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Arian Controversy Church Schism.

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1 Arian Controversy Church Schism

2 Controversies Paul with Jewish and Gentile converts Gnostics Lapsed
Now Arianism This is different because of Imperial intervention

3 Roots of Controversy Early Christians were thought of as ignorant atheists Some appealed to Philosophers and the Supreme Being for validation These philosophers believed perfection was immutable and fixed This causes problems with scripture

4 Roots When scripture says something unworthy of God such as God spoke or He walked in the garden, the words were not taken literally This did not satisfy emotionally however Logos doctrine also tried to reason by saying the Logos or reason of God spoke.

5 Arianism Alexander, who was bishop in Alexandria, and Arius, who was a popular presbyter, have several disputes The main issue was whether the Logos, Word of God was coeternal with God. Arius said Jesus was a lesser god that had a different nature

6 Arianism Jesus is neither eternal nor omnipotent
He was a created being-although first created and greatest The son has a beginning but God is without beginning This appealed to many because it closely resembles Gnosticism

7 Arianism To Alexander, how could Christ save if he was not God?
To Arius, that did not matter but what mattered was his obedience to God

8 Arius He made Christianity easier to understand even though incorrect
Easier to think of Christ as a divine hero He combined an eloquent preaching style with good public relations also

9 Alexander Called a synod in 320 and condemned Arius’ teachings
Had him excommunicated Arius turned to Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia, and won his support 2 most important churches in the east at war

10 Controversy In Alexandria, people took to the streets to chant and defend Arius. The local disagreement started to threaten the eastern church Constantine has just defeated Licinius and decided to intervene

11 Constantine In 325, he called for a council in Nicea which was not far from Nicodemia Around 300 bishops in attendance and many bore the scars from persecution But, they rode in comfort thanks to Constantine to this meeting

12 Council The bishops discussed many issues as persecution ended
The approved standard of remission of the lapsed, election of presbyters, and bishops. Decided that bishops, presbyters, and deacons could not move from one city to another but this was soon disregarded. Main issue was Arianism

13 Factions One small group fully convinced of Arius’ views
Arius was not a bishop so he was not allowed to attend the council Small group believed Arius threatened the core of Christianity and led by Alexander Most bishops from Latin-speaking west had a small interest in the matter

14 Factions A small group of 3-4 rejected Arianism but their belief was also rejected. They believed in patripassianism which says the Father and Son are the same so the Father suffered the passion. Most in attendance sought a compromise

15 Eusebius Eusebius of Nicodemia (Not Caesarea) said Jesus was no more than a creature and he was shouted down. His paper was ripped from his hand and torn The mood now changed and was against Arianism

16 Rejection The rejection was first to be by scripture alone but then they settled on a creed Eusebius of Caesarea suggested his church creed Constantine suggested homoousios It means of the same substance This was probably suggested to him

17 homoousios Intended to convey the Father and Son are of the same substance This is the main theme of the Nicene creed

18 Council Very few Bishops refused to sign the creed but those who refused were declared heretical and deposed. Constantine went further by banishing them from their cities Secular intervention was thus introduced into ecclesiastical matters Constantine threw a banquet to celebrate

19 Effects Government involved with church affairs

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