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Introduction to English for Public Administration I

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1 Introduction to English for Public Administration I

2 General info Lecturer: Dr. sc. Marijana Javornik Čubrić
Classes: Wednesday 9:00 – 10:30 Office hours: Tuesday 10:00 – 11:00, Gundulićeva 10, Room no. 6 Contact:

3 Coursebook Pavić, Smerdel, Vićan English for Lawyers, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2012 Units 1, 2, 3, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15

4 Topics – English for Law
What Is Meant by Law? Sources and Varieties of English Law Statute Law in Britain Legal Aid The Constitution The European Court of Human Rights The Nature and Sources of American Federalism The American Presidency

5 Course plan Oct. 5 Introduction to ESP Oct. 12 What Is Meant by Law?
Oct. 19 Sources and Varieties of English Law Oct. 26 Statute Law in Britain Nov. 2 Legal Aid Nov. 9 Revision Nov. 23 The Constitution Nov. 30 European Court of Human Rights Dec. 7 The Nature and Sources of American Federalism Dec. 14 The American Presidency Dec. 21 Revision (test sample) Jan. 11 End-of-term examination Jan. 18 Final revision Jan. 25 Signatures

6 Teaching materials Available at: Predmet:
Engleski jezik upravne struke I Nastavni materijali

7 Examination Written part – grammar, legal terms, translation, basic definitions Oral part – presenting a topic using relevant vocabulary


9 Common abbreviations EFL – English as a Foreign Language
ESP – English for Specific Purposes (f. e. Business English) EAP – English for Academic Purposes ELP – English for Legal Purposes EPA – English for Public Administration

10 The teaching of ESP A separate activity within English Language Teaching (ELT) ESP must be taught by studying a content-based subject – knowledge of the language becomes the means of learning content (CLIL)

11 A definition of ESP (Strevens)
ESP is designed to meet specific needs of the learner Related in content (themes and topics) to particular disciplines or occupations Centred on language appropriate to those activities in syntax, lexis, discourse and so on In contrast with ‘General English’

12 Key stages in ESP Needs analysis Course design Materials selection
Teaching and learning Evaluation

13 Language issues in ESP Grammar Vocabulary (technical, semi-technical)
Discourse analysis

14 ELP

15 Difficulties in ELP 1. Polysemy 2. Phrases
3. Foreign and archaic words 4. Doubles and triplets 5. Technical vocabulary

16 Polysemy Words that have several meanings; one meaning in ordinary English and another meaning as a legal term The importance of the context (everyday language v. language for legal purposes) Examples: common, act, consideration, tender, redemption etc.

17 Phrases Collocations - examples rescind a contract – raskinuti ugovor
sham marriage – lažni brak valid reason – utemeljeni razlog voidable contract – pobojan ugovor wrongful death – smrt treće osobe

18 Foreign and archaic words
Words of Scandinavian, Latin and French origin Archaic terms

19 Latin terms Ab ovo – from the beginning
Affidavit – witnessed&signed statement Bona fide – in good faith De facto (in fact) and de jure (by right) Et cetera (etc.) – and so on Exempli gratia (e. g.) – for example Id est (i.e.) – that is Inter alia – among other things

20 French terms Acquis communitaire
Voir dire (speak the truth) – jury selection, preliminary questioning of witnesses Parley – negotiations (cf. Parliament) Chattel(s) Executor

21 Archaic terms Aforementioned – set out above Hereafter – after this
Hereby – in this way Herein – in this (document) Notwithstanding – despite Thereafter – after that Thereby – in that way Therein – in that (document) Therewith – with that

22 Doubles and triplets To have and to hold – to own Any and all – all
Last will and testament Null and void Full and complete Ready, willing and able

23 Technical vocabulary Legal terms – examples Tort
Alternative dispute resolution Remedies Trafficking Money laundering

24 Similar notions Contract v. agreement Probation v. parole
Evidence v. proof Common law v. case law Barrister, solicitor, lawyer, attorney, counsel, litigator - odvjetnik

25 Characteristics of legal texts
Long and complex sentences The passive Impersonal style – avoiding personal pronouns Legal “shall” – imposing an obligation or duty on someone Technical vocabulary Archaic and foreign words Repetition of words

26 Example Rewrite the following passage:
“ The statement for professional services that you will find enclosed herewith is, in all likelihood, somewhat in excess of your expectations. In the circumstances, I believe it is incumbent upon me to avail myself of this opportunity to provide you with an explanation of the causes therefor. It is my considered judgment that three factors are responsible for this development.” (Source: R. Wydick, Plain English for Lawyers, p. 57)

27 Plain English formulation
The bill I am sending you with this letter is probably higher than you expected, and I would like to explain three reasons why.

28 Thank you for your attention!

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