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Explain how coastal management strategies used in your chosen area (St Ouens) have taken conflicting views into account.

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Presentation on theme: "Explain how coastal management strategies used in your chosen area (St Ouens) have taken conflicting views into account."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explain how coastal management strategies used in your chosen area (St Ouens) have taken conflicting views into account

2 a person's opinion or point of view
Viewpoint a person's opinion or point of view

3 Conflicting Viewpoints
to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash

4 is defence against flooding and erosion,
Coastal management is defence against flooding and erosion,

5 Data Presentation

6 Land Use Map Locate key sites Colour classify land use
Photos of key land uses Describe Farming Retail Historical Sites Housing Natural Areas Recreation Beach Commercial

7 Height & State of The Sea Wall
Locate key sites Using a key, demonstrate the state of the wall Photos of each location (of the wall) Graphically, show the height of the sea wall. Describe

8 Interview Listen to the interview of the representative from National Parks Introduction: Marc Woodhall, Natural Environment Officer, October 2016, questions prepared by GCSE Geography Students Notes Summary: What did you make of what he said? What was the key message you picked up on?

9 Questionnaire A questionnaire has been created and conducted to gauge the opinions of the general public regarding the land use and management of St Ouens bay. The first questionnaire was completed by myself to demonstrate my opinions. I will then use I will apply Spearman's Rank to see whether my opinion is similar to that of the general public.

10 Data Presentation This is when you use your collected data/photos/secondary data to answer your key questions (same as the ones in your table in Setting the Scene) The key questions can be answered in any order but must form a heading of that section of data presentation and analysis The marker is looking for: They have presented their data in a wide range of appropriate maps, graphs and diagrams. They have used their knowledge and understanding to describe and explain their evidence in a consistently detailed way.

11 Data Presentation Title: Key Question: Introduction: Data presentation
Description: Keep it to the same page

12 Possible Techniques to Answer
Key Question Possible Techniques to Answer What are the present methods of defending St Ouen’s Bay? Annotated photographs. Geolocated map What are the current state of the sea defences? Located bar graph How does the height of the sea wall change along St Ouen’s Bay? What land uses are present at St Ouen’s Bay? Land use map Annotated photographs Sketch maps How important are the land uses at St Ouen’s Bay? Line graphs using data from land use survey Spearman Rank Correlation using data from questionnaires What are the Conflicting views that occur at St Ouens Bay? Secondary sources – newspaper articles on shared area Excerpts of the interview with Jersey National Park What are the future plans for the development of St Ouen’s Bay? Spider diagram using responses from questionnaires

13 Data Presentation Landuse Map Sketch map Landuse survey
Excerpts of the interview with Jersey National Park Questionnaire analysis (Spider diagram, pie chart) Questionnaire Spearman Rank Correlation using data from questionnaires Sea wall height Sea wall state Annotated photographs Secondary sources – newspaper articles on shared area + Whatever you like!!!! Data Presentation Title: Key Question: Introduction: Data presentation Description:

14 Things To Do Q 2. What services do you visit in the Bay? = Bar Chart
Questionnaire Analysis Q 2. What services do you visit in the Bay? = Bar Chart Q 3. What are the future plans for the development of St Ouen’s Bay? = Spider Diagram Q 4. Perceived Importance of the sea wall = Spearman’s Rank Coefficient (see JmK) Q 5. Managed Retreat and sacrifice of an area = pie chart Field Trip Booklet Q 3. Quality of Landuse Survey = Bar chart =Once drawn, describe

15 Land Use value Using Excel graphically represent your data Describe
What else could you do with the data?

16 Timetable Of Controlled Assessment Mondays Opt 1
21th November - Final data presentation and description 28th November - Compare expectations to your findings & discuss 05st December - Answer overall question 12th December - Tidy up, personalise and submit your project.

17 CONCLUSION Your conclusion should have...
They have critically analysed and thoroughly interpreted their evidence.   • They have used this analysis and interpretation to draw an appropriate and substantiated conclusion. Your conclusion should have... regular references to specific data (page numbers or diagrams) and the key questions No new information – everything in your conclusion should be backed up by data in the previous section If you’re running out of words you could put your thoughts into a table

18 Conclusion / Evaluation of Data
Key question: Data: Expected outcome: Copy from previous task Actual Outcome: Changes in outcome: Discuss. A small but important task About a page (or as a table)

19 Conclusion / Evaluation of Data
The title of my study was to ‘Explain how coastal management strategies used in your chosen area have taken conflicting views into account.’ I have answered this by dividing the main question into a number of key questions: The first one of these is …………… I found that ………. as shown on the graph/map/photo (quote page number) suggests that ….. Are the results from your key questions what you expected from the EXPECTED OUTCOMES which you gave in Setting the Scene? Why are they different? If the same, what do you think about that? The second key question was ….


21 Timetable Of Controlled Assessment Thursdays Opt 4
17th November - Final data presentation and description 24th November - Compare expectations to your findings & discuss 01st December - Answer overall question 08th December - Tidy up, personalise and submit your project.

22 Overall Conclusion After you have drawn a conclusion for EACH of your key questions you then go back to the original MAIN question: “Therefore based on the evidence from the key questions, I conclude that coastal management strategies used in St Ouens have / have not taken conflicting views into account” If you agree give 4/5 bullet paragraphs saying why If you disagree bring in some reasons WHAT EVER YOUR CONCLUSIONS ARE THEY MUST BE BACKED UP WITH EVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN IN YOUR STUDY – MAPS/GRAPHS/PHOTOS/WRITING

23 Mark Sheet Insert mark sheet Full Name Candidate number

Do as a table Or Introduce and bullet point (with development)

25 Mark scheme Level 2 Level 3
They have made an overall evaluation of the success and usefulness of their enquiry. • They have suggested some possible limitations to their enquiry. • They have suggested some plausible solutions and extensions to their enquiry. Level 3 • They have made a critical evaluation of the success and usefulness of their enquiry.  They have analysed thoroughly the range of limitations to their enquiry. They have made reasoned suggestions for possible solutions and extensions to their enquiry.

Would someone come to the same conclusions as you did? How accurate do you think the results were? Were the results affected by the weather (you hurried too much)? LINK BACK TO KEY QUESTIONS – HAVE YOU PROVED THEM?

27 Extensions / Development To The Enquiry
How would you extend this enquiry to gain further or more accurate range of results about coastal defences, management and viewpoints?

28 Usefulness Of Enquiry How have you personally gained from the experience of completing this enquiry?

29 Limitations What limitations did you experience in completing the field work and completing the write up?

30 Bibliography List the websites and books you used to complete the investigation

31 Tidy Up Check over all sections = proof read Delete words
Key words: go through your project and put any key words into italics Make sure that the key words in your project are in your ‘key words’ list Delete any keywords from your keyword list that are not used in your project Fill out your bibliography for any additional sources of information (websites or reference books) Design an attractive front page Personalise your project (font and layout, colour scheme, design)

32 Copy one graph by hand You need one hand drawn graph
Print the single page that include a graph you want to copy Once printed, replace the graph with a box of the same size Redraw the graph Once your project is totally printed glue your graph into the box space

33 Print Out Print out, staple and slide the plastic binder along the margin Hand in your project and sign the ‘Coursework submission form’ = Congratulations, you’ve completed 25% of your GCSE in Geography

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