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International credit mobility with partner countries Higher Education

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1 International credit mobility with partner countries Higher Education
Roula Kyrillou-Ioannidou Senior Officer 11 March 2016 Education and Culture

2 Contractual Arrangement
General Information Results 2016 Call Contractual Arrangement 2 2

3 Eligible countries for International Mobility
General Information Eligible countries for International Mobility Programme countries (by ICPs) and Partner countries (by NEOs) Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA- Western Balkans), European neighboring Instrument (ENI), Development cooperation instrument (DCI), Partnership instrument (PI- Industrialised countries), European Development Fund (African Caribbean and Pacific)} Mobility can be both incoming and outgoing and funding comes from EU budget for external cooperation (Heading 4) 3 3

4 All partner Country HEIs must have a PIC number
General Information During the implementation of International mobility activities the participating Institutions must be minimum one from programme country (ECHE) and one from an eligible partner country All Partner Country institutions must be HEIs (accredited by the relevant national accreditation body) and have signed inter-institutional agreements with their Programme Country partners before the mobility takes place As the HEIs in Partner Countries do not hold an ECHE, the inter-institutional agreements for international mobility have been adapted in order to include the principles of the Charter All partner Country HEIs must have a PIC number 4 4

5 by the on-line application form
General Information Only Institutions from programme countries are eligible to submit applications for International mobility (KA107) HEIs’ applicants should study the Call and all criteria carefully(General and Additional Eligibility, Exclusion, Selection, Secondary-if any- and Award) Be well informed about the priorities and the strategy of your Institution for development and cooperation with the partner countries Study the application form and prepare all the documents and information requested by the on-line application form 5 5

6 -students for studies: 3 to 12 months (no training in 2016)
General Information Mobility Duration: -students for studies: 3 to 12 months (no training in 2016) -staff mobility: 5 days to 2 months “days of travel extra” (also for teaching mobility 8 hours teaching per week) Funding rules for Cyprus: ( € for 2016) -outgoing student mobility: 650 € per month -incoming students: 800 € per month -outgoing staff mobility: 160 € per day until the 14th day and 70% of the amount from the 15th until the 60th day -incoming staff mobility: 140 € per day until the 14th day 6 6

7 General Information Rules
Outgoing mobility of short-cycle, first or second cycle to (DCI) Asia, Central Asia, Latin America, South Africa or African Caribbean and Pacific countries cannot be funded by the EU external cooperation budget. (funding can be used from H1) - for such exceptional cases check with your NA website. Therefore, outgoing mobility can be only for doctoral candidates or staff HEIs are free to apply for 100% staff or 100% student mobility or anything in between In the smaller EU countries, where mobility budgets are limited, check with your NAs, if specific limitations apply 7 7

8 General Information Rules
No restrictions on incoming/outgoing mobility in either the IPA, PI, (and from 2016 onwards) or ENI funding instruments Funds must be used in a geographical balance so HEIs are strongly encouraged to focus on low-income and less developed partner countries Beneficiary Institutions are required to report the activities in the Mobility Tool+ at least once a month 8 8

9 Cyprus NA Secondary Criteria
General Information Cyprus NA Secondary Criteria For budget envelopes under €, mobility only for teachers, for max. number of days 10 ( DCI Latin America, DCI Central Asia, DCI South Africa, EDF Africa, Caribbean and Pacific, PI USA Canada, PI Asia Industrialised, Australia, New Zealand) For budget envelopes between and € , mobility duration for students is up to 6 months and for the teachers 10 days (Russia) 9 9

10 -for travel costs and according to the distance (Distance
General Information Funding Rules: -for travel costs and according to the distance (Distance calculator) from 180 € until 1100 € per participant -for organisation support 350 € per participant for the first 100 participants and 200 € per participant for more than 100 participants -no fixed ratio between staff and student mobility numbers Useful documents for the application Programme Guide The Call The Application s 10 10

11 Budget constraints of the Erasmus+ DCI Asia:
General Information Budget constraints of the Erasmus+ DCI Asia: at lease 25% of the available budget should go to low- income countries and less developed (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar) No more than 30% of the available budget to India and China, combined DCI Latin America: At least 25% of the available budget to Lower middle income countries (Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Paraguay) No more than 35% of the available budget to Brazil and Mexico, combined 11 11

12 Call Launched : 6 October 2014 Deadline 2016: 2 February 2016
Duration of project: 16 or 24 months Available budget 2016: € NAs wishing to maximise budget utilisation can open a second call in 2016 for International mobility- Deadline in Autumn Unspent budget will go towards the general Erasmus+ budget for 2017 Call for International mobility From June 2016/2017, HEIs should be able to organise their first international mobility flows 12 12

13 Results 2016 Call

14 Results 2016 Call

15 Results 2016 Call

16 Results 2016 Call

17 Results 2016 Call

18 Results 2016 Call

19 Results 2016 Call

20 Results 2016 call

21 Results 2016 Call

22 Results 2016 Call

23 Results 2016 Call

24 Results 2016 Call

25 Contractual Arrangements
Mono/multi-beneficiary grant agreement: Core grant agreement between NA and beneficiary HEI Annex I Description of the project (static template) Annex II Estimated budget (static template) Annex III Financial and contractual rules Annex IV Templates for documents to be used between beneficiary and participants Mobility activities should take place as approved by NA It is possible to transfer from OS to mobility Possibility for few amendments after approval by NA 25 25

26 Contractual Arrangements
Grant Agreements with participants: -signed between Programme Country HEI and participant -no student traineeships or invited staff from enterprises Different templates than KA103 Learning Agreement/Mobility Agreement -signed between Programme Country HEI, Partner Country HEI and participant Same templates as KA103 26 26

27 Contractual Arrangements
Main differences with intra-EU mobility (KA103) Zero-grant only possible for: -whole duration of mobility -extension of the mobility period No additional financial support to students with disadvantaged background Possibility to include other financial support than Erasmus+ EU funds 27 27

28 Contractual Arrangements
4. Pre-financing payment of 50%, 70% or 100% (KA103 only 70% or 100%) Submission of participant report (students: 30 days before the end of the mobility; staff: after the end of the mobility) 6. No Online Linguistic Support (OLS) 28 28

29 Contractual Arrangements
Financial Support (Art.3) Possibility to use unit costs and/or direct provision of services Students: -individual support: unit cost -travel support: unit cost or provision of services Staff: -individual support: unit cost or provision of services Always report unit costs in MT+ 29 29

30 Contractual Arrangements
Payment Arrangements (Art. 4) - Students Pre-financing payment no later than (whichever comes first): -30 calendar days after signature of the agreement -start date of mobility period (optional: or upon receipt of confirmation of arrival by beneficiary) Possibility of 1-3 installments: If 100% only 1 installment If 70% 2 installments( 70 and 30) If 50% 3 installments (50, 30 and 20) Payment of the remaining balance within 15 calendar days upon submission of online EU survey 30 30

31 International Credit Mobility 2016
Question to HEI Erasmus+ Officers: How do you intend to organise the selection of participants and the signature of contractual agreement for ICM? Any reactions for the KA107 e-form (Application form)? Reactions/Comments on KA107? 31 31

32 A Good KA107 Application F1.1 Relevance of the Strategy
Find the common ground between the two countries for policy and strategy in education, HE reforms (web sides, direct contact with the partner HEIs, embassies) If there is already cooperation, then specific information about the departments to be involved, faculties, fields etc. What are the expected mutual results Reference to each mobility type and some information about/behind the activities selected must be made Separate reference for each partner HEI in paragraph sequence must be given for both universities 32 32

33 F1.2 Quality of the cooperation arrangements
Why you selected this country as a partner What is the profile and capacity of the HEIs selected for cooperation How do you see the roles of both partners in the implementation and also the responsibilities (selection, LAs, preparation, reporting, mobility tool+ etc.) F1.3 Quality of project design and implementation Describe the activities before, during and after the mobility and the procedures and documents to be used 33 33

34 F1.4 Impact and dissemination
Describe the kind of activities for dissemination Explain the expected results and how to use them Write about surveys/reports/publications at institutional level, regional, national level Refer to publicity and the means to be used For a good application you need the cooperation of the stakeholders (university teaching and managerial staff) in the applicant and all partner universities You must prepare and organise mobility activities before the application stage 34 34

35 Thank you for your attention
35 35

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