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Published byBarry Blake Modified over 7 years ago
Assoc. Prof. Vinko Vidjak, MD, PhD, Medical School Zagreb
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016. Importance of forming Centers for diabetic foot Assoc. Prof. Vinko Vidjak, MD, PhD, Medical School Zagreb Clinical Department for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Clinical Hospital Merkur Zagreb, Croatia
√ Disclosure Speaker name: Vinko Vidjak
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Disclosure Speaker name: Vinko Vidjak I have the following potential conflicts of interes to report: consulting: Boston S employment in industry stockholder of a healthcare company(s) owner of a healthcare company(s) other(s) I do not have any potential conflict of interest √
DM is the leading cause of lower limb aputations worldwide
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 DM is the leading cause of lower limb aputations worldwide 40% amputees die within 2 years
315.900 adult pts in Croatia have DM (9,2%)
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 adult pts in Croatia have DM (9,2%) Annual expenditure DM treatment is 11,49% of the healthcare budget (2,5 billion HRK annually) Average cost of treatment of 1 DM pt. / 1 year is ,44 HRK 85,72% of those costs are spent on the treatment of complications Expected increase of DM pts (until 2030.) to 10,5% Novo Nordisk Croatia 2010 Inhabitants: 4.3 mill Complication type Cost HRK % PAD % Diabetic foot % 85.72% is spent of the treatment of complications Novo Nordisk Croatia 2010
Slavonija, Baranja and west Srijem
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Slavonija, Baranja and west Srijem ihabitants DM patients courtesy Silvija Canecki-Varžić,
Chronic complications – CHC Osijek Structure of direct costs
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Chronic complications – CHC Osijek Structure of direct costs Izvor: Canecki-Varžić S, Miljković G. Prijedlog projekta Regionalni centar za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma u dvorcu Batory, 2011; podaci KBC Osijek, cijene HZZO, srednja vrijednost pojedinih zahvata courtesy Silvija Canecki-Varžić,
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Diabetic foot The rate of amputation in diabetic patients in the Osijek - Baranja County Amputation 9.62 / 1000 patient / 1g 9-16x higher than in the UK courtesy Silvija Canecki-Varžić,
“...85% of amputation can be prevented by
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 ??????? “...85% of amputation can be prevented by early detection & appropriate treatment”! D.Scheinart LINZ 2013
institution treats all of DM peripher. vascular complications
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 - Dedicated BTK (endovascular) procedures are performed at 7 centers in Croatia - only in 5-7 with skilled physicians 1 In only 3% pts referred to IR consult DM pts protocol not using the PtcO2 machine !!!!!!!! IR procedure in 0,7% hospital pts 6 1 ?? institution treats all of DM peripher. vascular complications 1
MSCT angiography COLOR DUPLEX US MR angiography
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 MSCT angiography COLOR DUPLEX US MR angiography
Interdisciplinary apr.
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 System of care Interdisciplinary apr. - care specialist: podiatrists, surgeons, internal medicine, physicians), invasive vascular physicians (interventional cardiologists, interventional radiologists, vascular surgenons),…
IR Cooperation in the field of diabetic foot:
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 IR Interventional Quarter ISSUE- 2009 Cooperation in the field of diabetic foot: EASD – European Association for the Study of Diabetes CIRSE – Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe …both disciplines regarding the ability to treat DM complications …exploring possible future treatment options …guest lectures …guidelines revision …educational programs
Italian Diabetic Foot Care Network
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Italian Diabetic Foot Care Network Concept - DFC Diabetic foot centers Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Diabetic Center Diabetic Foot Center Specialised Diabetic Foot Clinic Education Primary Prevention Primary prevention Treatment of ulcers Drainage of flemmon Minor amputation Surgical debridment Dressing Off-loading Secondary prevention Vascular Procedures PTA By-pass Acute Surgery Surgery diabetic foot deformity (Charcot) courtesy dr Marco Manzi
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
( “endo first” or “open first” )
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 How to choose appropriate revascularization treatment for the patient with PAD ( “endo first” or “open first” ) PATIENT SELECTION Best revascularization option is suggested by TASC classification (TransAtlantic InterSocietal Consensus on Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease) 2000- TASC 2007- TASC II TASC revision.. TASC is a result of cooperation between 16 societies in USA, Europe, Australia TASC IIb Technical Update The Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of PAD (TASC II) Working Group intends to elaborate on the original TASC II guidelines concerning the role of endovascular techniques in relation to open surgery based on the TASC classification, and to include guidance on more severe lesions than those covered in the TASC II publication. There is also an intention to include a tibial lesion classification.
Extensive Angioplasty in the Treatment
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Extensive Angioplasty in the treatment of ischaemic diabetic foot ulcers: clinical results of a Multicentric Study of 221 consecutive diabetic subject Faglia E. et al.: Journal of Internal Medicine 2002 Extensive Angioplasty in the Treatment of Ischemic Diabetic Foot Ulcers Multicentric trial, 191 patients with DF-ulcers and PAD • In 94,2% angioplasty of infrapopliteal arteries major amputation rate 5,2 % • Clinical follow-up mean 14 ± 7 months recurrent foot-ulcers in 7,9%
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
PATIENT SELECTION Interventional procedures are the first treatments proposed for most PAD patients. PAD could be treated with endovascular interventions: From 1998 to 2007 endovascular interventions quadrupled for CLI and doubled for claudication. In the same period significant reduction in amputations occured although patients had significantly more comorbidities.* *Egorova NN. Et al. An analysis of the outcomes of a decade experience with lower extremity revascularisation including limb salvage, lenghts of stay and safety.J Vasc Surg (4): TASC is a result of cooperation between 16 societies in USA, Europe, Australia TASC IIb Technical Update The Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of PAD (TASC II) Working Group intends to elaborate on the original TASC II guidelines concerning the role of endovascular techniques in relation to open surgery based on the TASC classification, and to include guidance on more severe lesions than those covered in the TASC II publication. There is also an intention to include a tibial lesion classification.
Minimally invasive methods of treatment
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Minimally invasive methods of treatment Bioapsorbable stent Long term patency of below- the- knee arteries Drug eluting stents (DES) Bare stents Drug eluting ballons (DEB) Angioplasty (PTA)
Specific angiosome revascularization
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Revascularization of a Specific Angiosome for Limb Salvage: Does the Target Artery Matter? Neville RF et al. Ann Vasc Surg 2009 Specific angiosome revascularization Direct revascularization (= bypass to the artery directly feeding the ischemic angiosome) of the angiosome specific to the anatomy of the nonhealing wound leads to: - A higher rate of limb salvage and healing
Angiosomes courtesy dr Marco Manzi
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Angiosomes courtesy dr Marco Manzi
institution treats all of DM peripher. vascular complications
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 The rate of amputation in diabetic patients in the Osijek - Baranja County Amputation 9.62 / 1000 patient / 1g 9-16x higher than in the UK In only 3% pts referred to IR consult IR procedure in 0,7% hospital pts DM pts protocol not using the PtcO2 machine institution treats all of DM peripher. vascular complications Cooperation in the field of diabetic foot: EASD – European Association for the Study of Diabetes CIRSE – Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
2010. two hospitals merged and Diabetic Foot Clinic is formed
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 2010. two hospitals merged and Diabetic Foot Clinic is formed Clinic for Metabolism diseases and DM Educational base of the School od Medicine Croatian referral center for DM WHO partner institution for DMl Clinical Hospital Merkur Educational base of the School od Medicine WHO referral transplant center Croatian education center for IR
Formation of Diabetic Foot Clinic-DFC covers
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Formation of Diabetic Foot Clinic-DFC covers Complications prevention Earlier diagnosis of stenotic and occluded arteries Better DM (vascular) complications treatment Reduced number of amputations Better multidiscipline cooperation Reduction of treatment costs Patient information
Formation of Diabetic Foot Clinic-DFC covers
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Formation of Diabetic Foot Clinic-DFC covers Clinic for Metabolism diseases and DM DM pts policlinic Angio clinic Internal medicine support in DM treatment Clinical department with 25 beds, 5 of those for DFC Clinical Hospital Merkur General surgery Vascular surgery Invasive cardiology Non-invasive X-R diagnostics Invasive radiology Physical therapy
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Concept of DFC Need for: regular interdisciplinary meetings to analyze complex cases and treatment strategies revascularization team: diabetologist, general surgeon, vascular surgeon, interventional radiologist reconstruction team: diabetologist, vascular surgeon, plas surgeon!, orthopaedist! meeting of regular daily team: diabetologist, nurse, physical therapist Goals - benefit-damage ratio of each type of treatment - revascularization of at least one below-the-knee artery to the foot - reperfusion and sanation of open wounds - more important to achieve clinical reperfusion than morphological
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 PATIENT WITH DM AND VASCULAR COMPLICATIONS ASYMP.; INTER. CLAUD CLI PULS, ABI,, TcPO2, PULS, ABI,, TcPO2, PULSE OK, ATENUATED ABI <0.9 TcPO2>50 or 30-50 ABSENT PULSE 1 ili 2 sat ABI <0.9, TcPO2<50 mmHg ABSENT PULSE, TcPO2 < 40 mmHg, ABI<0.9 COLOR DOPPLER ANGIO (DSA) + PTA BYPASS, distal PTA post bypass CLEAR FINDING INCONCLUSIVE FINDING IF REVASCULARIZATION NOT POSSIBLE TcPO2 – revascularization indication: >50 mmHg – good tissue perfusion, not indication 31-50 mmHg – selective indication, claudications, ulceration <30 mmHg – definite indication, critical ischaemia CLI TcPO2 <30-50mmHg Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 PATIENT WITH DM AND VASCULAR COMPLICATIONS ASYMP.; INTER. CLAUD CLI COLOR DOPPLER ANGIO (DSA) + PTA BYPASS, distal PTA post bypass CLEAR FINDING INCONCLUSIVE FINDING IF REVASCULARIZATION NOT POSSIBLE 1xyear follow-up (6 mj?) MSCT or MR ANGIO Stable pain and lesion Progresion of pain, lesion and infection Kidney function? Calcifications FOLLOW-UP REVASCULARIZATION MEDICAL TREATMENT AMPUTATION Bulgarian Endovascular Course 2011
Clinical Hospital Merkur
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 At Clinical Hospital Merkur PAD, DMel and ? IR
IR Therapy - IR subspecialization mentorship
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 IR Therapy - IR subspecialization mentorship - Ambulatory IR consultations IR experience More than 800 angio therapeutic + diagnostic procedures anually Treatment types: PAD (pta/stent), PTA/stent on other arteries, subintim rec., transpedal ap., CAS, EVAR, BTK, reocclusive techniques (mechanical, aspiration thrombectomy, JET st,.....), cutting balloon, DEB, embolisation, TIPSS, (thrombolysis), vein procedurs, billiary, urogenital, digestive interventions, CT guided drainage,....
Minimally invasive treatment
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Minimally invasive treatment percutaneous transluminal angioplasty ( PTA) drug eluting balloon (DEB) bare stent drug eluting stent (DES), - bioabsorbing stent subintimal angioplasty percutaneous end/arterectomy - cryoplasty ”cutting balloon” thrombectomy (mech., aspir.) transpedal approach - laser recanalization
Opportunity for targeted therapy
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Optimal Tibial Recanalization - Angiosome Concept Opportunity for targeted therapy
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Multilevel disease
Successfully recan. limbs 89% Successfully recan. art. 76%
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Patients (N) / 56 Age (yr) 62±11 Rutherford IV 57% Rutherford V 17% max lesion length 12cm occlusion 70% Successfully recan. limbs 89% Successfully recan. art. 76% Patients (N) 56 Mean follow up (mon) 12±4 improvement 72.4% unchanged 24.1% worsened 3.4% bypass 0 % amputation minor 24% amputation major CLI Patients treated at our department from May CLI Diabetic Patients Percentage of Diabetics Follow up on 34 PATIENTS SCHEDULED FOR AMPUTATION 56 34 / 56 60%
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Heads of radiology departments, doctors, administration hospital
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 State administration's blind people Heads of radiology departments, doctors, administration hospital
Conclusions : Task of Db foot Center
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Conclusions : Task of Db foot Center - Promotion of interdisciplinary approach in diabetic foot treatment - One place full service providing , to the patients with DM and chronic foot impairment - Good interdisciplinary cooperation - Treatment of complications and rehabilitation with the intent of preserving integrity of the extremities
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016
Conclusions : Task in Db foot Center IR - primary goal of CLI treatment - ↓ number (extent) of amputations) and preserving the functional status of the leg - to be qualified for providing of significant number of different minimally invasive procedures, if it would be indicated - angiosome aimed revascularization - keep patency long enough for the ischaemic lesion to heal and pain to regress - “multilevel” disease (AFS+BTK) - simultaneous revascularization
Thank you for your attention!
Annual Meeting of the TSIR, Antalya,11-13 March 2016 Thank you for your attention!
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