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Implementing SEND legislation in FE;

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing SEND legislation in FE;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing SEND legislation in FE;
key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England Joe Baldwin

2 Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England
Joe Baldwin

3 Perspectives: solution focused or problem presenter?
Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England Joe Baldwin

4 Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England
Joe Baldwin

5 Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England
Joe Baldwin

6 Things to consider Named lead
College-wide approach – everyone's responsibility Training - don’t take your specialist knowledge for granted, it’s not natural to everyone! Skills audits Partnerships working (internally and externally) Self-service and transparency of information Parent/Carer Forums Learner voice – person-centred practices Transition events / informal coffee mornings (at school and/or college) Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England Joe Baldwin

7 Things to Consider One Page Profiles Environments Resources
How might RARPA be used to support skills acquisition and development? Curriculum mapping (links with school) Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England Joe Baldwin

8 Self-Audit Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England Joe Baldwin

9 Pledge Postcard Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England Joe Baldwin

10 Useful Resources Preparing for Adulthood
Factsheets, videos and toolkits on everything from transition to supported internships Helen Sanderson Associates Person-centred thinking tools and personalisation Council for Disabled Children Training, resources and e-bulletin SEND Pathfinder Information packs, case studies, resources and learning from the reforms in England Implementing SEND legislation in FE; key learning points for ALNFE Wales from experiences in England Joe Baldwin

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