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Excel Workshop Excel Fundamentals

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1 Excel Workshop Excel Fundamentals
SURESH NAIR, Ph.D. Professor and Robert Cizik Chair in Manufacturing and Technology Management, Operations and Info Management School of Business University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

2 Preliminaries Go to the Workshop website and download the file First Spreadsheet Basic skills Entering serial numbers Write 1 and 2, choose both cells, leave cursor Notice the black square at right bottom of selection. This is the Handle Hover on top of the handle and the cursor become a + Hold down left button and pull down to the extent needed Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

3 Preliminaries (contd.)
Freezing panes Used for large spreadsheets to freeze header rows and columns Place cursor on E6 Go to \View and choose Freeze Panes Filter Used to filter (show) all rows with the same data in a column Place cursor on D5 and go \Home\Sort&Filter\Filter Note the pull down menu indicators for each column Under Teams, filter for team 1, and copy all HW grades for all members. Do the same for other teams. Remove filter indicators \Home\Sort&Filter\Filter Insert/delete columns Choose column or row Header Click \Home\Insert or \Home\Delete Insert a column at Column I. Call this HW Total

4 Entering formulas Always start an equation with an = (equal sign)
Simple formulas In row 31, calculate the average for HW, Ex1 and Ex2 scores for the class. =average([select data cells]) In column I, find HW total. In I6 =sum([select data cells E6..H6]) Or, use the icon S on top Copying formula down column Select I6. Hover on handle (bottom right of cell) and double click This is an extremely useful feature for large spreadsheets Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

5 Entering formulas Simple formulas (contd.)
In column L, calculate the HW score out of 20. In L6 =[point to I6]*20/400 Copy formula down column using handle In column M, calculate the Total Score. In M6 =0.4*J6+0.4*K6+0.2*L6 Or, =sumproduct($J$4..$L$4,J6..L6) – Notice $ (more on this later) Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

6 Sorting Sorting files Select all data except bottom totals. Include headers Sort the file down (descending) on column M Total score Go \Home\Sort&Filter\Custom Sort Under Sort By choose Total Under Order, choose Largest to smallest Click OK Now that the file is sorted in descending order, assign letter grades in column N (manually) PASTE SPECIAL - VALUES At times you want to get rid of the formula in a cell and only leave the value in place (e.g., in simulations). [select cells] CTRL-C to copy \Home\Paste\Paste Values (2007) Right click and choose 123 (2010)

7 VLOOKUP We can assign grades without sorting by using VLOOKUP
On the right of the spreadsheet create a small table. Suppose the address of the numbers in the table (do not include header) is T5..U15 In cell N6 =vlookup(M6,$T$5..$U$15,2) The way to read this formula is M6 is the number to be converted to grade $T$5..$U$15 is the conversion table address 2 is the column from the table to return here when there is a match. Copy formula down column using handle Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

8 Summarizing Data If you cannot recall a function, use the fx button on the formula bar Measures of Central Tendency Arithmetic mean =average(a1.a5) Median (the central value) =median(a1.a5) Mode (the most frequently occurring value) =mode(a1.a5) Measures of Variation Range (the difference between the max and min value) =range(a1.a5) Standard deviation =stdev(a1.a5) Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

9 Other Useful Functions to Summarize Data
=sum(a1.a5) Sumif =sumif(a1.a5,”<25”,b1.b5). Check for condition in a1.a5, and if true sum corresponding values in b1.b5 (Optional). Count and Countif. Counts occurrences. =count(a1.a5) or =countif(a1.a5,”<25”,b1.b5). Min or Max =min(a1.a5) or =max(a1.a5) Quick Summaries for Numeric Data Select Numeric data cells At bottom frame of Excel find the summary data such as Average, Count, Max, Min, Sum, etc.

10 Presenting Data - Pie Charts and Line Charts
10 Example: We illustrate the drawing of Pie charts and 2 Axis charts using data in Auto_sml.xlsx. Select the data (including headers), go to the \Insert\Pie icon and choose the Pie Chart. Next choose Line. Add chart title and axis titles by choosing Layout under Chart Tools – do this for Vertical Axis (call it “Specs”), and Horizontal Axis (call it “Weight, lbs.”). Title the chart “Car Weight vs. Specs.”

11 Presenting Data - Pie Charts and Line Charts
11 Add Chart Elements Click on the Chart and see the + sign on the top right. You can choose the Chart Elements to add to the chart. Add chart title and axis titles by putting checks against Chart Title and Axis titles Enter the Chart title and axes titles you wish by overwriting the default text that was created.

12 2 Axis Charts 12 Since the values of variables are of different size, it would be better to move Rleg Room to the right axis. Right Click the line corresponding to Rleg Room. On the right panel choose Secondary axis. For good measure, on the paint can on right (Format), choose Border color and Rounded Corners.

13 XY Charts and Bubble Charts
None of the previous charts are to scale on the X axis. They simply consider the X values to be categories. Therefore 2,5, 23 and 107 will be equal-spaced on the x axis, as if they were M,T,W or colors or brands. If you need to show scaled values, you need to use Scatter charts If you need to show 2 y-axis values to scale you may use the Bubble chart. First choose two columns and choose Bubble Chart. Then click on the chart to show data selected. Then extend the data to include the third column. The left most column chosen is shown on the X-axis, the second column is the Y axis and the third column is the bubble size I have found Scatter charts to be the most important type of chart in Excel

14 Elements of Charting Style
14 First let Chart Wizard do its thing. Then pretty it up Fix scale. Double click on scale to fix. Choose Scale tab. Change Min and Max Get rid of grid line. Click on any grid line. Delete. Add markers and lines. Click on line drawn, then right click, choose Format Data Series, and then choose different weight and style for different lines (colors do not print well). On the right panel choose markers on some of the lines which may have same weight and style.

15 Excel Workshop Excel ADVANCED
SURESH NAIR, Ph.D. Professor and Robert Cizik Chair in Manufacturing and Technology Management, Operations and Info Management School of Business University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

16 Anchoring This is the most important aspect of Excel
Get used to anchoring cell references If in cell B2 you say =A1, this is a relative reference. You are simply meaning the stuff one row above and one column to the left If in cell B2 you say =$A1, this is an absolute reference to column A, but relative reference to one row above. That is, if you copy this formula to B3, it will show up as =$A2 If in cell B2 you say =A$1, this is an relative reference to the column of the left, but absolute reference to row A. That is, if you copy this formula to C2, it will show up as =B$1 If in cell B2 you say =$A$1, this is an absolute reference to column A and row 1. That is, if you copy this formula to B3, it will still show up as =$A$1 Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

17 Formulas and Anchoring (contd.)
17 Download file Anchoring.xls from the website After doing the exercises on the second tab of the spreadsheet, you should be able to enter a formula in one cell and copy it to all other cells to obtain a table as shown below: Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

18 Importing Text Data Use the Text Import wizard
18 Use the Text Import wizard Example: The file Mutual.txt has information on Mutual funds and is delimited by comma. First save this file to disk. From any Excel document, \Office\Open and select this file (under Files of Type, choose Text Files). The Text Import Wizard screen comes up. Choose Delimited. On the next screen take off the check against Tab and put a check against Comma. Click Finish. Save file as an Excel Worksheet, Mutual.xls The file Auto.txt has information on automobiles and is delimited by the character | Do exactly as above, but on the second screen choose Other and put a | in the box. Save as Auto.xls Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

19 Histograms Let’s draw a histogram on car widths from file Auto.xls
19 Let’s draw a histogram on car widths from file Auto.xls \Data\Data Analysis\Histogram and leave Bin Range blank. Put a check against Chart Output After you see the output, go back to Histogram menu and enter the Bin Range (incl header) for better display. Start at 60 and increase by 2.5 for each bin.

20 Filtering Choose \Home\Sort and Filter\Filter Hides unimportant rows
20 Choose \Home\Sort and Filter\Filter Hides unimportant rows Can specify multiple column filters, and custom filters

21 Conditional Formatting
21 Similar to filtering, but simply highlights important cells, does not hide the other cells. Choose \Home\Conditional Formatting There are many options available

22 Pivot Tables (Important)
22 This is an extremely useful way to examining whether there is any relationship or pattern between two or more variables. Use the Pivot Table wizard in Excel Select the data including the headings Choose \Insert\Pivot Table, then OK Select the Filter, Column and Row variables, and the body of the matrix (S value) by dragging

23 Pivot Tables (contd.) 23 Group the data for the row or column, if necessary (right click on any row value (say) > Group). Enter start, end and interval size Prof. Suresh Nair, University of Connecticut

24 Pivot Tables (contd.) 24 Change the way to summarize data as needed (count, sum, etc.) and change the format of the numbers as needed. Right click on top left cell, choose Summarize Data By…More Options…second tab Show Values As. Say % of row. Choose Number Format (Custom, #.## for zero suppression) as needed.

25 Excel Workshop Structured data from unstructured text
SURESH NAIR, Ph.D. Professor and Robert Cizik Chair in Manufacturing and Technology Management, Operations and Info Management School of Business University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

26 Converting to Structured Data
26 Many a time you may get text that looks unstructured, say on a website and you need to make into structured form for analysis. Let’s say you want to send a mass to people you have selected in LinkedIn. You want to customize the for each person. Let’s do an Advanced Search in LinkedIn for keyword “Talent” within 100 miles of our zip code

27 Copy/paste pages in Word
27 Let’s copy/paste several of these pages into a Word document as Keep Text Only I have done 11 pages of this. Download file LinkedIn Hits - First File

28 Converting to 1 line per person
28 Click on the ribbon to show the paragraph marks Note that each person ends with two paragraph markers Go to Replace and replace ^p^p with $$, Replace All

29 Converting to 1 line per person (contd.)
29 Now replace the single paragraph marks with $ Finally replace the $$ back to single paragraph marks

30 Converting to 1 line per person (contd.)
30 Finally replace the $$ back to single paragraph marks

31 Converting to 1 line per person (contd.)
31 If you are lagging the class, download file LinkedIn Hits Second File. Now select the whole file, Select All (Ctrl-A), and copy (Ctrl-C) and paste as Values in an Excel file

32 Converting to 1 line per person (contd.)
32 Voila! You have one row per person. What is more, there are $ between each field, so we can break each row into several columns

33 Converting each line to columns
33 Simply do what we learnt earlier about converting Text to Columns. Select Column A, go \Data\Convert Text to Columns, use Delimiter $

34 Converting each line to columns
34 Simply do what we learnt earlier about converting Text to Columns. Select Column A, go \Data\Convert Text to Columns, use Delimiter $

35 You have your Structured File
35 You may download this file, LinkedIn Hits Third File. You can further clean up the file by (will require quite a bit of manual clean- up, but with practice you will be able to do this fast) Removing 2nd, 3rd, PremiumBadge, etc. You can split the first name and last name into two columns – delimiter is space You can separate the company name into another column – first replace all “at” with S, and then use $ as delimiter to separate title from firm name You can Concatenate to create an guess See LinkedIn Hits Fourth File

36 Using Mailmerge 36 You need to be sure that the you guessed is correct. One good site for making guesses of format is You can then use Mailmerge in Word to send customized s to everyone in the file Several will bounce due to bad guess For these use another guess, send only to these another Good luck! The LinkedIn example was simply illustrative. However, this idea of $, ^p, etc., is very useful for several other real applications you will come across.

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