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Myths and mythology By: Melody Dias.

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Presentation on theme: "Myths and mythology By: Melody Dias."— Presentation transcript:

1 Myths and mythology By: Melody Dias

2 Summary and Watercolor of the myth: Syrinx



5 Nature Myth and Mask: How Song Came To Be



8 How Music Came to Be (The story of Melody and Rhythm) In a forest on a day like no other, the air was cool and crisp. The sun peeked through the clouds and everything was perfect, for a little while. There in the forest sat a beautiful unique goddess. She had no idea what was about to start. Her name was Melody. Melody was a humble young girl who liked to have fun. On that day she said, “Everything’s so simple and boring. All I can do is soak my feet in the pond. Oh I do wish something, anything would happen.” “Hi, I am… I forget. I think I’m Marvin. I love CHOCOLATE CHIPS! I am wearing… uh ohhhh! I have forgotten what clothes are, and now I remember. I will be right back because I have none on. Who said that! Oops, I did. Bye!” Marvin was the god of idiocy. Earlier today Marvin stupidly made Melody’s wish come true. He let the Snarf out of its prison. A Snarf is a creature that hypnotizes you by changing form into what you want most at that time. It has talons on its feet, it has poisonous spots on its legs, it talks you into a trance and it can only be killed by 1 thing, a sword that nobody not even Zeus could lift out of its stone. Marvin just wanted to see what was inside the prison when he found it. Guess who comes into our story now…Rhythm. Snarf started to chase Rhythm when he happened to be walking by but Rhythm managed to get away. How did Rhythm escape you may wonder? He hustled into a bush. There Snarf got stuck and Melody heard the rustling in the bush, so she hid behind a tree. Rhythm made it to the other side of the bush when Melody slowly came out of hiding. “Hi.” They spoke at the same time and slowly their hands touched. Time stood still. Now this was REAL true love.

9 Suddenly, Snarf came and carried Melody off being careful not to kill her with its spots. Rhythm then chased after Snarf. Melody was safely put down on a rocky ledge 9,362 feet high. Melody screamed “Marvin!” because she knew that Marvin was just the kind of idiot god that would let a Snarf escape. Finally, Rhythm, the hero showed up. He pulled the special sword out of the rock with ease. He used the sword to spear the Snarf’s belly to save the goddess. Melody kissed her hero on the cheek. “Bye bye Snarfy!” yelled Marvin in a funny voice as the Snarf died. Marvin was then sent to a place where he could never cause any more trouble by the other gods and goddesses, not the desert, we already tried that. He was sent to chocolate chip world! A place he never wanted to leave. Later that month Melody and Rhythm got married. Melody was never bored when Rythm was around. But when Rhythm left for work, she was bored and lonely. Rhythm couldn’t bare to see his wife upset. One day he came home with a small box. Inside was a beautiful puppy with golden fur. Melody cried tears of joy when Rhythm presented her with her gift. “What’s her name?” Melody asked. “That is for you to decide,” said Rhythm. Out of nowhere Marvin suddenly popped up. He stared into the puppy’s eyes. “SPARKLEY!”He screamed , as he pointed to the puppy’s eyes. “That’s it! Sparkles is your new name puppy.” Melody declared. She gave Marvin a hug but he started saying the most idiotic things ever, like, “fluffy pillows are drifting into sheep.” “It was a bad idea to hug Marvin,” Rhythm politely exclaimed and Melody agreed with her husband. Just then Melody was dizzy and fell down. She was alive though. In her mind she pictured her mother who had perished. Melody was just a little girl and her mother was saying words, but not speaking them. Her mother was singing! She was singing something so sweet and true.

10 Melody remembered how her mother and father died and why she had never remembered it before. It all started when Melody was 9 years old. Melody’s mother would sing to her every day. Her father was battling evil and Melody’s mother went to heal him every day. One day evil gods caught Melody hoping that Melody’s mother and father would tell them the secret to her song. Why? Her song was catchy, the mortals liked to listen to her song, and if they sung her song a certain way they could control the mortals. Although her parents killed many of the evil gods, one evil god killed Melody’s mother. They had finally found her weakness. Melody’s father told Melody to run off and live in the woods to stay safe. Her father gave her the gift of song before she left and he tried to go with her, but a god found out his weakness and killed him. After Melody fell and started remembering, Rhythm ran and got Zeus to help his wife. He laid her on a bed made of clouds. Zeus told Rhythm that he knew Melody’s mother and father. He understood what was happening. He told Rhythm the story. He also told Rhythm that he has been watching over Melody for her father and mother. Melody awoke that instant and she walked outside. She began to sing like her mother and she loved it. She sung so loudly that her father and mother heard it from heaven. Melody, her father, and mother were reunited in song. Therefore, Melody promised that she would sing every day and her voice was the most beautiful thing you ever heard. Melody shared her gift and in each song you can hear a little part of her heart in her voice. From that day forward song sprung about across the land. Even Marvin sang. (Of course his song was, fluffy duff, super star, sparkles will be flying far. Panda, Panda, super chubby panda, panda in your face.”Then a slap) However, as stupid as Marvin was, he brought true love to Melody and Rhythm. He reunited Melody her mother and her father. And helped share the gift of song though out the land.


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