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Unit 3.

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1 Unit 3

2 Unit 3 Under the sea

3 Using Language

4 Now, we are going on a snorkelling trip into the deep ocean!

5 parrotfish 鹦嘴鱼

6 sea-slug 海蛞蝓

7 eel 鳝;鳗

8 giant clam 巨蚌

9 grey reef shark 灰礁鲨

10 A New Dimension of Life Look through the title, three pictures and some relevant information on Page 24 to predict what the main idea of this passage is.

11 A. The fantastic things under the sea the author watched on TV.
B. This is a fantastic diary. C. In a diary the author reflected on the wonderful life which was seen under the sea.

12 Fast Reading Glance quickly through the diary entry and number the paragraph topics in the correct order.

13 Topic colors and shapes dangers reflecting the reef’s edge a final thought some sea creatures Paragraph 2 4 1 5 6 3

14 Careful Reading Were there more delights than dangers when snorkelling? List them and decide for yourself.

15 extraordinary beauty different kinds of fish small caves Delights
① seeing such _____________ ______ under the waves ② seeing so many _________ ______ ______ _______ ③ exploring _______ _______ under the sea extraordinary beauty different kinds of fish small caves

16 dangerous fish getting lost being attacked Dangers
① meeting with some ___________ _______ ② ________ ________ in small caves ③ _________ _________ by sharks dangerous fish getting lost being attacked

17 Complete these noun groups from the diary entry and give their meanings in Chinese.
① ___________ air ② ________________ _____ seaweed warm night 温暖的夜空 波动着的 细长的海藻 the waving long thin

18 Noun Groups Meaning ③ ________________ mouth ④ ___________ lips
⑤ __________________ sea-slug hard bird-like 像鸟嘴一样的硬嘴 thick green 宽厚的绿嘴唇 a yellow-spotted red 带着黄斑点的红色海蛞蝓

19 Noun Groups Meaning ⑥ __________________ turtle ⑦ ____________ teeth ⑧ ____________ sharks a large wise-looking 一只长相聪 慧的大乌龟 strong sharp 非常锋利的牙齿 two grey reef 两条灰色的珊瑚鲨

20 Find the adjectives in the passage that go under these headings
Find the adjectives in the passage that go under these headings. What do you notice about the order of these adjectives in the noun groups in Exercise 3?

21 Adjectives Number _____ _______ Size _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ Color _____ ____ _______ ____ Pattern ________ a two small thick large long thin green grey yellow red spotted

22 Adjectives The order of adj. + n. Number comes before ______; size comes before color; color comes before ________. size pattern

23 Fill in the blanks. During the snorkelling trip, the writer first became ______ of the _____ colours and the fantastic corals. He saw little fish ________ the bodies of larger fish, the parrotfish _________ upside down, aware vivid cleaning hanging

24 a sea-slug _______ by a sea-star, a turtle passing so close to him, an eel ________ its head from a hole, a clam _______ for something to swim in between its thick green lips. He felt ______ to death on seeing some creatures. It is a wonderful and __________________ world under the sea. sliding showing waiting scared limitless / enormous

25 Discussion In groups, look at the expressions below from the diary entry. Check their meanings with each other. Then tell each other about the times you had feelings like these.

26 1. a day of pure magic 2. extraordinary beauty 3. it was the most fantastic thing I have ever done 4. my heart was beating wildly 5. every cell in my body woke up 6. (I felt) scared to death 7. it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life

27 1. a day of pure magic Meaning: Suitable Occasion: A very exciting day which filled you with wonder at what you saw ① watching an egg hatch ② seeing a butterfly come out of its cocoon ③ seeing an animal baby being born

28 2. extraordinary beauty Meaning: Suitable Occasion: especially beautiful ① a bride on her wedding day ② a butterfly’s wings

29 3. it was the most fantastic thing I’ve ever done
Meaning: Suitable Occasion: something you have done for the first time that is unusual and very exciting ① after great effort getting to the top of a mountain; ② parachute jumping; ③ hang-gliding

30 4. My heart was beating wildly
Meaning: Suitable Occasion: I was excited and frightened at the same time ① going on a roller coaster ride ② looking over the cliff of a mountain

31 5. Every cell in my body woke up
Meaning: Suitable Occasion: wide awake and ready to run as I faced something extra special and/or dangerous ① being frightened as a tiger came towards me ② watching a very frightening film

32 6. (I felt) scared to death
Meaning: Suitable Occasion: extremely frightened ① lost in a dark wood ② hearing someone move in your house at night

33 7. it was like discovering a whole new
dimension of life Meaning: Suitable Occasion: looking at something in a new and very special way ① examining creatures under the microscope ② looking at the night sky

34 Language points 1. I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day… 阅读下列句子,注意reflect的意思及用法。

35 1) His face was reflected in the mirror.
2) The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight. 3) Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community. 4) He had time to reflect on / upon his successes and failures. 5) Moe reflected that he had never seen Sherry so happy.

36 从以上句子中可以看出,reflect可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,意为:“_____”(句1) 。“反射”(句2)。“表达;反映”(句3)。“思考”(句4、句5)。作“思考”讲时,常用于以下结构:reflect on / upon sth.(句4)。reflected that ... (句5)。 映射

37 【即学即练】将下列句子翻译为汉语。 1) He looked at his face reflected in the mirror. 2) The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes. 他照镜子看看脸。 某一时期的文学反映该时期的价值观念和审美观念。

38 3) She reflected that his argument was
probably true. 她心想他的理由也可能对。

39 2. The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me…

40 1) He was well aware of the problem.
2) The little girl was not aware of having done wrong. 3) They suddenly became aware of people looking at them. 4) Were you aware that something was wrong? 5) I don’t think people are really aware (of) just how much it costs.

41 从以上句子中可以看出,aware作形容词,含义为“知道;意识到;察觉”。其常见用法如下:
★ be aware of sth. (句1) 。 ★ be aware of doing sth. (句2) 。 ★ ______________________________ (句3) 。 ★ be aware that / how ... (句4、句5) 。 be/become aware of sb. doing sth.

42 【即学即练】 将下列句子翻译成英语。 1) 你知道是什么时候了吗? 2) 事情在我不知不觉中发生了。 3) 她发觉有东西烧着了。 Are you aware of the time?  It happened without my being aware of it. She became aware that something was burning.

43 3. …the yellow and green parrotfish was hanging upside down…
e.g. The picture is hanging upside down. Thieves left the place upside down.

44 【拓展】 turn ... upside down 把……翻得乱七八糟,给(某人的生活)造成大的变化或混乱。 e.g. Mark turned the whole room upside down looking for his book. Her husband’s sudden death turned her world upside down.

45 4. I told myself they weren’t dangerous but that didn’t stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment! 阅读下列句子,注意scare的意思及用法。

46 1) Don’t let the noise scare you; it’s only the wind.
2) She moved quietly to avoid scaring the birds away /off. 3) The child was scared of the fierce-looking dog.

47 4) Mike was scared to go bungee
jumping. 5) I’m scared I’ll fail all my exams. 6) There’s been quite a scare about the possible side effects of this new drug.

48 scare作动词时,意为“使惊吓,使惊恐”,如句1。
常构成短语:scare away / off_____,如句2。 scared作表语,意为“害怕的”,常构成短语be scared of和be scared to do sth.,或在其后加从句,如句3至句5。 scare作名词时,意为“___________”,如句6 。 吓跑 惊吓,惊恐

49 【即学即练】 根据中英文提示,完成下列句子。 1) 昂贵的价格把可能购买的顾客吓跑了。 The high price is ________________ possible buyers. 2) 我害怕告诉她所发生的事情。 I’m __________________________ her what happened. scaring away / off  scared of telling / scared to tell  

50 3) 爆炸声把我吓了一跳。 The sound of the explosion gave me quite __________. a scare

51 Using the third person to retell the passage in your own words according to the following information given.

52 On the morning of January 19th
Go snorkelling On the reef offshore The vivid colors Explore small caves Get close to A steep drop Look down A tiny spot

53 On the morning of January 19th, he/she went snorkelling on the reef offshore. Under the sea, he/she saw all kinds of the vivid colors and fish. When swimming among them, he/she noticed the little fish and some other creatures. As exploring small caves, he/she …

54 Reading, discussing and listening
Read the advertisement on page 25 and discuss these questions. 1. What can you experience on this tour? You can see whales, listen to whales singing, watch them underwater, see other marine animals such as dolphins, seals and penguins.

55 2. Would you like to go? What aspect of
the tour would you like best? 3. When do you get a refund? Open. If you don’t see a whale, you would get half the fare back.

56 These dialogues between tourists and a tour guide took place after a whale watching tour. Decide what the tourists would appreciate (G) and what they might complain about (B). Listen to the tape and check your answers. Then listen again and number the aspects in the order you hear them.

57 Aspects Good/ Bad Order
1 Saw whales filmed underwater _____ □ 2 Saw only one whale in the distance _____ □ 3 Heard whales _____ □ 4 Too wet to go outside _____ □ 5 Saw birds, dolphins and seals _____ □ 6 Boat got back too late _____ □ 4 G B 3 1 G 6 B 5 G B 2

58 Listen again. When the tourist complained, what result did he/she want to get from the tour guide and what was the actual result? Complete the table for each dialogue.

59 Dialogue 1 Result wanted: Actual result: Not stated by the tourist although she did say she wanted to speak to the manager. Not stated although the tourist probably would not get another tour or a refund.

60 Dialogue 2 Result wanted: Actual result: Dialogue 3 A full refund. A full refund. A full refund. A refund of half the fare.

61 Listen to the expressions that each customer used to make his/her complaint. Complete the sentences.
Dialogue 1 I’m sorry but ____________________ with the tour. Well, it was ___________________ outside … My two kids ____________________. we weren’t very happy so wet we couldn’t go are very disappointed

62 Dialogue 2 1) Yes, the whales were awesome but ______________________. 2) I’m sorry but ____________________. I now have to make another airline booking and I have no idea whether there’ll be any seats available. __________________. I’m feeling very annoyed that’s not good enough I’d like a full refund

63 Dialogue 3 Excuse me, the tour _______________ _________________________ and we’d ____________ please. 2) ____________________________ as we’re visitors to this area and we’re leaving tomorrow morning. 3) Well, actually, ___________________. wasn’t what my husband and I had expected like a refund I’m afraid that’s no good for us we’d like a full refund

64 Listen to the first dialogue and fill in the missing words
Listen to the first dialogue and fill in the missing words. Then read the lines aloud, paying special attention to stress and intonation. TOUR GUIDE: I’m sorry but we _____ _______ the weather and you ____ ____ whales. can’t control did see

65 ANGELA: Well, I’m afraid that’s not
_____ _______. I’d like to talk to the manager. TOUR GUIDE: I’m sure that won’t ___ ____ ____ _____. I know he’ll ______ with me. The ____ is that you ___ ____ whales. good enough do you any good agree fact see did

66 Homework Remember the new words and expressions. Preview the next lesson.

67 Thank you!


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