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If you have a smartphone please download

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1 If you have a smartphone please download
World History School Year Website: Room: D101 Phone number:(925) x6401 Mrs. Lynette Brown What We will Learn Throughout this year you are going to be taking a trip around the world. Units that will be covered: 1: The World in 1750, 2: Revolutions, 3: Industrial Revolution, 4: Imperialism, 5: Cause/Course of World War I, 6: Effects of World War I, 7: Rise of the Dictators, 8: World War II / Genocide, 9: Cold War, 10: Nation Building. Throughout the year we will be answering the following question: How has the drive for resources affected the uses & abuses of power and the creation of the have’s & have – nots? Most book work assigned will be done at HOME so leave your textbook at your house unless otherwise notified. Late & Make-up Work I reserve the right to deal with specific late work and make-up work issues on a case by case basis. The general rules that will apply are as follows: If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get the work & notes you missed which can be found on my website, in the blue binder on back counter, and fellow classmates. You will have the same amount of days to make up the work as to the amount you were absent or else it will be considered late. Put absent/late work in the silver basket with ABSENT/LATE. Late assignments will be deducted 30%. Late work will be accepted until the end of each quarter. 3-Ring Binder with loose leaf paper. You don’t need a separate notebook for this class Videos Colored pencils, at least 2 different color highlighters, a pen and a pencil to write with, & Post it notes We will watch multiple historically based movies, videos & clips. The video ratings range from G, PG, PG 13, R and may contain re-enactments of wars or war like images. See “World History Syllabus Parent & Student Acknowledgement” form located on the last page for a list of movies. Please contact me if you have questions about any film or its relevance to the class. Tests & Quizzes Smartphone At the end of each unit students will receive a Unit Test. Quizzes will be given between tests and will cover assigned material from the text, and information presented in the classroom. Tests/quizzes will be a combination of multiple choice, short answer and objective questions. All test make-ups must be after school or Patriot Plus Failure to take the make-up test will result in a "0" on the test.  If you have a smartphone please download these free apps Participation Projects No phones during lecture No cheating Be on task & prepared Respect everyone CNN myHomework remind 101 Classwork & Homework You can also bookmark my teacher web page that has the complete version of the textbook Tests & Quizzes

2 For Parents/Guardians
School Policy Reminders Eating (Food gets tossed in trash) Cell Phones, head inappropriate times (get turned into SLC D) "One Person can make a difference and every person should try." - John F. Kennedy Classroom Procedures 1. Start of class When you arrive to class, write agenda and homework on provided calendar. This will be collected at the end of each month. We will watch the CNN student news as soon as the bell rings. Have out your form to write down your 5 facts before I start the news clip. If you are absent or tardy it is still your responsibility to watch/read the news and write down 5 facts. 2. Dismissal of class The bell does not dismiss you, I do. You should remain in your seats until I give you the okay indicating it is appropriate to leave. 3. Getting around in the classroom You do not need to ask permission to throw something in the garbage, to get a tissue or to sharpen your pencil. Just use your common sense as to when you do these activities. (i.e. not during group presentations or when I am standing in front of the class giving instructions.) 4. Leaving class Every student has 4 hall passes per quarter. Passes do not transfer quarter to quarter and cannot be sold, or transferred between students. If you run out, that is it. Take care of personal business outside of class time. We will be working together as partners with your student this term. You can help your student be more successful this school year by expecting & encouraging completion of nightly homework, also try to provide a clear & quiet area for study time and please make sure to ask your student how school is going. Your student’s grades will be posted on Parent Portal ( Please see the school web site for more information. Tuesday AUGUST 15th I look forward to meeting you and having the chance to discuss the course and answering any questions you may have. is the best way to contact me: Please expect phone calls and s from me. I enjoy calling and speaking with parents and guardians regarding student's progress. I have a website! Here you will find class handouts as well as a calendar of activities and course work. I look forward to working with you and your student this school year. Sincerely, Mrs. Lynette Brown For Parents/Guardians Grades Back to School Night Contact Information Homework Homework will be given on the majority of school nights, and occasionally over the weekend. You will be given a Unit Overview sheet at the beginning of each unit that covers the homework and it will be due on Unit Test day.

3 World History Syllabus Parent & Student Acknowledgement Mrs. Brown
Due Date: ______________ I have read and understand the class syllabus and policies and agree for my student to watch the following films: Tale of Two Cities (clip), Napoleon A&E Movie, Modern Times (clip), Oliver Twist, Gandhi, The Armenian Genocide, Metallica-One video, Russia: the Great War Series (clip), The Wave, Unsung Heroes of Pear Harbor, Enemy at the Gates (rated R) (clip), Saving Private Ryan (rated R) (clip), Schindler’s List (rated R), To Live, Hotel Rwanda. If you do not want your student to watch any of the above films please list them below and an alternative assignment will be provided. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mrs. Brown. Students Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature ________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature:_______________________________________________________________________ Date:______________________________ In what ways can I assist your student in learning and what are some things you would like me to know about your student. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

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