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Presentation on theme: "Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japan

2 Why this name label : Because it’s located in the far east of manned at the time . Location : Country in East Asia , located between the Pacific Ocean and the sea of Japan and east of the Korean Peninsula.

3 The area of Japan 37,8000 square kilometers.
The Japan capital is(Tokyo). Japan consists of several islands about 3 thousand island. * Four of these islands are the most and the largest ever ( Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu , Hokkaido). Occupies the mountainous areas over are 70%. The population: 127,950,000 people.


5 In winter >> very cold. In summer >> very hot.
The Climate: In the north: In winter >> very cold. In summer >> very hot. In the western coasts: In winter >> wind+ snow fall+ few rain. In summer >> few rain+ warm. In the eastern coasts: In winter >> moderate+ snow fall in some cases. In summer >> hot+ humid. In the south: In winter >> warm. In summer >> very hot. And In the both season have a heavy rain.

6 Politics and government

7 Constitution is based on three basic principles are:
Sovereignty of the people. Respect for human rights. Renounce wars. The constitution also provides for the independence of the government authorities.

8 The Royal Family:


10 Economy: Japan is economically one of the most advanced countries in the world. Their first goal is to improve production. Rice is the main agricultural production Japan. It’s also famous for it’s big industries.

11 Education in Japan: What children learn:
Children enter first grade after they reach the age of 6. And materials that are being studied: Japan Language. Math. Science. Social studies. Music. House keeping. Sport. English Language. Education in Japan: The system consists of basic education in Japan of Primary stage > period of 6 years. Middle school > period of 3 years. High school > period of 3 years. Undergraduate > period of 4 years.

12 And recntly in ceased use of information technology in development and most school linked to the internet. Students also learn traditional Japanese arts such as Chodo and hand writing. The University of Tokyo and the University of Kishomn most prestigious universities in Japan.

13 Example of the Japanese university in English:
Chuo university. Chiba university. Aichi university. Akita university. Aoyama Gakuin university. Asahikawa medical college.

14 Traditional Modren Culture:
Receive offers traditional Japanese so popular today than where Koboke arts, Musical theater and dolls and others. Modren Japan pledges famous new classical music and Japanese cinema.(the most famous movies is Anime)

15 The Language: They used 3 types of characters in the writing of Japanese language. The origin of symbols used in the Japanese language to China. First Language (Kanji): Children learn about 1000 characters in primary school and 1000 in middle school. And the rest tow language is (Alhewagana and Katakana) and tow letters both audio, also they is derivative from (Kanji) language.

16 Japanese cuisine: (Gohan)

17 Sports: Japan is the most famous countries in East Asia in fighting sport. And the most important sports is baseball.

18 Clothing:

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