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Analyzing Article Content / Text

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1 Analyzing Article Content / Text
Teknik Produksi dan Penyiaran Program Radio Kelompok Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi Penyusun : Ahadiat,S.ST Dadang Abdurrakhman,S.Pd Drs.Liliek Julianto Taufan Adhiwiranto, S.sos Agus Nuryaman

2 Analysing Article Content / Text
Preparing Article / Text

3 Preparing Article / Text
writing the script 1. “write to hear” 2. “hearable” 3. Not readable

4 Writing the script must be
Easy for read by announcer Easy understandable by listener

5 Attention to in writing the script 3. ELF – Easy Listening Formula
2. KISS – Keep It Simple and Short 1. Spoken Language 3. ELF – Easy Listening Formula

6 1. Spoken language Use spoken language, conversational language, informal language, or word and sentences usually used everyday conversation

7 2. KISS – Keep It Simple and Short
Use sentence and words modestly and shorten so that is easy to understood

8 3. ELF – Easy Listening Formula
Use “ delicious formula in hearing”, that is sentence formation which is if said heard delicious and is easy to understood

9 Matter which must be paid attention to in Text writing
1. Punctuation Mark Writing 2. Letter Writing / word

10 4. Writing of Name and Occupation
3. Numbering Writing 4. Writing of Name and Occupation

11 3. Once read or once say direct in understanding
Writing Principle 1. Read and in submitting regularly 2. Have the character of direct, that is direct communications of broadcaster with hearer 3. Once read or once say direct in understanding

12 5. Realizing secretory only voice
4. Have the character of personal with communications of person to person 5. Realizing secretory only voice

13 Others also Principle of Writing that is
a. ELF - Easy Listening Formula. Formation of Sentence which is if said heard delicious and is easy to understood at first hearing

14 b. KISS - Keep It Short and Simple
b. KISS - Keep It Short and Simple. Economize word, do not use too many word on one sentences. Using short sentence and is not complicated. Use a few/little possible adjective and clause (adjectives).

15 c. WTYT - Write The Way You Talk. Writing down as said
c. WTYT - Write The Way You Talk. Writing down as said. Writing to “ be voiced”, non to be read

16 d. One Sentence One Breath. Striving there no clause
d. One Sentence One Breath. Striving there no clause. As possible every sentence can be submitted in one breath

17 Characteristic Script
1. Clear, clarity take possession of especial priority in copy writing 2. Summarized, one idea to one sentence. Avoid clause

18 3. Simple, words used have to modestly, public used in conversation all day long, is not complicated, or do not technical - erudite which less be recognized among laymen

19 4. Active, use active sentence, non passive
5. Imaginative, copy have to develop imagination of listener only with words strength, voice, and the music support

20 6. Avoid acronym, even so have to used, giving boldness hereafter or before proposing
7. Rounding, global radio information in character, hence the number better be rounded up

21 9. Logical, avoid inversed sentence formation
8. Global, avoid as possible the detail which needn't, making moderate fact, because of hearer only need news nucleus, and time of you even limited 9. Logical, avoid inversed sentence formation

22 10. Telling a story, use indirect sentence, or avoid direct sentence use
11. Sign-Posting, use marking read in sentence to assist broadcaster in his reader like marking of dismemberment of dlam of sentence and spelling

23 Teknik Penulisan Kata dan Kalimat
Time Writing Letter Use Writing Perform / Occupation Word Change Numbering Writing Name Writing Punctuation Mark

24 a. Letter Use - Use letter capital ( block letters) normally, for example only the first letter of place or people name. Not write “ all capital"

25 For example THOUSANDS OF STUDENT CONDUCT ACTION of DEMONTRATION IN FRONT OF PALACE of STATE YESTERDAY Better Thousands of student conduct demontration in front of Palace of State yesterday

26 Is theft perpetrator - Fulan- under arrest. 19 of that year
B. CHANGE WORD - Repeat important element or keyword in sentence to assist late hearer put attention Example : Is theft perpetrator - Fulan- under arrest. 19 of that year

27 theft perpetrator - Fulan- under arrest. 19 of that year
Example : theft perpetrator - Fulan- under arrest. 19 of that year Or Fulan which have age to that 19 year, be under arrest

28 - Do not ever use “ latter”, “ last”, “ antecedent”, “ above matter”, or “ in the early” because listener cannot look back

29 Example : fundamental Requirement price go up, especially the flesh and rice. That matter becoming weigh against burden live society Better: That Increase of price becoming weigh against

30 - Name may not be placed in the early sentence
C. Writing name - Name may not be placed in the early sentence - Mentioning in advance atribution adverb of like occupation of is other that people, newly its name

31 - middle name Abbreviation ( last name) what is popular
( middle name) is generally disregarded, even if that name have been recognized, its next name ( first name) disregarded and only mention name finally ( last name) what is popular

32 - Need not give complete name and perform one who famous
- For the identity , for example accident victim name, have to be written complete - Positioning special of name writing flankedly is continued sign, in order to the copy reader clearly mention it

33 - If wanting one name or abbreviation spelt, use sign wedge with chocks
- Use organizational complete name at the (time) of first multiply referred as, then use its abbreviation - Way of writing old age style magazine, like “ Fernando Jose ( 30)” have to be avoided, but use: Fernando Jose have, age to 30 year

34 D. Writing ocupation Atribution of like [position/occupation], perform, or predikat always precede name Example : Political observer from University of Indonesia-Arbi Sanit…, non Arbi Sanit, political observer from Indonesia University

35 e. Writing Time Use words “ yesterday”, “ today” and “ tomorrow”, don't Monday , Tuesday And Wednesday

36 - Use word “ clock ” - Except in event of vital importance mention time element ( for example earthquake), writing down time element (clock) rounded uply

37 1. One number write by its uttering. Follow the example of : six
f. Number Writing 1. One number write by its uttering. Follow the example of : six 2. More than one number, better be write with its number. Because news reader generally prefer its. Follow the example of: twenty three

38 3. Use number for number 10 until 999
4. For the number more than 999, using the word and number merger connected by with conjunction. Follow the example of: 92 - million

39 5. Always spell every fraction number
5. Always spell every fraction number. Follow the example of: three part of four 6. void use enlist number

40 8. Date of and the year writed by as which existence
though only one number Follow the example of: date of 2 mei 2002 7. Rounding up number with public form Follow the example of: about, almost, at least more than

41 9. Number hundreds of, thousands of, millions of, and billion , goodness don't use zero. example : five hundred, two thousands, 3 - million, 125 – billion

42 10. Currency better be write by behind number, is not shortened, and do not use currency device.
Follow the example of: thousand rupiah, 500- thousand federal American dollar

43 13. Don‘t use symbol %, write with gratuity
11. number Telephone number or of a lot of, like serial number, use number with hyphen. Follow the example of : , XXX 12. Number denary, spell sign denary that. Follow the example of: five comma two 13. Don‘t use symbol %, write with gratuity

44 - To anti dot of double slash (//) - To replace comma of slash one (/)
g. Punctuation Mark - To anti dot of double slash (//) - To replace comma of slash one (/)

45 - To designate final [of] copy of slash three (///)
- Sign apart (dash) to signalize a name or boldness - Sign wedge with chock(s), link, or strip (-) to assist broadcaster inviting a abbreviation

46 1. Use paper of standard gauge letter ( 21,5 x 27,5 cm)
Pola Halaman 1. Use paper of standard gauge letter ( 21,5 x 27,5 cm) 2. Type at one just face from that page yard, don't shuffle through

47 3. At left corner for each page, writing down:
Copy Writer Name, One or two word of about copy content ( slug lino) and date of 4. Figuring in phonetic spelling each time emerge difficult word said in copy

48 5. Terminate each page with paragraph
5. Terminate each page with paragraph. Don’t continue one paragraph from one page to other page

49 6. Don't continue one sentence from one page to next page ( DON'T be continued)
7. Final sign is always write by the end of copy, for example slash three

50 8. Don't fold of copy in whatever form 9. indent of every paragraph

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