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Transforming big data into experiences that drive behavior changes

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1 Transforming big data into experiences that drive behavior changes
Presented by Erica Stanley & Erich Lee

2 Who we are Erica Stanley Software Engineer, Tech & Social Entrepreneur
Interested in the intersection of emerging technologies & social science You can find me at: @ericastanley

3 Who we are Erich Lee I.T. Manager, Tech & Social Entrepreneur
Gamification, Consumer Psychology, Human Behavior You can find me at: @YourConnectwork

4 Data is Changing the World Human Behavior + Motivation
Agenda Data is Changing the World Data is a huge resource that is growing and changing how we interact with technology and each other. Human Behavior + Motivation If we want to drive user behavior, we have to understand our users’ motivations and how to tap into them. So Gamification? How Gamification is and isn’t the answer. What’s Missing? How can we increase engagement continually over time? Bringing it Together: Data-informed + Human-Centered Techniques to use data to drive human centered experiences Use Cases Examination of examples where this is working in the wild

5 Data is Changing the World Human Behavior + Motivation
Agenda Data is Changing the World Data is a huge resource that is growing and changing how we interact with technology and each other. Human Behavior + Motivation If we want to drive user behavior, we have to understand our users’ motivations and how to tap into them. So Gamification? Why Gamification is and isn’t the answer. What’s Missing? How can we increase engagement continually over time? Bringing it Together: Data-informed + Human-Centered Techniques to use data to drive human centered experiences Use Cases Examination of examples where this is working in the wild

6 Data is Changing the World Human Behavior + Motivation
Agenda Data is Changing the World Data is a huge resource that is growing and changing how we interact with technology and each other. Human Behavior + Motivation If we want to drive user behavior, we have to understand our users’ motivations and how to tap into them. So Gamification? Why Gamification is and isn’t the answer. What’s Missing? How can we increase engagement continually over time? Bringing it Together: Data-informed + Human-Centered Techniques to use data to drive human centered experiences Use Cases Examination of examples where this is working in the wild

7 Data is Changing the World Human Behavior + Motivation
Agenda Data is Changing the World Data is a huge resource that is growing and changing how we interact with technology and each other. Human Behavior + Motivation If we want to drive user behavior, we have to understand our users’ motivations and how to tap into them. So Gamification? Why Gamification is and isn’t the answer. What’s Missing? How can we increase engagement continually over time? Bringing it Together: Data-informed + Human-Centered Techniques to use data to drive human centered experiences Use Cases Examination of examples where this is working in the wild

8 Data is Changing the World Human Behavior + Motivation
Agenda Data is Changing the World Data is a huge resource that is growing and changing how we interact with technology and each other. Human Behavior + Motivation If we want to drive user behavior, we have to understand our users’ motivations and how to tap into them. So Gamification? Why Gamification is and isn’t the answer. What’s Missing? How can we increase engagement continually over time? Bringing it Together: Data-informed + Human-Centered Techniques to use data to drive human centered experiences Use Cases Examination of examples where this is working in the wild

9 Data is Changing the World Human Behavior + Motivation
Agenda Data is Changing the World Data is a huge resource that is growing and changing how we interact with technology and each other. Human Behavior + Motivation If we want to drive user behavior, we have to understand our users’ motivations and how to tap into them. So Gamification? Why Gamification is and isn’t the answer. What’s Missing? How can we increase engagement continually over time? Bringing it Together: Data-informed + Human-Centered Techniques to use data to drive human centered experiences Use Cases Examination of examples where this is working in the wild

10 1.1 Data is YUGE… #OSCON #dataInformed #experiences


12 Amount of Data Being Stored Around the World (2013)
6,450 Petabytes Or 6.5 Exabytes Amount of Data Being Stored Around the World (2013)

13 1 Petabyte 2 Petabytes 20 Petabytes 200 Petabytes
5 years of NASA’s Earth Observing System Data 2 Petabytes All US academic research libraries 20 Petabytes Total production of hard-drives in 1995 200 Petabytes All printed material or production of digital magnetic tape in 1995

14 All words ever spoken by human beings
5 Exabytes All words ever spoken by human beings

15 1.2 Data is huge… and only getting bigger
New data sources feeding this exponential increase #OSCON #dataInformed #experiences




19 How can we use this huge amount of data to improve people’s lives?
1.2 Data matters How can we use this huge amount of data to improve people’s lives? #OSCON #dataInformed #experiences


21 1.3 Data isn’t enough to tap into social triggers
Data requires a human connection to Influence user behavior #OSCON #dataInformed #experiences

22 What is motivation? The process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors

23 Attitude? Settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior.

24 Where would you like to go?
Attitude Push vs. Pull

25 Intrinsic vs Extrinsic
Types of Motivation Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Desire to perform a specific task, because Its results are in accordance with his belief system or fulfills a desire It results are rewarded

26 Fundamentals of Motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  Clayton ERG Diagram Self- Actualization higher-order goal attainment Self-esteem Needs sense of achievement, respect from others Social Needs friendship, family, relationships, sense of belonging Safety Needs sense of security of body, resources, health Basic Physiological Needs breathing, food, water, air

27 How does Gamification fit in?
Tapping into human motivation with game mechanics

28 Intersection of Attitude, Motivation, and Fun
Why Gamification? Intersection of Attitude, Motivation, and Fun Intersection of Attitude, Motivation, and Fun

29 Gamification Fundamentals

30 Gamification Psychology
Meaning, Empowerment, Accomplishment Ownership, Social Influence Scarcity, Avoidance, Unpredictability ERG Diagram

31 Gamification Works Best With Extrinsic Motivation
Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning

32 Classical and Operant is Attitude and Motivation

33 Nailed It.



36 Reasons for starting a game
Ongoing updates and extensions to add new content Graphics/ Visualizations/ UI A variety of game play techniques Exploratory capabilities

37 Reason for playing a game long-term
Updated content Storylines Characterization New Abilities/ Level Ups Quests/ Missions/ Tasks Customization Especially for younger audiences Discovery/ Ability to Explore

38 Gamification creates even more opportunities to gather data, through increased engagement and interaction.

39 Gamification and Data Use new data to add content and interaction through Data-informed design techniques Use user data to continually engage the user as a character/ persona in an ongoing story through Data Storytelling Use data to create compelling visualizations to support your story

40 Data-informed Design Process
Frame the question. Start with data on hand. Add social listening. Consider a Deep Dive study. A/B Test Alternatives Track. Conclude with more questions.

41 Why Storytelling? We want to... How do stories do that…
Connect with our audience We want our audience to care We want to our audience to be invested How do stories do that… Facts engage the part of the brain that decode words into meaning Stories help us to relate to events to personal experience Stories are more persuasive than facts

42 Storytelling & Identity
Attitude and Motivation Star Wars vs Star Trek Team Cap vs. Team Iron Man

43 Techniques for using Data and Storytelling with Gamification

44 Techniques for using Big Data & Storytelling with Gamification
Start with a question Simplify results Incorporate Storytelling in the instructions, navigation and stage level ups for the app or game Create a persona for the user from user data and incorporate into the larger story Customize new content to persona Incorporate new data into design thinking techniques (i.e. design sprints)to add interaction features relevant to persona

45 Examples of Big Data, Storytelling with Gamification in the Wild

46 Pain Squad

47 Pain Squad

48 Cancer Research UK + Citizen Science

49 Cancer Research UK + Citizen Science
Lots of Data to analyze Not a lot of scientist to analyze it Human eye is necessary to reduce error Crowdsource analysis by using citizen scientist across the globe Harness the collective force of the public to significantly accelerate accurate analysis of scientific data and help bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.

50 Cancer Research UK + Citizen Science: Products

51 Cancer Research UK + Citizen Science: Products

52 Cancer Research UK + Citizen Science: Products

53 How about some examples
Take out your keys

54 Practical Example: Smoking Cost To the US Economy
Total Cost: $300 billion each year Nearly $170 billion for direct medical care for adults. More than $156 billion in lost productivity,

55 Gamification of Testing

56 1. Big Data gives us the insights
Conclusion 1. Big Data gives us the insights 2. Create or change the attitude of the target 3. Use Gamification to motivate behavior 4. Storytelling for identity and meaning and connection It’s the Comcast Triple Play (Cable, Phone, Internet) This is how we change behavior

57 Data-Informed Product Design by Pamela Pavliscak
Sources Data-Informed Product Design by Pamela Pavliscak Actionable Gamification: Beyond Points, Badges, and Leaderboards by Yu-kai Chou

58 Thanks! Any questions? You can find us at: @ericastanley and

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