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Expected results and impacts:

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1 Expected results and impacts:
SUITS SUITS Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems: transferable tools for Local Authorities Objective: To support the growth of urban integrated transport system Focus/topics: Addressing capacity gaps in LAs knowledge and work practices in relation to sustainable transport Integrating urban planning of freight and passengers Exploiting and humanising latest transport technology Maximising effectiveness and sustainability of transport measures Expected results and impacts: Transformation of transport planning departments in small and medium cities into change agents. Through development of . a validated capacity building program for transport departments, Resource-light learning assets (modules, e-learning material, webinars and workshops), decision support tools to assist in procurement, innovative financing, engagement of new business partners and handling of open, real time and legacy data. Suits is a 4 year project, led by Coventry University in the UK. Its aim is to support the development of sustainable urban transoport schemes, especially in small to medium sized authority, SUITS recognises that ta lot of material has been developed to support local authorities in their move towards SUMPs- and indeed SUITS will be developing more decision support for innovate financing, procurement ant the use of open data, However, we believe that this in itself is not eough, without the development of softer skills and the motivation and ability of individuals and organisations to lead, champion and sustain innovative transport schemes. A 4 year project enables us to understand the context and ways of working of cities, codesign training and innovation, implement changes in authorities and also look at the effects of this in terms of the development of SUMPS. Coordinator: Coventry University Total costs: 4,111M€ EC contribution: 4,111M€ Start date: 1/11/2016 Duration: 48 months

2 Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems:
SUITS Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems: transferable tools for Local Authorities AIM to increase the capacity of S-M local authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognize the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight Coordinator: Coventry University Total costs: 4,111M€ EC contribution: 4,111M€ Start date: 1/11/2016 Duration: 48 months Evolution Follow on from FP7, METPEX project, looking at passenger experience of end to end multimodal journeys

3 Consortium SUITS UK: Coventry University, Coventry, Arcadis
Italy: Politecnico di Torino, Torino, 5T, RSM, Eurokleis Ireland: Interactions Greece: Lever, Sboing, Makios Kalamaria Spain: ITENE, INNDea Romania: Alba Iulia, Integral Consulting Portugal: VTM Hungary: Logdrill Germany: Wuppertal Institute, Technische Universistat Ilmenau (Erfurt & Stuttgart) Lithuania: Smartcontinent (Klaipeda) Belgium: SIGNOSIS The SUITS consortium is made up of 23 partners in 11 countries. Academic partners are Coventry University,Politechnico di Milano and TUIL; transport research institutes and consultants –VTM, ITENE, Integral consulting, Interactions, Wuppertal Institute, Signosis,Lever, Arcadis. City partners include Coventry (UK), Valencia (Spain), Rome and Turin (Italy), Kalamaria (Greece), Alba Ulia (Romania) and associate cites –Stuttgart and Erfurt (Germany) and Klapeda (Lithuania). The consortium will use its extensive expertise in sustainable transport design, commissioning, financing, implementation and evaluation to develop reources for cities newer to SUMPs

4 Methods and domains of interest
Adopt a sociotechnical approach to address capacity shortfalls in the 6 areas, to normalize sustainable mobility in policy making and transport planning, thereby contributing to improved quality of urban life Innovative financing Evidence & argument Mobility intelligence Freight and citizen data gathering Procurement Safety and Security To increase the capacity of S-M local authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognize the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight especially in the 6 areas outlined

5 Proposed S-M city tools and methods will support
1. Cultural and behaviour change at individual, organizational and institutional levels 2. Collection and use of real-time, open source and legacy data to inform urban mobility plans; 3. Ability to address requirements of vulnerable and hard to reach groups and those not using sustainable modes of transport and resisting change 4.The integration of freight and passenger information and measures 5. Increasing appreciation of wider benefits of sustainable transport to citizens and cities (e.g. in terms of public health and infrastructure investment) by all stakeholders in the transport ecosystems 6. Sustainable and innovative financing for new transport measures 7. Compliance with new procurement directives 8. Development of appropriate evaluation methods and tools for sustainable transport and mobility needs To increase the capacity of S-M local authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognize the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight especially in the 6 areas outlined

6 Examples of key differentiators : Developing a learning culture
To increase the capacity of S-M local authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognize the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight especially in the 6 areas outlined

7 Examples of key differentiators : Data usage
TYPES of DATA and related PROCESSES TURIN RSM KALAMARIA VALENCIA MAKIOS LEVER LOGDRILL SBOING 3rd Parties Passenger data Freight data Citizen Mobility data Urban Traffic data Real-time data Historical (archived) data Crowdsourced data Open data Proprietary data Artificially generated data / metadata Data collection and storage Data manipulation and management To increase the capacity of S-M local authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognize the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight especially in the 6 areas outlined

8 Proposed outputs SUITS will work collaboratively to maximize reach and dissemination to S-M cities to improve the quality, funding and uptake of urban mobility plans by: 1. Creating a transferable capacity building system enabling local authorities to develop their own knowledge, skills and competencies at individual, organisational and institutional level; 2. Through the validation of this ensuring that SUMPs and local measures delivered during the project are inclusive and deliver against sustainability, quality of life and value for money metrics; 3. Providing generic tools to assist generation and understanding og open and real time data to improve decision making, implementation and monitoring; 4. Providing a decision support system to guide councils with new funding models; 5. Providing a means of integrating and analysing urban and passenger freight data. To increase the capacity of S-M local authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognize the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight especially in the 6 areas outlined

9 Workflow summary and WPs
Year 1 Understanding sustainable transport planning and financing in each city and the barriers and enablers to organisational change in S-M cities Year 2 Capacity building measures developed and implemented Years 3 & 4 Testing materials & processes with planned sustainable transport measures WP10:Ethics requirements (Cov Uni) Year 1 focuses on understanding sustainable transport planning and financing in each city and the barriers and enablers to organisational change in S-M cities. In Year 2 capacity building measures will be developed and implemented. In Years 3 and 4 these will be tested in conjunction with planned sustainable transport measures

10 All information provided by partners Grant negotiation concluded
Progress since Poland All information provided by partners Grant negotiation concluded Start date Dec 1st KO meeting Berlin, 15th and 16th December Information exchange started Co-operation wrt communication and dissemination WPs To increase the capacity of S-M local authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognize the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight especially in the 6 areas outlined

11 Implementation Evaluation
Cycle 1: Valencia, Rome, Coventry, Alba Iulia, Torino, Kalamaria Cycle 2: Klaipeida, Erfurt, Stuttgart Cycle 3: Extend to other interested S-M cities Evaluation Improvements to transport ecosystem Individuals and organisations able to work in new transport landscape Increase in context specific, sustainable and well finances transport measures For this we will work on a 4 year cycle of understading LA’s, developing capacity changes measures, implementing them an then evaluating their effectiveness – not only in terms of transport development, but in terms of organisational and indiviudal growth.

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