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Strategic Preparations for the LDC IV Conference By Arjun Karki

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Preparations for the LDC IV Conference By Arjun Karki"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Preparations for the LDC IV Conference By Arjun Karki
1. Will keep this as brief as poss., as this session is not about anyone’s ideas but yours.

2 Brussels Programme of Action (BPoA)
In May 2001, the Third UN Conference on the LDCs (UN LDC III) declared the BPoA for LDCs for the Decade Aimed to ensure sustainable development and poverty eradication for LDCs during the decade Contains 30 international development goals with indicators, inc. UN Millennium Declaration RECAP – CAN SKIP 1. You are already v. familiar with this slide and the next, esp. after Demba’s excellent presentation yesterday.

3 Brussels Programme of Action (BPoA)
7 mutual commitments of LDCs and development partners: i) Fostering a people-centred policy framework ii) Good governance at national and international levels iii) Building human and institutional capacities iv) Building productive capacities to make glob’n work for LDCs v) Enhancing the role of trade in development vi) Reducing vulnerability and protecting the environment and vii) Mobilizing financial resources Goals based on 7 mutual commitments of the LDCs and their development partners, which are as follows: i) Fostering a people-centred policy framework; ii) Good governance at national and international levels; iii) Building human and institutional capacities; iv) Building productive capacities to make globalization work for LDCs; v) Enhancing the role of trade in development; vi) Reducing vulnerability and protecting the environment and vii) Mobilizing financial resources.

4 LDC IV – Reviewing the BPoA
Turkey, 2011 Review of the implementation of the BPoA, and adoption of next generation LDC development agenda Opportunity for reflection on failure of BPoA to achieve sustained results intended Role of Civil Society recognised in UN Resolution A/RES/63/ More important than ever! 1. Opportunity for far-reaching reflection on the failure of the special measures put in place to support LDCs to achieve the sustained results intended. 2. The important contribution of civil society actors at the conference and in its preparations are recognised in UN resolution A/RES/63/277 which stresses the need for their active participation. 3. Context of increasing challenges LDCs facing – more imp. than ever to ensure that the 4th LDC Conference, and its preparations at national and regional level involve a wide range of stakeholders, most importantly from the LDCs themselves.

5 Partners UN-OHRLLS, UNCTAD, UNESCAP, UNECA,UN- NGLS, UN Millennium Campaign, CSO Division of UNDP and other relevant UN agencies Governments – LDCs, Development Partners, Host Country International, Regional and Global CSOs YOU!!!! Most importantly, YOU!!

6 Organisational roadmap by the OHRLLS

7 Pre-Conference Engagements
Continuation of national consultations on BPoA review, Throughout 2010 Asia-Pacific LDC regional consultation, June 2010 MDG Review Summit, September 2010 Global CSO conference prior to LDC IV, early 2011 Lobbying and advocacies G8, G20, G77+China, WB, IMF and RDBs Engagement/interventions at the official pre-conference events UNNECESSARY???

8 Civil Society Forum (CSF)
Alongside official LDC IV – LDC Watch has been mandated by the OHRLLS to lead the Civil Society process The CSF as culmination of set of activities, inc. national reviews, regional prep. meetings and Prep. Comm. meetings The basis of the engagement of civil society actors should be within the LDCs themselves, but with active support of civil society from other parts, e.g. Europe Unique chance to showcase the value of our contribution and work 1. Beginning 1-2 days before, running throughout. 2. Not standalone event. Lead-up process is key to making it a success. 3. Throughout preparatory process and forum itself, focus will be firmly on LDCs. Support from Europe – Simon will talk about. 4. Unique opportunity to prove the value of our contribution and work in LDCs. Must take this opp’y seriously. Show we are organised and effective.

9 CSO engagement in preparation of national reports
Time period National activities Regional activities Global activities Secretariat 2009 4th Quarter CSO engagement in preparation of national reports 2010 1st Quarter Asia Regional meeting 1st meeting of SC Secretariat established 2nd Quarter Africa Regional meeting Starting CSO Global Review Report 3rd Quarter 2nd meeting of SC 1st Prep Com 3rd meeting of SC 2011 2nd Prep com 4th meeting of SC 4th LDC conference CS Forum JUST IN CASE NEEDED?

10 Tentative Programme CSO Forum Turkey
Preparatory meetings Days 1-2: briefings, orientation, and discussion of CS strategies towards official conference Formal opening of Civil Society Forum Evening before opening of official conference Aim: to involve prominent actors from official conference and host country, in addition to the NGO/CSO reps Plenary meetings 1-2 times per day during duration of Forum, focusing on specific topics relevant to official conference

11 Tentative Programme Thematic seminars
CSOs invited to organise own seminars and workshops on own issues Dialogue with the official conference Regular meetings – dialogue between participants of official conference and LDC CSF Opportunities for cross-briefings and issue-based dialogue Press briefings Press conferences organised each day Publicity on Forum activities and on CS participants’ observations on Conference proceedings

12 Tentative Programme Strategy meetings
Provision for 2 strategy meetings of CS reps each day Used to provide briefings to CS participants on UN conference proceedings. Strategise on proposals for engagement with official conference Exhibitions, Film and Culture Provision for exhibition relating to themes of the conference Potential provision for showing films and promoting cultural activities CSOs will be invited to participate

13 Steering Commitee The Steering Committee comprises of a Civil Society representatives drawn from different regions: LDC Watch as Co-ordinator Host Country civil society network (to be identified in Turkey)

14 Steering Commitee Civil Society Network from Africa – Africa Focal Point (African Forum on Alternatives) Civil Society Network from Asia and the Pacific – Asia- Pacific Focal Point (Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on Debt and Development-JSAPMDD)  Civil Society Network from Europe and North America (European Solidarity Towards Equal Participation of People- Eurostep, Brussels)

15 Steering Commitee Civil Society Network from Latin America and the Caribbean – Global Network (Social Watch, Uruguay) Women’s network – Global Network (Association of African women for Research and Development-AAWORD)

16 What is needed today? Strategy planning!
How will we as a group move forward towards 2011? Most effective if led and owned by you LDC Watch is there to support and facilitate your ideas and efforts Today – 1) Discuss ideas, 2) Designate responsible people/teams? 1. This session has been designated for strategy planning. But what do we mean by this? 2. What we mean is, how will all of us gathered here for the past 2 days, move forward and plan for a representative and effective LDC IV? 3. As an African group, what are the events you want to hold, the issues that you want discussed, and the methods you want to use? This is what we mean by strategies. 4. Coming up with an overarching strategy and smaller strategies that fit in within is a process. Which we are beginning today. Africa has the most LDCs. It is essential therefore that the views of African people and CSO reps such as you are reflected strongly in during the CS Forum. 5. Most important thing to say is: We are confident that this is best led and owned by you, with LDC Watch there to support and facilitate all the way. 6. One idea for how to use today’s session is to 1) discuss ideas, 2) designate people to be the focal points/responsible for taking decisions forward. (Remind them at some point that they are now the focal points for their country.)


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