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Shelley B. Chase Software Fellow, Progress

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1 Shelley B. Chase Software Fellow, Progress

2 11/21/2017 Kendo UI Builder by Progress is a productivity tool for creating a modern responsive Web UI for an OpenEdge application Kendo UI Builder by Progress is a tool for creating a responsive web UI for an OpenEdge application. Progress

3 Modernize the User Experience for ABL Desktop Apps
Many Starting Points… CHARACTER GUI ADM and ADM2 Dynamics WebSpeed GUI for .NET …To One Destination Starting points… CHARACTER GUI ADM and ADM2 Dynamics WebSpeed GUI for .NET Destination: UI Definition stored in meta-data (future-proof) Automated UI Generation based on App framework template and UI component templates Proven data model for business applications Datasets with before-image support Standards-based, responsive Web Application for Web Browser and Tablet form factors

4 Building Business Applications of the Future
JavaScript Data Object (JSDO) OpenEdge and Telerik Development Environment OpenEdge Mgmt Data Object Services (WEB or REST) Progress Application Server for OpenEdge OpenEdge AppServer OpenEdge BPM OpenEdge RDBMS OpenEdge DataServers

5 Building Business Applications of the Future
JavaScript Data Object (JSDO) OpenEdge and Telerik Development Environment OpenEdge Mgmt Data Object Services (WEB or REST) Progress Application Server for OpenEdge OpenEdge AppServer OpenEdge BPM OpenEdge RDBMS OpenEdge DataServers

6 Web App Model Web Application User Context Application Module
login dialog Landing-page User-defined Modules Views Data Source JSDO instance Web Application CRM Module Customers View Customer Data Source Orders Order Human Resources Module Employees Employee Data Source Application (internal) Login Page Data Providers (Data Object Services) App / user context

7 Demo: Kendo UI Builder Web App

8 Modern Web Application – Login

9 Demo – Basic Employee Grid

10 Demo – Customer Grid and Form

11 Demo – Edit Customer Record

12 Demo – Separate Employee Form

13 Demo – Customized Employee Grid

14 OpenEdge Business Entities and Data Object Service

15 Server-side Data Objects (Business Entities)
Encapsulate data and data transactions Source code Annotations Define the Resource and data model Specify the methods to expose as the data object Prescriptive method signatures (REST RPC) Read-only CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) CRUD + Submit Count Business logic with free-form signatures (REST RPC) Invoke

16 Data Object Service Annotations
File Level: Resource @progress.service.resource FILE(name="Customer", URI="/Customer", schemaName="dsCustomer", schemaFile="Sports/AppServer/customer.i").

17 Data Object Service Annotations
File Level: Resource @progress.service.resource FILE(name="Customer", URI="/Customer", schemaName="dsCustomer", schemaFile="Sports/AppServer/customer.i"). Method level: CRUD +Submit +Invoke @progress.service.resourceMapping(type="REST", operation="read", URI="?filter=~{filter~}", alias="", mediaType="application/json"). @progress.service.resourceMapping(type="REST", operation="invoke", URI="/CheckCredit", alias="", mediaType="application/json").

18 Data Object Service Annotations
File Level: Resource @progress.service.resource FILE(name="Customer", URI="/Customer", schemaName="dsCustomer", schemaFile="Sports/AppServer/customer.i"). Method level: CRUD +Submit +Invoke @progress.service.resourceMapping(type="REST", operation="read", URI="?filter=~{filter~}", alias="", mediaType="application/json"). @progress.service.resourceMapping(type="REST", operation="invoke", URI="/CheckCredit", alias="", mediaType="application/json"). Data level: Field (field=“Balance", name="semanticType", value=“Number“, min=0, max=5000).

19 Semantic Type Defines what a field means within common field types
CHARACTER could be Text, , Password, URL…  UI framework agnostic ABL DataType Semantic Type BLOB Image or File (TBD) CHARACTER Text CLOB RichText DATE Date DATETIME or DATETIME-TZ DateTimeTZ DECIMAL Number INT64 or INTEGER Integer LOGICAL Boolean Additional Semantic Types Currency Internal Password Percent Phone Number URL Custom Semantic Types FiveStarRating CountryFlag

20 Semantic Types Temp-table Field Data Object Catalog
FIELD Balance AS DECIMAL INITIAL "0" LABEL "Balance" Data Object Catalog "Balance": { "type": "number", "ablType": "DECIMAL", "default": "1500", "title": "Available Balance", "semanticType":{ type: "Number", "min": 0, "max": 5000 }

21 Demo – Business Entities and Service Interface

22 Demo – New Business Entity

23 Demo – New Business Entity

24 Demo – Business Entity Schema

25 Publish the Data Object Service

26 Data Service Catalog

27 Data Service Catalog

28 CustomerBE Records

29 CustomerBE Records

30 Kendo UI Builder

31 Kendo UI Builder: Creating a Web App

32 Kendo UI Builder: Modules
User-defined functional area Loaded “on demand” Top-level navigation element Single application-level user context

33 Kendo UI Builder: Data Providers
Binds to an OpenEdge Data Object Service One or more resources ProDataSet (recommended) Temp-table

34 Kendo UI Builder: Data Sources
Maps to a single table within a resource Catalog defines schema and operations

35 Kendo UI Builder: Views
Pre-defined templates Data-driven UI Built-in CRUD + Submit Display data Optionally edit data Saved as meta-data

36 Demo: Kendo UI Designer

37 Demo – New Web App

38 Demo – Main Design Page

39 Demo – Edit Application Module

40 Demo – Add Data Provider

41 Demo – Edit Data Source

42 Demo – Add Module

43 Demo – Add View

44 Demo – Edit View

45 Demo – Build and Preview

46 Demo - Preview

47 Demo - Preview

48 Generated Web App

49 Build Process Combines Templates with Meta-data
Data Source Metadata View Templates Web App Template Module Metadata Editor Type Templates

50 Web App Architecture (V1)
Data Object Service Catalog

51 Kendo UI Builder: Web Application Architecture V1
Prescriptive Application framework OERA/CCS-compliant n-tier application model AngularJS 1.5 for Single Page Applications Session management for each server connection UI Kendo UI Bootstrap Responsive UI Data and business logic Authentication models Anonymous, Basic and Form Data Object Service catalog JSDO Data Source

52 Generated Web App: Deployment Settings
Edit for deployment URIs

53 Customization and Extension Points

54 Web App Extension Points
App logo Properties in Designer Custom HTML Sections Row Templates Event JavaScript functions CSS and Themes Modify existing Editors Modify existing View templates Build custom Editors Build custom View templates Custom App Framework (very ambitious) Point and Click Technical Knowledge Required Familiar with HTML, JS and CSS Complex JS, AngularJS, EJS-templates

55 Web App Meta-data UI Meta-data saved for Modules/Views and Data Providers <webAppDir>\meta\*

56 Extension Point 1: App Level
App Logo Custom Properties for: Application logo Module icon, label, description (Future) Themes/CSS Saved to: <webAppDir>\src\assets\images\<imageName>.png <webAppDir>\meta\app.json

57 Extension Point 2: View Properties
Custom Properties for: Title Data Provider / Source Grid columns Row Template Sorting, filtering, paging Saved to: <webAppDir>\meta\modules\<moduleName>.json

58 Extension Point 2: Data Provider Properties
Custom Properties for: Service URI Catalog URI Authentication Model Auto-create Data Sources Saved to: <webAppDir>\meta\dataProviders\<dataProviderName>.json

59 Extension Point 2: Data Source Properties
Custom Properties for: Included fields Field order Field label Editor type Client-side or server-side processing Count Function Saved to: <webAppDir>\meta\dataProviders\<dataProviderName>.json

60 Extension Points Utilize the \src Directory
This is your private area Will never be overwritten Always included during generation AngularJS connections built-in for html and scripts directories

61 Extension Point 3: Custom HTML Sections
Views have custom sections <webAppDir>\src\html\<moduleName>-<viewName>\*.html

62 Extension Point 4: Row Templates
Customize Grid View look and feel Function – view-factory.js Id – topSection.html Take a look at Kendo UI demos and samples

63 Extension Point 5: Events
Views have events Generic: Init, Show, Hide View-specific: Row Select, Login

64 Extension Point 5: Event Functions
JavaScript <webAppDir>\src\scripts\<moduleName>-<viewName>\view-factory.js

65 Extension Point 5: Event Functions

66 Extension Point 6: CSS \ Templates

67 Extension Point 7: Editor Types
Global and Project level <webAppDir>\resources\components <KUIBInstallDir>\resources\components

68 Semantic Type to Editor Type Mapping

69 Global App Framework Template
<KUIBInstallDir>\resources\webapp Not recommended – major changes required

70 Global: Data View Templates
<KUIBInstallDir>\schemas\components\<viewname>.json <KUIBInstallDir>\generator-starnova\generators\app\resources\components \<viewname>\* viewname = data-grid, data-grid-form, data-grid-separate-form

71 View Meta-data <webAppDir>\meta\modules\<viewname>.json

72 Generated Data View – AngularJS

73 Generated Data Source – AngularJS

74 Data Sources Backed by the JSDO
JSDO manages hierarchical and transactional data updates to server Invoke operations can be called on JSDO instance var customerDS = new{ transport: { jsdo: “CustomerBE” }, error: function (e) { console.log('Error: ', e); } }); Telerik uses a Kendo UI DataSource to bind to data. We have creates a new JSDO “dialect” for the Kendo UI DataSource for OpenEdge. One thing to note about the Kendo UI DataSource is that it only supports a single table. For a JSDO DataSet with more than one table, you would create a DataSource for each table. The DataSource updates the JSDO memory which manages hierarchical and transactional data updates to server. This sample shows that by specifying the resource name CustomerBE, a JSDO with a single table is created on the fly.

75 Deployment and Runtime

76 Web UI Runtime Architecture
Data PAS for OE Web Handler PAS for OE REST Classic A/S REST Web UI PAS for OE Web Server Web Server JSDO JSDO JSDO PAS for OE Spring Security …/rest/Employee PAS for OE Spring Security …/web/Cust PAS for OE …/static Spring Security …/web/Order AVM AVM Business Entity C:\Progress\116\wrk\oepas1\work\SportsApp [1/12/ :29 AM] Edsel Garcia: JSDO WebHandler Business Entity OEDB

77 How the Kendo UI Builder Compares to Other Options
11/21/2017 How the Kendo UI Builder Compares to Other Options Future-proof: Meta-data and template driven Other Web UI Design tools lock you into one UI technology Templates can be customized and extended for your needs Rapid UI development based on data schema Data-driven views with CRUD features accelerates development of maintenance screens Award winning Kendo UI controls to present the data Built-in extensibility options for customization Purposed for OpenEdge business logic and data JSDO offers client-side dataset features like change tracking and relationships that map to ProDatasets Invoke, Submit and Count operations provide much more than a generic REST service A good place to start, before we go over how to use the Kendo UI Builder, is with the question - how can the Kendo UI Builder add additional value to a company. There have been thousands of OpenEdge business applications created over the last thirty years – that are currently being used in by business throughout the world. Each of these applications represent a valuable company resource. For a business, an OpenEdge application encompasses the business logic and data that provide the engine for running the company. However, as technology continues to evolve, access to these valuable resources must also evolve. This is where the value proposition of the Kendo UI Builder comes in to the picture. Progress saw the need to find a way to open up access to the data and logic in existing OpenEdge application in new ways via the internet. This was the impetus to creating the Kendo UI Builder. by moving the application user interface to the web. In addition it doesn’t just move it to the web, but the interfaces is implemented selected Kendo UI components. Kendo UI is noted for providing state of the art, award winning, UI components. This is how the Kendo UI Builder will benefit companies, by providing their customers will a modern UI that can be used to access there existing applications from anywhere via the internet. Progress

78 Next Steps Insure your business logic is accessible (PAS for OE or Classic AppServer) Data Object Services REST Web Handler 30-day Eval available NOW 11.6.3 KUIB 1.0.0 Share your Web Application UX with Shelley Share “typical pages” to be considered as View templates Share your semantic data types

79 Kendo UI Builder by Progress Priorities
Kendo UI Designer Support Blank View Support new editor types Checklist, numeric slider, lookup Support new editor type events Close, open Support for new CRUD events Beforeedit, afteredit Support new semantic types File, image, percentvalue Support new view templates Stacked grid, hierarchical grid Customer generated Support for new KendoUI themes Localization: Central location for Strings JSDO SSO support for JSDO session Support REST service User Experience UX Improvements across the board PASOE Page preview of application PDSOE Seamlessly integrate with Kendo UI Designer OpenEdge 11.7 JSDO 4.4 79


81 Agenda Time Work 2:00-2:30 Slides/Demo 2:30-3:15 Steps 1-59 3:15-3:30
Break 3:30-4:00 4:00-4:45 Steps 4:45-5:00 Wrap-up, extra credit

82 Building a Modern Web App – Full User Flow
1. Create ABL Service; Generate Catalog PDSOE Business Entities 2. Define UI and Data Sources; Generate Metadata Controls Visual Designer (Kendo UIB) Views Views/Controls Metadata Project Data Source Metadata 3. Generate Web App Files; Generate HTML, JS, CSS JSDO Web App in Browser Angular Yeoman Templates 4. Preview Web App in browser Builder/ Generator (Kendo UIB)

83 Meta-data: App-level <webAppDir>\meta\app.json

84 Meta-data: Module / Views

85 Meta-data: Data Provider/Data Sources

86 Built-in View Templates
Data Grid View (read-only) Read-only Data Grid mapped to single data source (JSDO table). Data Form View (read-only) Data Form View (read-only) with Edit Form View Read only Data Form "screen" with editable Data Form as a separate "screen”. Fields map to a single data source. Data Grid (read-only) with Data Form View Data Grid and Data Form on a single page. The Data Grid uses the first 1/3 of the layout and the Data Form on right 2/3 of layout. Same data source is used for grid and form fields. with separate Edit Data Form View Data Grid “screen” with separate edit Data Form “screen”.  Same data source is used for grid and form fields. Blank View Empty view, use drag-n-drop or hand coded in external html and javascript files.

87 Kendo UIB : Modern Web Applications for OpenEdge Systems of Record
Business Application with one or more modules Modules define product functional areas: i.e. ERP, Finance, HR All server-side logic and UI customization done in ABL UI can be static pages and/or PAS for OE WebSpeed Modules, Pages, Views and Controls Responsive layout designed for Browser and Tablet form factors Default AppModule for custom pages, dialogs, etc. Custom modules are SPA with two types of views Data driven Views are dependent on the data provider definition Custom Pages/Views are visually built using drag-n-drop designer with controls Data Sources Angular.js data-binding to ABL Services (WebSpeed, Data Service/JSDO) and REST Session management (SSO support by PAS for OE)

88 Kendo UIB: Summary WebApp Module Data Provider AppContext
An application that is composed of modules, pages and data providers and runs in a browser. Module  Functional components of a large application that share stateful services and app context. A module is made up of a group of pages related to a single product feature. Modules are implemented as single-page applications (SPA). Data Provider An ABL Service (JSDO ) or REST Service providing access to a backend service. Data Providers are defined at the WebApp level so they can be shared across Modules. AppContext User and session information for the WebApp and shared across Modules. Can be used for SSO.

89 Visual Designer Flow Progress Developer Studio Visual Designer
* New in Kendo UIB Progress Developer Studio Define Service Interface for each Business Entity and generate JSDO catalogs with Semantic data types* Visual Designer Create WebApp Define Data Providers: Progress Data Services (JSDO catalog) or REST Define App-level pages: Dashboard, login page, dialogs, etc. Create Modules: Define page header and footer Create Views: Data driven - Select UI template and Data source(s) Create Views: Custom UI - Build using drag-n-drop designer Generate meta-data Generator Combine angular yoeman templates and UI metadata to create Web App content files: HTML, CSS, JS

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