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All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
Welcome to All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church Assisted hearing devices are available at the Welcome Table in the Small Hall
Performed by Steve Brooks
Prelude Holy Now By: Peter Mayer Performed by Steve Brooks
Music Notes Today's music celebrates the contributions of African-American musicians. The tenor sax legend Lester Young wrote this song to perform with the Count Basie's Kansas City Seven in The underlying chord progression - from George Gershwin's "I Got Rhythm" - exploits a loophole in copyright law: It's relatively easy to copyright a melody, but very difficult to copyright the underlying chords, since so many songs share similar chord progressions. Many jazz standards are based on chord progressions from popular songs.
Music Notes Young's simple melody stretches Gershwin's two-bar phrases into four-bar phrases, giving a greater sense of space to the piece. However, it's just a jumping-off spot for improvisation, a major reason the song quickly became a standard.
Gather Us In Gathering Song by Marty Haugen
adapt. Rev. Dr. Nori J. Rost
Here in this place new light is streaming,
Verse 1 Here in this place new light is streaming, now is the darkness vanished away; see in this place our fears and our dreaming, brought here to all in the light of this day.
Gather us in the lost and forsaken, gather us in no two just the same;
Chorus 1 Gather us in the lost and forsaken, gather us in no two just the same; call to us now, and we shall awaken, we shall arise at the sound of our name.
We are the young, our lives are a myst’ry,
Verse 2 We are the young, our lives are a myst’ry, we are the old with wisdom and grace; we have been sung throughout all of hist’ry, called to be light to the whole human race.
Gather us in the Buddhist and Pagan,
Chorus 2 Gather us in the Buddhist and Pagan, Humanist, Atheist join in the throng; gather us in the Theist and Seeking, give us the courage to enter the song.
Not in the dark of buildings confining,
Verse 3 Not in the dark of buildings confining, not in some heaven light years away; here in this place the new light is shining, now is the moment, now is the day.
Gather us in from all tribes and nations,
Chorus 3 Gather us in from all tribes and nations, gather us in, no one left alone; gather us in, a great celebration, fire of love in our flesh and our bones.
Christina Dobler-Burdick
Welcome and Sounding of the Bell Christina Dobler-Burdick ASUUC Member
Praise the Source of Faith and Learning
Opening Hymn Praise the Source of Faith and Learning words by: Thomas H. Troeger music by: William Albright #158 in Singing the Living Tradition
Praise the source of faith and learning
Verse 1 Praise the source of faith and learning that has sparked and stoked the mind with a passion for discerning how the world has been designed
Let the sense of wonder flowing from the wonders we survey
Verse 1 Let the sense of wonder flowing from the wonders we survey keep our faith forever growing and renew our need to pray.
Source of wisdom, we acknowledge that our science and our art
2 Source of wisdom, we acknowledge that our science and our art and the breadth of human knowledge only partial truth impart.
Far beyond our calculation lies a depth we cannot sound
2 Far beyond our calculation lies a depth we cannot sound where the purpose for creation and the purpose of life are found.
May our faith redeem the blunder of believing that our thought
Verse 3 May our faith redeem the blunder of believing that our thought has displaced the grounds for wonder which the ancient prophets taught.
May our learning curb the error which unthinking faith can breed
Verse 3 May our learning curb the error which unthinking faith can breed lest we justify some terror with an antiquated creed.
Praise for minds to probe the heavens,
4 Praise for minds to probe the heavens, praise for strength to breathe the air. Praise for all that beauty leavens, praise for silence, music, prayer.
Praise for justice and compassion
4 Praise for justice and compassion and for strangers, neighbors, friends. Praise for hearts and lips to fashion praise for love that never ends.
Christina Dobler-Burdick
Chalice Lighting Christina Dobler-Burdick ASUUC Member
Immortality It is eternity now. I am in the midst of it. It is about me, in the sunshine; I am in it, as the butterfly in the light-laden air. Nothing has to come, It is now. Now is eternity. Now is the immortal life. – Richard Jeffries
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by the spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. – Albert Schweitzer
Puff the Magic Dragon Song for All Ages by Peter Yarrow
lead by Steve Brooks
Reeb Children’s Benediction
Singing the Children Out Reeb Children’s Benediction words and music: Ian W. Riddell
Go in love, our hearts go with you.
Go in joy, our hopes go too. Learn in love and grow in wisdom. Shine your light in all you do.
Reading Steve Brooks
"On April 1, 1949, I made a note in the morning of an inscription containing a figure that was half man and half fish. Somebody mentioned the custom of making an “April fish” of someone. In the afternoon, a former patient of mine, whom I had not seen for months, showed me some impressive pictures of fish. In the evening, I was shown a piece of embroidery with sea monsters and fishes in it.
"The next morning, I saw a former patient, who was visiting me for the first time in ten years. She had dreamed of a large fish the night before...When coincidences pile up in this way, one cannot help being impressed by them. -- On Synchronicity (Jung)
In Search of the Miraculous
Today’s Message In Search of the Miraculous Steve Brooks
ASUUC Board of Trustees
Offertory Reading Becky Harrison ASUUC Board of Trustees
Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the Kingdom of Heaven is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom of Heaven is inside you and outside you.” His disciples said to him, "When will the Kingdom of Heaven come?"
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it." – the Gospel of Thomas, Christian tradition
Now we have the opportunity to give of our financial resources so that the realm of heaven can be seen in our midst. The offering will be joyfully given and gratefully received.
Offertory Music A Single New Star played by Steve Brooks
Lyrics When I was a young man, I used to go walking at midnight.
Some things appear clearest to eyes that aren’t blinded by daylight. I’d look to the sky and I’d search for a sign That would show me the road to be taken, Till a single new star rearranged a whole constellation. Now I am a sailor with ocean on every side of me. And the stars look so vast, they are frightening and yet they are lovely. There’s times that I thought I would drown in this darkness, No map and no compass to guide me. For there’s no night that’s as dark as the one that’s inside me.
Lyrics We look for a path, for a path makes the wilderness safer.
We follow our maps, but our maps are just made out of paper. It’s only our minds that keep drawing these lines, And it’s only our hearts can erase them, When a single new star rearranges a whole constellation. Our watches we set by the sun, but our hearts run on moontime. We wait till some miracle comes, turning night into noontime. But the only true miracles I’ve ever seen Are those sudden and silent occasions,
Lyrics Now I’m not a young man, but still that old midnight keeps calling. I still follow a star, even when all my stars are a-falling. Till the stars fade from view, and the whole world seems new In the light of the morning that’s breaking. When a single new star rearranges a whole constellation.
From You I Receive #402 in Singing the Living Tradition
Offertory Response From You I Receive words and music: Joseph and Nathan Segal #402 in Singing the Living Tradition
From you I receive, to you I give, together we share, and from this we live.
Joys and Concerns Congregation
Opening I am sending you light____ to heal you, to hold you. to hold you in love.
Closing I am sending you light____ to heal you, to hold you. to hold you in love.
Closing Words Steve Brooks
As we leave this holy place, let us remind ourselves that the Kingdom of Heaven, that the land of enlightenment, is not in a faraway place beyond the sunset. As the sage remarked, it is all around us. In those moments when the scales are lifted from our eyes, may we come face-to-face with the divine in the day-to-day. May we glimpse our place in the interdependent web of existence, in the ongoing miracle.
Despite inconvenience, despite personal worries or concerns,
despite knowing with certainty what impact will be made, there are those who try, against great odds, to make this world a better place. Why not you? Why not me? - The Rev. Manish Mishra Marzetti, Minister Unitarian Universalist Church in Cherry Hill, NJ
O Come, You Longing Thirsty Souls
Closing Hymn O Come, You Longing Thirsty Souls words: Isaiah 55 music: English Melody #209 in Singing the Living Tradition
O come, you longing thirsty souls, drink freely from the spring,
and come, you weary, famished folk, and end your hungering. Verse 1
Why spend yourself on empty air? Why not be satisfied?
For everywhere a feast is spread that's always at our side. Verse 1
For as the rain and snow above fall not in vanity,
but for this purpose water earth: to feed humanity. Verse 2
So shall the word of spirit serve as see within our loam,
that we may bear so rich a yield as brings the harvest home. Verse 2
For we shall go in peace secure and leave in joy sublime!
The hills outside will burst with song, the trees will clap in time! Verse 3
No more shall thorns and nettles grow! The bay tree and the pine
shall sign for us th'eternal Name that makes the world a shrine. Verse 3
words and music: Judy Fjell
Extinguishing the Chalice / Song As We Leave This Place words and music: Judy Fjell
Now, as we leave this place, the chalice dims
1 Now, as we leave this place, the chalice dims but the fire still burns within our hearts beyond these doors.
Now, as we leave this place, mem’ries of each and ev’ry face
2 Now, as we leave this place, mem’ries of each and ev’ry face carry us ___ into the world.
for now we know ___ that something
3 And we will return for now we know ___ that something greater ___ than any of us ___ alone is part of us ___ as we leave this place.
Performed by Steve Brooks
Postlude Anthem by Leonard Cohen Performed by Steve Brooks
Lyrics Excerpt I can feel my spirit rising We need a change
So do it today 'Cause I can see a clear horizon What have you done today to make you feel proud?
Music Notes This 1940 standard by one of the greatest American composers is best known with its lyrics by Bob Russell. However, it was originally composed and recorded as an instrumental number, called "Never No Lament."
Members are Mark Heinrich, Julie Brady and Phyllis Barron.
Thank you for being part of our community today Please enjoy Fellowship/Coffee Hour brought to you by the Team on Ministry Members are Mark Heinrich, Julie Brady and Phyllis Barron.
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