maximum mean EIRPGS = 10 * log (10^(EIRPAggregate/10)/N) (20 ≥ θ°) Where: EIRPAggregate = Aggregate EIRP based on a Δt/t of 3% = dBW/4kHz (most sensitivity case) N = number of ground station co-channel antennas pointing at the victim satellite at the same instant.

13 Aero3G Ground Station EIRP Elevation Mask Option 3 - SE44(12)050
Elevation angles ≤ 1 degree Same as Option 1 or 2 (TBD). Elevation angles ˃1 degree Assuming the total number of GS is 300 Elevation Angle θ (Degrees) % Number of GS visible to Satellites Number of GS visible to Satellites Maximum mean EIRP (dBW/4kHz) Notes -5 ≤ θ ≤ 1 N/A -31 NOTE 1 1 ˂ θ ≤ 10 6 18 -22.5 NOTE 2 10 ˃ θ ≤ 20 21 63 -27.5 20 ˃ θ ≤ 40 64 192 -37 40 ˂ θ 9 27 -29 NOTE 1: The permitted EIRP is -14 dBW/4kHz where there are no ground based victim systems within the main beam, e.g. transmission over water NOTE 2: The permitted EIRP is -14 dBW/4kHz when no satellite is within the main beam of the GS.

14 Ground Station EIRP Elevation Mask
Aero3G Ground Station EIRP Elevation Mask Option 1 - SE44(12) Info 002 Maximum mean EIRPGS = -31 dBW/4 kHz (θ° ≤ ) (Note 1) Maximum mean EIRPNetwork = dBW/4 kHz (θ° ˃ ) Where: EIRPNetwork is the co-channel aggregate interference received by a satellite from the DA2GC network. Note 1: In those cases where there are no ground based victim systems, for example over water, the maximum mean EIRP should not exceed -14 dBW/4kHz. 2 2

15 Aero3G Aircraft Station EIRP Elevation Mask

16 Aero3G

17 Aero3G SECTOR B (ITS) – SE44(12)056

18 Aero3G SECTOR B (ITS) – SE44(12)056

19 Aero3G Proposed AS specifiction – SE44(12)049,SE44(12)Info 002
Sector A (Above aircraft) Maximum mean EIRPA/C Aggregate = dBW/4 kHz Sector B (Below aircraft) Maximum mean EIRPAS = -31 dBW/4kHz (Altitude < 1 Kms) Maximum mean EIRPAS = k + Altitude dBW/4kHz (Altitude >= 1 Kms) Where: k = 0 (Altitude >= 6 Kms) k = 3 (Altitude < 6 Kms)

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