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& Secondary School Direct

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2 & Secondary School Direct 2017-2018
Secondary PGCE & Secondary School Direct Programme Area Lead: Postgraduate ITE Kate Brimacombe Director of Teacher Education: Gill Golder

3 Ofsted 2014 ‘Her Majesty’s Inspectors celebrated the high expectations of the partnership, and applauded the strong relationships between the University, Teaching Alliances, Co-operative Trusts and Church Schools in tackling a rapidly changing educational landscape.’ ‘The University of St Mark & St John Teacher Education Partnership is on the leading edge of educational developments and I am immensely proud of everyone who has contributed to being in this strong position.’ (VC 2014) Highlight key points – focus on partnership strengths

4 One year programmes for 2017-2018
PGCE Secondary with QTS (taught) PGCE Secondary with QTS (School Direct – school based) English, Drama, Media Studies, RE, PE, MFL, Psychology, Biology, Computer Science, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Art and Design

5 PGCE Secondary Well established and respected programme
Close collaboration between University and partnership schools High quality Masters level teaching Range of school placements Wide range of subjects covered Experienced tutors and mentors

6 Structure of the PGCE Four Modules
Applied Professional Practice/School Placement Curriculum Provision/ Applied Subject Studies Launching Developing General Professional Studies Transition Reflection and Analysis Learning & Teaching Application and Experience Fusion of theory and practice Building Foundations Awareness Raising

7 Programme elements Professional Studies Curriculum Studies
Teaching Placements 27 weeks in school Contrasting placements Academic assignments

8 University elements Workshops Lectures Seminars Tutorials Self-study

9 School-based elements
Paired and individual placements Structured build up to develop competency Trained mentors Opportunities for experiences in London and SEN schools Contrasting placements – key stage and location/type of school

10 Highly sought after employable teachers
‘Beyond having very positive attitudes and commitment to teaching, they show a passion for their subject, and want students to do well and enjoy their work.’(Ofsted 2014) ‘The enhancement part of the training programme is particularly important in helping trainees to find teaching posts, is highly valued and supported by schools, and contributes to the 100% employment rate.’ (Ofsted 2014)

11 School Direct Create more school-led training programmes
Allow schools to recruit and train trainees in the subjects and phases where employment need is the greatest Let schools choose which accredited provider they wish to work with, and give schools greater control over funding Two different models to attract a range of high quality applicants into teaching

12 Secondary School Direct Partnerships
Building on strong foundations from our previous partnerships with other routes and now with SD partners Who we work with Who is in the room with you Range of partnerships Secondary Primary QTS only PGCE routes Some are new some we have worked with before – all strong partnerships and we are confident that they are successful partnerships

13 School Direct – what makes it different?
School-led and initiated programmes Expectation of employment PGCE or QTS only – different options More localised training Individual or groups of schools, federations or Teaching School Alliances

14 Two School Direct routes into teaching
School Direct training programme School Direct training programme (salaried)

15 School Direct PGCE Secondary
PGCE with QTS – 60 credits at Level 7 High quality Masters level teaching here on campus (approx days throughout the year) Focus on professional studies 4 assignments throughout the year – tutor support Subject Knowledge training events

16 School Direct Partners 2017-2018
Devon and Cornwall Cooperative Alliance (DACCA) Computing, PE, MFL, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, English Plymouth Teaching School Alliance (PTSA) English, Biology, PE, MFL Priory Community School Computing, Physics, Mathematics Stoke Damerel Community College Physics, Mathematics, Geography, English, Art & Design

17 Entry requirements Degree - Minimum of 2:2 (or equivalent)
GCSE ‘C’ or above for English and Mathematics. A minimum of 15 days experience in last 3 years, 5 of which must be in a primary/secondary classroom Professional skills tests – English and maths (by 30th June 2017)

18 Applying and Interviews
Shortlisting is carried out in partnership School Direct: If successful you will be called for interview at one of the schools in the alliance/trust you have applied for. These interviews are also carried out in partnership with us PGCE: If successful you will be called for interview at the University. These interviews are also carried out in partnership with schools we use

19 Applying through UCAS In Apply 1, you can make up to three choices.
In Apply 1, you can make up to three choices. Competition for places can be strong, so think about how’s best to use your choices You don’t have to use all three, but if you do, you have to make them at the same time – you can’t add them at a later date There’s no restriction to your three choices – you can choose from any route, subject or age group, in any combination

20 Important Dates… Search opens (2017 entry) -11 October 2016
Apply opens (2017 entry) -18 October 2016 Apply 2 opens - not yet confirmed

21 Interview Pre reading Literacy Test (and some School Direct partners will have a maths test) Teaching activity Group discussion or activity Formal interview

22 Finance Funding for postgraduate teacher training is available for eligible graduates on postgraduate routes including the non-salaried School Direct programme. Visit:

23 Finance Open to all UK graduates
Funded by tuition fees paid by the trainee £9000 Trainee may receive a bursary from the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)

24 What to do now? Look at all the options available – PGCE, QTS and consider what route you prefer Ensure you have all relevant qualifications (degree 2:2 or above, English, maths (and science for primary) GCSEs Gain relevant experience in schools Practise for professional skills tests – DfE website Review subject knowledge

25 Where to go for help DfE Teaching Line on freephone: Programme Area Lead: Postgraduate ITE Kate Brimacombe

26 Subject Knowledge Enhancement -TBC
MFL SKE 2 week immersion stay in France/Spain face-to-face Fully Interactive Covers GCSE, AS and A2 standard Highly experienced and Nationally renown course tutors 12 week, intensive, full-time course running from June August 2017. Open to anyone who has secured a place on a MFL Teacher Training Course for the academic year 2017–18.

27 Stay in touch Web: Twitter: ‪#ChooseMarjon Facebook: MarjonUni Instagram: marjonplymouth

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