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Unit 1 Friends Reading.

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1 Unit 1 Friends Reading

2 slim Everyone thinks he is generous.
He is willing to share things with others. I think she is almost 1.75 metres tall. slim Everyone thinks he is generous.

3 She had nothing to do.She felt bored.

4 He is good at telling funny jokes.
Yang Liwei is wonderful. Zhao Benshan has a sense of humour.

5 He wears round glasses and they make him look smart.

6 give a seat to the old man
Who knocked the book off the desk ? give a seat to the old man

7 an advertisement a singer

8 Fast reading(1) 1.Who is this article talking about?
2.Is she slim or fat? 4.Is Betty selfish(自私)?

9 slim, short hair generous, helpful Appearance(外貌): Personality (个性):
I want to tell you about my best friend Betty. She is as slim as I am. She has short hair. She is one of my best friends. Betty is generous. She is willing to share things with her friends. She is also very helpful and is ready to help people any time. She helps me with my homework and when she is on the bus, she always gives seats to people in need. Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world when she grows up.We may not get to see each other often but we will always be best friends. Appearance(外貌): Personality (个性): slim, short hair generous, helpful

10 Read the first article more carefully and answer some questions :
1.How long have they been best friends? 2.Why do you say Betty is generous? 3.Is she helpful, too? Why? 4.What does she want to be when she grows up?

11 Fast reading(2) 1.What’s the friend’s name? 2.Is he very short?
3.Does he have good eyesight? 4.Does he wear glasses? 5.Does Max have a good sense of humour?

12 have a good sense of humour
I have a wonderful friend named Max. He is very tall almost 1.75metres He is the tallest boy in my class. However, he has poor eyesight because of working on computer too much at night. He wears small,round glasses and they make him look smart. Max has a good sense of humour. I never feel bored or unhappy when he is with me. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh. His legs are very long and they do not fit under the school desks. He can walk fast but when he walks past the desks,he often knocks over our books and pens. He is so funny. Appearance (外表): Personality(个性: very tall, wear glasses, smart have a good sense of humour

13 Read the second article more carefully and write a “T” if the sentence is true, write an “F” if it is false. 1.Max is very tall about 1.65 metres. 2.Max has good eyesight. 3.He wears big, round glasses and they make him look smart. 4.Max has a good sense of humor. 5.I often feel bored when he is with me. 6.His legs are very short and they fit under the school desks. 7.He can walk fast and he never knocks over our books and pens.

14 Fast reading(3) 1.Who is this article talking about?
2.Does she have straight shoulder-length hair? 3.Is May a true friend? 4.Is she very kind ? Why ?

15 She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone.
I thought of my good friend May when I read your advertisement. She is shorter than I am and is small . She has straight,shoulder-length hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty. May is a true friend . When something worries me, I can always go to her. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret. She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone. Appearance: Personality: small straight, shoulder-length hair, pretty a true friend, keep a secret, kind

16 Read the third article more carefully and fill in the blanks.
straight May is _____ and she has _______, _______________hair. Everyone thinks she is ______. She is a _______ friend and she can ________ ________ _____ . She is _______ and never says a __________ word _______ anyone. short shoulder-length pretty true kind a secret keep bad about

17 T or F questions: 1. Betty is ready to help old people only.
2.Betty wants to be a dancer and travels around the world. 3. Max does a lot of computer work. 4. Max is very good at telling jokes. 5. May is tall with straight, shoulder-length hair. 6. May is a true friend.

18 straight, shoulder-length hair, pretty have a good sense of humour
Who would you like to make friends with?Why? Betty Max May Appearance small straight, shoulder-length hair, pretty very tall, wear glasses, smart slim, short hair a true friend, keep a secret, kind Personality generous, helpful have a good sense of humour

19 Vote for the best friend

20 Exercises 一. 根据句意和中文提示填空。 1.She is as ________(苗条)as I am.
一. 根据句意和中文提示填空。 1.She is as ________(苗条)as I am. 2.Betty is ___________(慷慨的). 3.They have good _____________(视力). 4.Paul has a good sense of __________(幽默)。 5.They tell funny___________(玩笑)。 6.This is an ________________(广告)。 slim generous eyesight humour jokes advertisement

21 Exercises 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.They are ______ (will) to help others.
2.We want to be _______ (sing) when we grow up. 3.I have a friend ______(call) Daniel. 4.My brother never feels ________(bore). 5.It is an__________ (happy) day. willing singers called bored unhappy

22 Proverb(谚语): 1. A friend is never known till a man has need . 需要之时方知友.
2. A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难见真情. 3. A friend is easier lost than found . 得朋友难,失朋友易. 4. A friend without faults will never be found . 没有十全十美的朋友.

23 Homework for today: Write a composition about your best friend after class.

24 Thank you!

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