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Baseline Ecological Study of Wind Turbines at Block Island Wind Farm

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1 Baseline Ecological Study of Wind Turbines at Block Island Wind Farm
June 23, 2017 Michael K. Rasser, Ph.D Marine Ecologist BOEM, Headquarters, Sterling VA

2 Baseline Ecological Study of Wind Turbines at Block Island Wind Farm
BOEM Information Need: To provide information to assess the ecological impacts of offshore wind development on the United States Outer Continental Shelf. Date Information is Required: - Ongoing


4 Background Block Island Wind Farm First installed in August, 2016
Five turbines operational since December, 2016 Producing 30 megawatts of electricity.

5 Background Block Island Wind Farm Turbines 600 feet high
Four pile jacket Built to withstand a category 3 storm

6 Background Potential Ecological Impacts of Wind Turbines
Alteration of habitat Function as artificial reefs - Habitat exclusion Scour monitor , 4 months underwater in winter.

7 Background About this Study:
Effort to examine habitat alteration and artificial reef effects of wind turbine foundations in U.S. waters. Collect baseline data and establish guidelines for monitoring and assessment

8 Background Relationship with Previous Work/Efforts: Offshore Wind Energy Development Site Assessment and Characterization: Evaluation of the Current Status and European Experience (2013*) Local effect likely, but may not be meaningful at the regional scale. If you want to detect a change, define a change to monitor for, don’t just monitor. Develop an inventory of knowledge gaps and design monitoring program to fill in gaps. Possibly coordinate monitoring efforts across individual developers to ensure robust monitoring at the proper scale. *Rein C.G., Lundin, A.S., Wilson, S.J.K., Kimbrell, E Offshore Wind Energy Development Site Assessment and Characterization: Evaluation of the Current Status and European Experience. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Office of Renewable Energy Programs, Herndon, VA. OCS Study BOEM [273] pp.

9 Background Relationship with Previous Work/Efforts:
Deepwater Wind has collected data and assessed: - Eelgrass Finfish Lobster Fisheries data Birds

10 Background Relationship with Previous Work/Efforts:
RODEO (Real-time opportunity for Developmental Environmental Observations) Sound environment during construction. Visual activities during and after construction. Air quality emission sources from construction. Sediment disturbance and recovery. Seafloor ecology around base of turbines. Monitoring equipment.

11 Background Relationship with Current/Future Efforts: Other BOEM Studies Analysis of the Effects of the Block Island Wind Farm on Rhode Island Recreation and Tourism Activities (AT-16X-23) Assessing Movements of Nano-tagged Birds near the Block Island Wind Farm: A validation study (AT-17-01)

12 Study Objectives Determine the spatial and temporal variation in abundance of marine organisms associated with wind turbines. Examine the productivity and food web structure of the marine community associated with the turbine foundations. Make comparisons among turbine foundations and similar nearby natural habitats. Determine knowledge gaps and establish appropriate protocols for long- term monitoring . Model and make predictions about potential cumulative impacts that may occur with the addition of more wind turbine foundations.

13 Methods Remote sensing methods such as sonar, active and passive acoustics – to determine the spatial distribution of fish and other organisms in the water column. Stable isotope analysis (C and N) - to examine food web dynamics. Ecological statistics including sampling designs that allow testable hypotheses and multivariate data analyses – to compare turbine foundation and natural habitats. Ecological modelling - to gain insights into future conditions as well as the cumulative impacts.

14 Relationship to Strategic Science Questions
What, if any, are the effects of the alterations from Block Island Wind Farm turbines on habitats, the landscape and ecological resources? What are the affected resources and what should be measured for long-term monitoring and assessment? How can BOEM use what we learn about the ecology of Block Island Wind Farm to model, estimate and assess cumulative impacts with further development of offshore wind energy?

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