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SmartPTT Migration process

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1 SmartPTT Migration process
Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Anton, and I will lead today’s webinar about usage of SmartPTT software for migration from one radio system technology to another. You can ask any questions you have on questions tab. I will answer all the questions after the webinar. If you have a microphone, you have an option to raise your hand with a special button and I will enable your microphone. You will be able to ask your question verbally on-line, and I will answer it.

2 SmartPTT – Integrated MOTOTRBO™ Solution
Standard features Radio dispatch GPS tracking Event and voice logging Data transmission and storage Here is a short description what is SmartPTT software. SmartPTT is highly customizable application and comes in several variants, that provides different set of functionalities for different systems. Interface with radio system can be done via control stations or via IP connection to MOTOTRBO repeaters. Dispatcher software gives opportunity to control and log the flow of data and voice in radio network, request location of subscribers, and monitor the state of repeaters. Also SmartPTT gives a set of software tools, such as Web Client and FileTransfer software, which increase radionetwork usability and functionality. SmartPTT has functionality that allows it to connect to PBX and give subscribers the ability to use PBX interconnection from radio network as well. Optional features Monitoring Telephone interconnect IP repeater connection Web client Radio network bridging service Simulcast support

3 Contents Supported analog systems Migration checklist
Systems supported for migration Migration process Migration example NOTICE: This webinar covers the typical functionality of SmartPTT application. Some of the specific functionality mentioned in the webinar could not be available in all regions. Please contact our sales team at to identify functionality available for you. Any timeframes mentioned are just best indication and could be changed without notice. The contents of the webinar are listed here: We will have a short overview of analog systems supported by SmartPTT. Then we will proceed with a description of common migration plan. I will tell about what systems can be bridged within SmartPTT software, and will describe a migration process, giving examples. This webinar covers the typical functionality of SmartPTT application. Some of the specific functionality mentioned in the webinar could not be available in all regions. Please contact our sales team at to identify functionality available for you. Any timeframes mentioned are just best indication and could be changed without notice.

4 Supported analog systems
Simple analog without additional signaling MDC 1200 Select 5 (5 Tone) SmartPTT supports following modes to work with analog signaling systems: Simple analog networks can be connected via control station. SmartPTT Dispatcher can make AllCall into analog systems and listen for calls within analog system. Analog networks with MDC 1200 signaling can be handled by SmartPTT. It will require a MOTOTRBO control station with MDC 1200 signaling support. MOTOTRBO contains a limited set of built-in MDC signaling features: Emergency Signaling - Sends a help signal to a pre-defined person or group of people. The emergency feature also allows a user to sound an alarm or alert the dispatcher in an emergency situation. The user is also able to acknowledge an emergency. Call Alert - Call Alert notifies the radio user of incoming calls if they are a short distance away from their radio. Call Alert also informs unavailable users that someone is trying to reach them. PTT-ID - PTT-ID identifies the user’s outgoing calls on other users’ radios. Select 5 (so called 5 Tone signaling) is supported by SmartPTT and requires MOTOTRBO control station (?) with Select 5 support as well. Supported options are: Caller ID Recipient ID Private call Selective call Radio block/unblock Radio check Emergency call All call

5 Migration checklist Topology selection Loading estimation
Fleet management Equipment upgrade Frequency license update Preparing for migration Uninterrupted service via SmartPTT application When preparing a migration process, you will need to go over the following checklist: Select a topology to migrate to. You will need to decide what is the topology which will give you the best available experience/price ratio. Estimate the loading on the radio network. Motorola System Planner gives an estimation graph, which allows to decide whether available system resources will be enough to serve predefined number of subscribers, or not. Manage your fleet. Upon migration, you need to rearrange available fleet of radios into Groups and/or Slots to minimize loading per available Group/Slot and to keep user experience at good level. Migration to new networks can open up new possibilities, like trunked channels in LCP system instead of fixed Slot picture in IPSC can resolve the issue with some slots being used more than the others. Upgrade the equipment. When upgrading from one MOTOTRBO topology to another, you can use same equipment to establish new network topology. Commonly it requires license upgrade for your equipment. In case of Connect Plus system, it will require additional option board installation. Frequency licenses can also require an update. When going from analog network to digital, you will need to have a license to use digital transmission on a set of licenses you already own. Preparing a migration includes installation of new equipment, CPS programming and organization of bridges between existing systems to allow users of different networks to talk freely to each other. So, let’s see what can SmartPTT do with different radionetwork.

6 Systems available for bridging
To From Analog Digital IPSC LCP, Cap+ via CS LCP, Cap+ via NAI Voice Connect Plus All Call All Call to Group Group to All Call Group Group and private Group and Private + CSBK* Group** Analog systems do not support conventional groups in MOTOTRBO sense, so it is only possible to bridge all voice from analog system as AllCall to Group of any digital system, including complex topologies. For Digital networks via control stations it is possible to bridge groups from all Digital systems and topologies. When bridging from control station, it is possible to have private calls bridged to IPSC and full NAI systems. Classic IPSC systems without NAI access can be bridged into any digital network in scope of Group calls. Private calls can be bridged to IPSC and NAI Voice systems. Private calls will be accepted from any network except analog and Connect Plus. IPSC to IPSC bridge will also allow you to transfer CSBK data between systems (Remote monitor command, Block/unblock radio, Call Alert, Radio Check) Capacity Plus and LCP systems via control stations will accept only Group routes, however it is possible to bridge private calls from such hybrid system to IPSC or NAI Voice. Capacity Plus and LCP systems via NAI Voice have mostly same functionality as classic IPSC, except that Connect plus systems currently cannot be connected to NAI by any means. Connect Plus systems can be bridged with Control stations as gateways to analog or digital networks in scope of group calls. IPSC system is also accepted on same rules – group calls only. ** Under development and will be available later this year

7 Migration process Setting up new equipment
Changing codeplugs to work in migration environment Creating routes between systems Switchover to new system, codeplug correction Common migration process in scope of technical work consists of listed steps. I will give an example of migration from analog network to NAI Capacity Plus, describing each step.

8 Migration example Setting up new equipment
Changing codeplugs to work in migration environment Creating routes between systems Switchover to new system, codeplug correction When we are going to migrate from analog network to MOTOTRBO, it means we are going to replace our old SUs with modern ones which support digital radio transmission. At first, we will create an analog channel in newer radios for them to be fully complement with existing system. We can start replacement process partially, replacing some radios with newer ones.

9 New equipment settings
This will require us to create only analog channels to work on.

10 Migration example Setting up new equipment
Changing codeplugs to work in migration environment Creating routes between systems Switchover to new system, codeplug correction NAI Capacity Plus Later, when we have repeaters already, we can establish an Cap+ site and start preparing new digital radios to switch to Capacity Plus network.

11 Codeplug change So now we are creating a set of channels to work with repeaters, and a contact list for Cap+ system.

12 Migration example Setting up new equipment
Changing codeplugs to work in migration environment Creating routes between systems Switchover to new system, codeplug correction NAI Capacity Plus SmartPTT Radioserver Now we must create a bridge between these two systems, so that users will not notice the switchover process – digital users will talk to analog users just the same way as they were talking before. That is the part where SmartPTT comes into play. We are installing a radioserver in this system, connected to Cap+ network. Also, we have a gateway analog control station to transfer calls from one system to another.

13 Creating routes Within SmartPTT we are creating a route, which will connect AllCall of analog system (ID=0) and Group 1 of Cap+ system (ID=1). This bridge will allow Cap+ users to talk to analog subscribers when talking to group 1, and vice versa.

14 Migration example Setting up new equipment
Changing codeplugs to work in migration environment Creating routes between systems Switchover to new system, codeplug correction NAI Capacity Plus SmartPTT Radioserver When we have all radios replaced and switched over to Cap+ system, we can detach gateway control station from radioserver, and work on Cap+ system only.

15 Final correction Last correction is to delete now obsolete Analog channel from CPS of radios. Migration is over.

16 Migration process Setting up new equipment
Changing codeplugs to work in migration environment Creating routes between systems Switchover to new system, codeplug correction IPSC NAI LCP If you want to move your system from IPSC to LCP NAI system, process will be just the same. First step will be to install new repeaters. Second - create a channels to be used in new system. Third step is to install radioserver and bridge both systems together. In this case, we can use dynamic bridging option to create bridges for all private calls from one system to another and for all groups existing in the system. Final step – move old repeaters over to new system, increasing capacity of trunked channels and disabling the routes to old system. Delete obsolete channels and you are done.

17 www. smartptt. com www. elcomplus. com info@smartptt. com support Watch this webinar and our other videos on SmartPTT channel Follow our news on SmartPTT page Visit our website to find out more information about SmartPTT software. Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel (user SmartPTT). If you have any questions feel free to send to us on or submit your request via submit form on support portal Thank you for your attention. This webinar is recorded and will be uploaded on YouTube. After leaving this webinar you will receive a short survey. Please, be active and spend a minute answering it. It will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, I will be glad to answer them right now.

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