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School Emergency Response Drills

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1 School Emergency Response Drills
Jessica L. Covington Risk/Safety Manager Scott Gillies Transportation Coordinator Al Lankford Security Operations Coordinator September 15, 2016

2 The Alabama State Department of Education Requires Schools to Perform Monthly Safety Drills during any Month that Students Occupy the Building There are specific requirements for certain drills to be performed at specific times during the school year. Intruder Drills – 1 drill is required per semester during the first 6 weeks of each semester. Severe Weather Drills – 1 drill is required between September and November; 1 drill is required between January and March. Fire Drills – Fire drills are required monthly unless a separate safety drill (e.g., severe weather or intruder) is conducted during the same month.

3 The Risk/Safety Manager Uses ALSDE Guidelines to Design a Required Monthly Drill Schedule for the School Safety Coordinators School administration coordinates a date and time to conduct monthly drill. August – Intruder (ALICE) Drill September – Fire Evacuation Drill October – Severe Weather Drill November – Intruder (ALICE) Drill December – Hazardous Material Incident Evacuation Drill January – Intruder (ALICE) Drill February – Severe Weather Drill March – Fire Evacuation Drill April – Severe Weather Drill May – Bomb Threat Evacuation Drill June (summer school facilities only) – Fire Evacuation Drill July – Annual Emergency Response Exercise (ERE)

4 ALICE is NOT a linear, progressive response.
Huntsville City Schools Has Chosen the A.L.I.C.E. Framework as a District Standard for Intruder Response Alert, notify authorities and those in harm’s way of the danger at hand. Lockdown, or shelter in place. Inform, give real-time updates. Counter, defend yourself against the attacker as a last resort. Evacuate, or get out!! ALICE is NOT a linear, progressive response.

5 The Risk/Safety Manager Works with School Safety Coordinators to Design Intruder Drills Appropriate for the Facility and the Campus The Risk/Safety Manager provides school safety coordinators with a selection of scenarios. School safety coordinators will consider multiple factors when designing an intruder drill. Size of campus Adjacent buildings and land Building characteristics SRO and CSO integration Number and location of rally points

6 Intruder Drills Include Rehearsal of Lockdown Procedures
There are two types of lockdowns. Soft Lockdown: Threat is in surrounding area. All outside functions are brought inside. All students in detached facilities will remain in those facilities until notified otherwise. School activities go on as usual within the building; however, there shall not be any student or staff leaving the building. Hard Lockdown: Pertains if threat is strictly outside the building and/or possibly on campus. All outside functions are brought inside and/or stay in detached facilities. Follow lockdown steps of ALICE response. Stay in position until notified otherwise. No visitor access. If threat enters the building, follow ALICE response procedures based on information received from threat.

7 Severe Weather Drills and Refuge Areas Vary at each Campus
Severe weather refuge areas are selected based on FEMA refuge recommendations. Lowest building level feasible. Small interior rooms on the lowest level away from corners, windows, doors, and outside walls. Put as many walls between refuge area and the outside. Schools built after 2015 have built in Tornado Shelters that comply with ICC 500 Standard for the Design and construction of Storm Shelters in schools housing kindergarten through high school. The shelters are sized to accommodate the occupant load of the building. All other school campus have refuge areas selected throughout the building. These are reviewed annually by the school safety committee and Risk Manager.

8 School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drills are Conducted Semi-annually
Every bus driver conducts an emergency evacuation drill in September and January of each school year. All emergency evacuation drills are performed on the school campus and are monitored by school administration. Bus emergency evacuation drills rehearse exits used, driver responsibilities, appropriate evacuation area, and student accountability. During emergency evacuation drills, assigned student helpers learn the following: How to set the emergency brake How to turn off the ignition switch How to summon help How to open and close doors How to account for all students How to use radio to contact school administration How to set out reflectors How to help other students off the bus


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