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APHL Workforce Development Programs and Resources

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1 APHL Workforce Development Programs and Resources
Presented at PIHOA 60th Annual Meeting Honolulu, HI

2 APHL Training and Education Programs
Strengthen public health laboratory workforce readiness by improving the quality of laboratory practice and increasing the skills of laboratorians performing testing of public health significance The overall goal for the Training and Education Program is to strengthen public health laboratory workforce readiness by improving the quality of laboratory practice and increasing the skills of laboratorians performing testing of public health significance through training and continuing education. Using training needs assessments, appropriate training responses are developed and delivered and evaluated to assure effective response to articulated training needs. The APHL Training and Education Program provides training and education related services and products to APHL members and public health laboratory professionals through outside partners and APHL programs. The program’s staff partner with a variety of agencies and organizations as well as collaborate with APHL Program staff in the design, delivery and communication of technical, quality and leadership targeted training messages. We use industry-accepted instructional development process such as training needs assessments to develop training activities, and then deliver and evaluate these activities to ensure learners meet the articulated training needs. The Training and Education program’s activities support APHL’s strategic roadmap Goal A-1: Training and Technical Assistance. The APHL Training and Education Program is using available resources to assist in integrating and harmonizing all APHL training activities. Our efforts focus on reducing redundancy and improve internal coordination of training across the APHL organization. We use industry-accepted instructional development process such as training needs assessments to develop training activities, and then deliver and evaluate these activities to ensure learners meet the articulated training needs. The Training and Education program’s activities support APHL’s strategic roadmap Goal A-1: Training and Technical Assistance.

3 Workforce Development Programs
National Center for Public Health Laboratory Leadership Fellowships Emerging Leaders National Laboratory Training Network Webinars Conferences NLTN: is a cooperative training program administered by APHL with support from CDC. Continuing education for laboratorians performing testing of PH significance Fellowship and Traineeship Program: 45 total: half to SPHLs; half to CDC Labs 12 two year research fellows, post docs 33 one year traineeships, post baccalaureate Class X starts in September The Center, launched in Nov 2002 to address specific PHL leadership issues. Concept was based on a study conducted by APHL in 2000. APHL Webinars: Since January of 2016, we’ve had a total of 26 webinars with 20,728 participants, including 10 which were funded by scientific programs with 11,117 participants.

4 National Center for Public Health Laboratory Leadership (NCPHLL)

5 What We Do Leadership Development Emerging Leader Program
Network of Laboratory Leadership Alumni, (NOLLA) EID Fellowships Special Projects Public Health Laboratory Competencies Workforce Surveys Career Advocacy Student Events x 3

6 Highlights of the ELP Launch of the ELP Class 8
Steerage of class project to optimize ROI Coaching program evaluation Implementation of Coach Team Leads Expanded Global ELP in other GHSA supported countries

7 ELP Curriculum

8 National Laboratory Training Network
Develops & delivers training events using various formats, including teleconferences, webinars, seminars, workshops, and conferences

9 NLTN develops & delivers training to address documented needs of the PHL community.
Topics include: Advanced mycobacteriology; Foodborne outbreak investigations; Mycology; BT; Packaging & Shipping; Sentinel Laboratory Response Training; Influenza; Rabies among others.

10 NLTN supports a community of practice for training coordinators nationally

11 Public Health Laboratory Competencies:
Making a case for integration into Human Resource practices

12 Competencies are tools to guide professional growth… they are not a test.
Behavior-based competency guidelines The knowledge, ability and skills necessary to be successful and effective in the performance of a particular job position Personnel competency assessments Required to meet regulatory compliance (CLIA, NELAC, ISO) Measures proficiency at performing certain tasks or an individual test method

13 Available on line at
Project started in Aug 2012 Published on May 15, 2015 Developed and reviewed by 170 professionals with diverse backgrounds and experience in laboratory science and public health. Available on line at Developed through the engagement of SMEs from APHL, CDC, state and local PHLs, federal environmental and agricultural laboratories, clinical laboratories, and academia to ensure appropriate input and vetting.

14 Competency Guidelines for PHL Professionals
15 domains General Cross-cutting technical Specialized 122 Competencies 519 Subcompetencies Tier Statements Beginner Competent Proficient Expert

15 Intended Use Ensure a capable, well-trained, and prepared laboratory workforce Assess personnel’s current skill level Define areas of needed training; refine PHL workforce development plans to address training needs Create standardized job descriptions Define progressive job series or career ladders Recruit new staff Assess organizational capacity Develop performance objectives and appraisals

16 Implementing PHL Competencies
Tools and resources Biosafety officer position description Assessment tool In development Additional sample position descriptions Career ladder template Informational tools for explaining the use of PHL competencies

17 When you are ready to implement
For more information, tools and resources, visit the APHL Public Health Laboratory Competencies website:

18 Resources and Tools Tools and other resources are available at Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (2006) Guidelines for Biosafety Laboratory Competency (April 15, 2011 / 60(02);1-6) Competency Guidelines for Public Health Laboratory Professionals: CDC and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (May 15, 2015 / 64(01);1-81)

19 Where do we go from here? Continuing education Training
Emerging Leaders initiative Mentoring What are your burning issues that APHL and PIHOA can consider working on together?

20 Thank you! Scott J Becker, Executive Director 240-485-2747

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