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Brainstorm with your group: What is one question you have about the plot/characters of Romeo and Juliet? When you agree on one, come up and write it.

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Presentation on theme: "Brainstorm with your group: What is one question you have about the plot/characters of Romeo and Juliet? When you agree on one, come up and write it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brainstorm with your group: What is one question you have about the plot/characters of Romeo and Juliet? When you agree on one, come up and write it.

2 Cause and Effect Game: Work with your table group to match every “cause” card with its “effect” card The winning group (s) will get a prize on Monday to go with their quiz

3 Cause: The Montagues and Capulets have an ancient feud

4 Effect: The Prince decrees that the next Montague or Caplet to fight will face death

5 Cause: Rosaline does not love Romeo, causing him to be lovesick and depressed

6 Effect: Benvolio promises he will find Romeo a new girl

7 Cause: Capulet’s servant does not know how to read

8 Effect: Romeo and Benvolio find out about Capulet’s party

9 Cause: Paris asks Capulet for permission to marry Juliet

10 Effect: Capulet invites Paris to his party to woo Juliet

11 Cause: The Nurse has raised Juliet since she was a baby

12 Effect: Juliet trusts and depends on the Nurse for most of the play

13 Cause: Capulet stops Tybalt from killing Romeo for crashing the Capulet party

14 Effect: Tybalt swears to kill Romeo and writes a letter challenging him

15 Cause: Romeo and Juliet flirt at the Capulet party

16 Effect: Romeo and Juliet fall in love

17 Cause: Romeo’s friends make fun of him after Capulet’s party

18 Effect: Romeo goes into the Capulet’s garden/orchard by himself

19 Cause: Juliet goes onto her balcony to talk to herself about how she has fallen in love with Romeo and wishes their families were not enemies

20 Effect: Romeo proclaims his love for Juliet and asks her to marry him

21 Cause: Romeo asks Friar Laurence to marry him and Juliet

22 Effect: Friar Laurence marries Romeo and Juliet in secret

23 Cause: Romeo stays out all night talking to Juliet

24 Effect: Romeo never receives Tybalt’s challenge

25 Cause: Romeo rejects Tybalt’s challenge in the streets of Verona, and proclaims his love for Capulets

26 Effect: Mercutio challenges Tybalt in place of Romeo and is slain

27 Cause: Benvolio tells Romeo of Mercutio’s death

28 Effect: Romeo slays Tybalt

29 Cause: The Prince sees that Tybalt and Mercutio are dead and demands explanation

30 Effect: Benvolio recounts the fight between Tybalt, Mercutio, and Romeo

31 Cause: The Capulets call for justice due to Tybalt’s death

32 Effect: The prince banishes Romeo

33 Cause: Romeo hears of his banishment

34 Effect: Friar Laurence arranges to send Romeo to Mantua

35 Cause: Juliet hears of Romeo’s banishment and threatens to kill herself

36 Effect: The Nurse arranges for Romeo and Juliet to have their wedding night

37 Cause: Juliet seems really sad (apparently about Tybalt’s death)

38 Effect: Capulet rushes a wedding between Paris and Juliet

39 Cause: Juliet’s parents threaten to throw her out if she doesn’t marry Paris

40 Effect: Juliet begins to lie to her parents about how happy she is to marry Paris

41 Cause: Juliet asks Friar Laurence for help avoiding her wedding to Paris

42 Effect: Friar Laurence makes Juliet a potion that will make her look like she is dead

43 Cause: Juliet takes the potion Friar Laurence gives her

44 Effect: Juliet’s parents hold a funeral for her and put her in the Capulet tomb

45 Cause: Balthasar sees Juliet’s funeral

46 Effect: Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead

47 Cause: Romeo learns of Juliet’s death

48 Effect: Romeo buys poison from an apothecary and rides to Verona to die beside Juliet

49 Cause: Friar Laurence sends Friar John to tell Romeo about Juliet’s faked death, but is locked out of Mantua

50 Effect: Friar John fails to deliver the letter and returns it to Friar Laurence.

51 Cause: Friar Laurence learns his letter was not delivered

52 Effect: Friar Laurence hurries to the Capulet cell, where he discovers Romeo and leaves Juliet upon hearing a noise

53 Cause: Paris goes to Juliet’s grave to give her flowers and sees Romeo

54 Effect: Romeo kills Paris to avoid being turned in to the prince

55 Cause: Romeo sees Juliet’s dead body and takes the poison

56 Effect: Juliet wakes to see Romeo is dead and stabs herself with a dagger

57 Cause: Paris’s servant sees Paris die in his duel with Romeo

58 Effect: Paris’s servant runs to get the prince, watchmen, and other authorities

59 Cause: The prince sees Paris, Romeo, and Juliet dead

60 Effect: The prince summons the Montagues and Capulets to the Capulet tomb

61 Cause: The Montagues and Capulets see their children dead and hear Friar Laurence’s explanation

62 Effect: The two dueling families make peace and promise to create statues to honor their dead children.

63 The Question game! Rules:
Use the character cards of one person at your table group Shuffle them and divvy them out You will, if invited up to the front, be asked to answer the question posed to you based on the character you are If someone guesses your character correctly based on your answer, you get a piece of candy

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