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Review of Argo data performance on GTS

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1 Review of Argo data performance on GTS
Anh Tran ADMT10 Sept 30 – Oct 2, 2009

2 Argo TESAC received on GTS from various data centers
AMMC – Australia CWOW – Canada EGRR – Exeter RKSL – Seoul KWBC – Washington & Landover LFPW – Toulouse RJTD - Japan








10 TESAC received from Argo floats since 2001

11 Number of Argo TESAC duplicates on the GTS from various bulletin headers

12 TESAC versus BUFR since Sept 10, 2009
Source ID RJTD CWOW Number of TESAC 451 165 Number of BUFR 174 163 BUFR Matched with TESAC 100% BUFR Bulletin Headers received IOPB01,IOPC01,IOPD01, IOPJ01, IOPL01, IOPK01 IOPX02

13 Summary There are still small number of Argo TESAC duplicates on the GTS. There aren’t any Argo TESAC with depths greater 2500 db There is no Argo TESAC with instrument code error. Volume of BUFR message is still much lower than volume of TESAC No Bufr messages on GTS from AMMC, EGRR, KWBC, LFPW, and RKSL

14 Information BUFR encoded Pressure
In section 1, you need to record your data center code. The information can be found in Common code table document available at: Argo BUFR template can be found at: GTS information can be found at:

15 BUFR template for Temperature and salinity profile observed by sub-surface profiling floats
It is proposed to represent this template by a descriptor 3 15 003. 3 15 003: WMO Marine observing platform extended identifier Observing platform manufacturers model Observing platform manufacturers serial number Buoy type – Data collection and/or location system Type of data buoy Float cycle number Direction of profile Instrument type for water temperature profile measurement Date Time Latitude and longitude (high accuracy) Qualifier for quality class Global GTSPP quality class Delayed replication of 9 descriptors – Extended delayed descriptor replication factor – Water pressure Subsurface sea temperature GTSPP quality class Salinity

16 Thanks you!!

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