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Year 4 : Was Anglo-Saxon Britain that bad?

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Presentation on theme: "Year 4 : Was Anglo-Saxon Britain that bad?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 4 : Was Anglo-Saxon Britain that bad?
NC – links to History WOW: Visit to the British Museum. LC1 Where did the Anglo-Saxons come from? LC2 What was daily life like for the Anglo-Saxons? LC3 Why is Sutton Hoo famous? LC4 What did the Anglo-Saxons do for us? LC5 What does the Bayeux Tapestry tell us? LC6 Reflection: What did the Anglo-Saxons leave behind? Wow: Pupils to have opportunities to consider questions they would want to ask an Anglo-Saxon. Literacy Link: Persuasion Information texts Explanation texts Poetry – exploring form Science Link: Sound Numeracy Link: Work out the differences between different events in the past. Creative Art Link: making shields and jewellery. Anglo-Saxon Boy Beowulf Rob Lloyd Jones Tony Bradman Forest Academy

2 Year 4 : Was Anglo Saxon Britain that bad?
Year 4 : History, Art and Computing History Art Computing Chronological understanding Can they plot recent history on a timeline using centuries? Can they place periods of history on a timeline showing periods of time? Can they use their mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades? Knowledge and interpretation Can they explain how events from the past has helped shape our lives? Do they appreciate that wars have happened from a very long time ago and it is often associated with invasion, conquering or religious differences? Do they know that people who lived in the past cooked and travelled differently and used different weapons from ours? Do they recognise that the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people? Do they appreciate how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build up an accurate picture of how people lived in the past? Historical enquiry Can they research two versions of an event and say how they differ? Can they research what it was like for a child in a given period from the past and use photographs and illustrations to present their findings? Can they give more than one reason to support an historical argument? Anglo Saxon brooches or shields Can they research the features of Anglo-Saxon brooches and shields? Can they produce their own designs based on their research? Can they combine visual and tactile qualities? Can they identify and draw simple objects, and use marks and lines to produce texture? Can they begin to sculpt mouldable materials? Can they create their designs? Can they evaluate their finished product? Do they appreciate the benefits of ICT to send messages and to communicate? Can they use the automatic spell checker to edit spellings? Data Retrieval and organising Can they capture images using webcams, screen capture, scanning, visualiser and internet? Can they choose images and download into a file? Can they download images from the camera into files on the computer? Can they copy graphics from a range of sources and paste into a desktop publishing program? Challenge Can they use photo editing software to crop photographs and add effects? Presentation Can they create a presentation that moves from slide to slide and is aimed at a specific audience? (Anglo-Saxon day) Can they use animation in their presentation? Challenging Can they copy and paste the graph/bar chart and use it in a WP document? E-Safety: Understand that copyright exists on most digital images, video and recorded music. Recognise the difference between the work of others which has been copied (plagiarism) and re-structuring and re-presenting materials in ways which are unique and new. Year 4 (Challenging) Can they independently, or as part of a group, present an aspect they have researched about a given period of history using multi-media skills when doing so? Can they use their mathematical skills to help them work out the time differences between certain major events in history? Can they begin to build up a picture of what main events happened in Britain/ the world during different centuries? Do they appreciate that weapons will have changed by the developments and inventions that would have occurred within a given time period? Do they appreciate that wealthy people would have had a very different way of living which would have impacted upon their health and education? Geography Do they know the countries that make up the European Union? Can they name up to six cities in the UK and locate them on a map? Can they locate and name some of main islands that surround the UK? Can they name the areas of origin of the main ethnic groups in the UK & in their school? Challenging: Can they name the counties that make up the home counties of London? Can they name some of the main towns and cities in East Anglia? Forest Academy

3 Year 4: Was Anglo-Saxon Britain that bad?
LC1 Where did the Anglo-Saxons come from ? LC2 What was daily life like for the Anglo-Saxons? Use Google maps to locate European countries that the Anglo-Saxons came from. Do they appreciate that wars have happened from a very long time ago and it is often associated with invasion, conquering or religious differences? Do they know the countries that make up the European Union? Can they name up to six cities in the UK and locate them on a map? Can they locate and name some of main islands that surround the UK? Can they name the areas of origin of the main ethnic groups in the UK & in their school? Challenging: Can they name the counties that make up the home counties of London? Can they name some of the main towns and cities in East Anglia? Can they plot and label the 7 Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms? Research Anglo-Saxon houses. Focus on the structure of houses and villages, what they ate & what they wore, Knowledge and interpretation Do they know that people who lived in the past cooked and travelled differently and used different weapons from ours? Do they recognise that the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people? Do they appreciate that wealthy people would have had a very different way of living which would have impacted upon their health and education? Research different games/ costumes/food etc LC3 Why is Sutton Hoo famous? LC4 What did the Anglo-Saxons do for us? Historical enquiry Do they appreciate how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build up an accurate picture of how people lived in the past? Can they research the uses of different artefacts? Can they give more than one reason to support a historical argument? Can they plot recent history on a timeline using centuries? Can they place periods of history on a timeline showing periods of time? Can they use their mathematical skills to round up time differences into centuries and decades? Can they explain how events from the past have helped shape our lives? Challenge: Can they begin to build up a picture of what main events happened in Britain during the Anglo-Saxon period? Can they use their mathematical skills to help them work out the time differences between certain major events in history?

4 Year 4: Was Anglo-Saxon Britain that bad?
LC: What does the Bayeux Tapestry tell us? Do they appreciate that weapons will have changed by the developments and inventions that would have occurred within a given time period? What can we find out from ancient Anglo-Saxon artefacts? Make a video/pages about Anglo-Saxon artefacts. Art: Can they create a piece of art work which includes the integration of digital images they have taken? Challenge: Can they independently, or as part of a group, present an aspect they have researched about a given period of history using multi-media skills when doing so? Data Retrieval and organising Can they capture images using webcams, screen capture, scanning, visualiser and internet? Can they choose images and download into a file? Can they download images from the camera into files on the computer? Can they copy graphics from a range of sources and paste into a desktop publishing program? Challenge Can they use photo editing software to crop photographs and add effects? Presentation Can they create a lengthy presentation that moves from slide to slide and is aimed at a specific audience? (Anglo-Saxon day) Can they use animation in their presentation? Challenging Can they copy and paste the graph/bar chart and use it in a WP document? E-Safety: Understand that copyright exists on most digital images, video and recorded music. Recognise the difference between the work of others which has been copied (plagiarism) and re-structuring and re-presenting materials in ways which are unique and new. LC6 Reflection: What did the Anglo-Saxons leave behind? Anglo-Saxon Day What is the Anglo-Saxons legacy e.g. place names, religion, pagan festivals? Can they reflect on all the different genres they have covered? Can they make a presentation for the next class to give highlights of what to expect? What could they now tell someone about the Anglo-Saxons?

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