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Grab Papers from the front- take your notebook out

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Presentation on theme: "Grab Papers from the front- take your notebook out"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab Papers from the front- take your notebook out
Objective: Set up ISN (Please take out your notebook!) Agenda: Set up ISN Homework: None 

2 What are ISNs A tool for you to use to make prior connections as well as access and process information and learning Our ISNs will reflect this organization in our brain By using color and sorting our ideas we can remember things with more clarity and depth

3 Right vs. Left Side Teacher directed OBJECTIVE that students are required to INPUT goes on the RIGHT side of the ISN Student-directed SUBJECTIVE information that students use to show understanding through OUTPUT goes on the LEFT side of the ISN.

4 Examples of Right vs. Left
Right side of the notebook is for “Through” procedures Notes Labs Activities Teacher-Led Activities Left side of the notebook is for “In and Out” procedures RTWs Exit Slips Concept Maps Your thoughts/connections

5 Setting Up Your Notebook
When you number your pages, it will be like a book, even numbers on the left and odd numbers on the right. DO NOT TEAR PAGES OUT OF YOUR NOTEBOOK! (to reduce this urge, you might want to write in pencil or have whiteout) When given a handout you should adhere it into the notebook with glue.

6 Daily Up Keep When you enter the class, check the front table to see if you need to glue anything into your notebook for the day. Grab these sheets, adhere them to the next blank page and make sure you record the page in your TOC. You will complete a RTW on the left side each day (which will be posted on the overhead)

7 Missing Days Any handouts that you need to add to your ISN will be in the “While You Were Out” Bin or you can print them off online. “3 Before Me” rule if you missed any days Classmate #1, #2, #3… Class Website ( Edmodo ”While You Were Out” bin

8 YOUR Name Marine Science (Honors) iPad #: If found, please return to Ms. D’Ambrosio (room 3-308). 1

9 2

10 3

11 4

12 Marine Science Syllabus

13 6

14 7

15 Cornell Notes Template
Name Date Topic Class Questions Notes Summary

16 RTW: Objective: Understand safety procedures Agenda: Safety video
Tuesday, August 22nd RTW: Objective: Understand safety procedures Agenda: Safety video Safety Contract Homework: Bring in signed Safety Contract by Friday

17 There are always bigger fish in the sea.

18 Be Safe or No Fun  Lab Safety Video

19 Draw a Map of the Room Goggle Cabinet Shower Eye Wash Sinks
Vent Switch Fire Blanket First Aid Kit Fire Extinguisher Exit(s) Call Button for office Electrical Shut Off Button(s)

20 Wednesday, August 23rd Pg. 10 RTW: Create your own definition or draw a picture of what “science” means to you Objective: I will be able to differentiate between science and non-science, citing examples of each. Agenda: Horoscope Activity Homework: Bring in signed Safety Contract by Friday

21 Below your RTW on pg. 10: Write “Horoscope Activity”
Which number you think is your Zodiac sign List the characteristics you agree with for that number AND why

22 Did you get it right? 1. Aries 2. Aquarius January 20 - February 18
March 21 - April 19 2. Aquarius January 20 - February 18 3. Cancer June 21 - July 22 4. Capricorn December 22 - January 19 5. Gemini May 21 - June 20 6. Leo July 23 -August 22 7. Libra September 23 - October 22 8. Pisces February 19 - March 20 9. Sagittarius November 22 - December 21 10. Scorpio October 23 - November 21 11. Taurus April 20 - May 20 12. Virgo August 23 - September 22

23 Thursday, August 24th Pg. 10 RTW: Why are horoscopes considered a pseudoscience instead of a science? Objective: I will be able to differentiate between science and non-science, citing examples of each. Agenda: Pseudoscience Video Review types of variables Homework: Turn in Safety Contract by tomorrow!

24 Independent vs Dependent Variables
The "if" part of your hypothesis is the independent variable; the "then" part is the dependent. If I increase the amount of time the flowers get light, then they will bloom in a shorter amount of time."

25 DRY MIX D-Dependent variable R- Responding variable Y- (goes on) Y-axis M-Manipulated variable I-Independent variable X-(goes on) X-axis

26 Variables Independent Variable= “what do I change?”
Dependent Variable= “what is observed, affected, or measured by the change?” Control= “what stays the same?” Also known as a constant Used as a point of reference to see if the variables affected the outcome.

27 Identify the variables in this investigation:
Students of different ages were given the same jigsaw puzzle to put together. They were timed to see how long it took to finish the puzzle.

28 Identify the variables in this investigation:
Students of different ages were given the same jigsaw puzzle to put together. They were timed to see how long it took to finish the puzzle. Independent variable= the students ages

29 Identify the variables in this investigation:
Students of different ages were given the same jigsaw puzzle to put together. They were timed to see how long it took to finish the puzzle. Independent variable= the students ages Dependent variable= how long it took the students to put it together

30 Identify the variables in this investigation:
Students of different ages were given the same jigsaw puzzle to put together. They were timed to see how long it took to finish the puzzle. Independent variable= the students ages Dependent variable= how long it took the students to put it together Control= the same puzzle

31 Identify the variables
An investigation was done with an electromagnetic system made from a battery and wire wrapped around a nail. Different sizes of nails were used. The number of paper clips the electromagnet could pick up was measured.

32 Identify the variables
An investigation was done with an electromagnetic system made from a battery and wire wrapped around a nail. Different sizes of nails were used. The number of paper clips the electromagnet could pick up was measured. Independent variable= sizes of nails used

33 Identify the variables
An investigation was done with an electromagnetic system made from a battery and wire wrapped around a nail. Different sizes of nails were used. The number of paper clips the electromagnet could pick up was measured. Independent variable= sizes of nails used Dependent variable= number of paper clips picked up

34 Identify the variables
An investigation was done with an electromagnetic system made from a battery and wire wrapped around a nail. Different sizes of nails were used. The number of paper clips the electromagnet could pick up was measured. Independent variable= sizes of nails used Dependent variable= number of paper clips picked up Control= electromagnetic system

35 Another example The higher the temperature of water, the faster an egg will boil.

36 Another example The higher the temperature of water, the faster an egg will boil. Independent variable= temperature of the water

37 Another example The higher the temperature of water, the faster an egg will boil. Independent variable= temperature of the water Dependent variable= time it takes to cook the egg

38 Another example The higher the temperature of water, the faster an egg will boil. Independent variable= temperature of the water Dependent variable= time it takes to cook the egg Control= the type of egg

39 Friday, August 25th Pg. 10 RTW: Identify the independent and dependent variables- If I increase temperature of the water the salinity will increase. Objective: I will be able to identify independent and dependent variables in an experiment and collect and graph data. Agenda: Graphing Variables Activity Honors classes- if done start thinking of a research proposal/question involving the Indian River Lagoon: brainstorm on pg. 10 Homework: Finish Graphing Worksheet

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