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Week two: Narratemes and film concepts

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1 Week two: Narratemes and film concepts
Foundation Portfolio Week two: Narratemes and film concepts

2 What makes an interesting film concept and plotline?

3 Learning Objectives You will learn about ‘narratemes’ and identify films that contain these plot elements You should learn about the balance between familiarity and originality in the concepts behind media products You could spot familiar ingredients in film concepts and link them to other successful films

4 What was the last good film you saw. What was its concept
What was the last good film you saw? What was its concept? (1-2 sentences, not a plot summary) Film Concept: an abstract idea/direction for a film. Example: The Hunger Games: Katniss Everdeen voluntarily takes her younger sister's place in the Hunger Games, a televised fight to the death in which two teenagers from each of the twelve Districts of Panem are chosen at random to compete. Plot outline: a general description or plan showing the essential stages of a story but not the intricate detail.

5 Recap on your knowledge of genre
What was the film’s genre – and how do you know? What other films (or TV, books etc) did it remind you of? What was original or unique? Feedback.

6 ‘Cabin in the Woods’ How did Cabin in the Woods fulfill the first 3 narratemes on Propps list? Give specific examples. A member of a family leaves home (the hero is introduced) An interdiction is addressed to the hero (‘don’t go there’, ‘go to this place’) The interdiction is violated (villain enters the tale)

7 Narratemes Read the list of ‘Propps 31 dramatic moments’ – What films (or stories in other mediums) contain these ‘narratemes’? – write examples by the side of the appropriate narrateme. Be prepared to give examples of how the texts you have written down demonstrate the narratemes. Can you think of any more?

8 Example: Shutter Island
Watch the trailer for ‘Shutter Island’ What narratemes did you spot? Where were they used?

9 Lesson two: Film Concept Analyses
Write analyses, commenting on each film’s: Concept Similar to?I.e. elements familiar from other films); ‘Narratemes’ used (explain where); USP (i.e. why is this film not like the films in the ‘Inspirations’ section?) Watch ‘Bridesmaids’ trailer Fill in chart with ideas. Be rigorous! The Maze Runner trailer Limitless : American Beauty trailer

10 Home learning: Research Task – Due Monday 14th November
Title: Film Concept Analysis (not ‘trailer analysis’ – it confuses the moderator!) Choose 1 film we looked at in lessons, and 2 you have chosen independently OR choose 3 films of your own choice. Embed trailers on your Weebly blog under ‘research’ tab. Write analyses, commenting on each film’s: Concept Similarities with other films (i.e. elements familiar from other films); ‘Narratemes’ used (explain where); USP (i.e. how is this film different to other similar films?)

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