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ORIENTATION 7.00 PM – 8.00 PM.

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Presentation on theme: "ORIENTATION 7.00 PM – 8.00 PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORIENTATION 7.00 PM – 8.00 PM

2 Agenda What is expected from student Refund, Withdraw, Transfer Policy
Class Attendance Absences from class Class Schedule School Fees Refund, Withdraw, Transfer Policy Student Feedback and Grievances Student ID Course Materials Assessment Criteria Academic Misconduct Online Evaluation Honours Classification Graduation

3 Class Attendance Arrive promptly for classes
Contribute to class discussion Each module – once a week, please refer to your study schedule 12 evening lessons from 7.00pm to 10.00pm 75% overall attendance required Students are required to sign-in and sign-out on the attendance register

4 Supporting Documents (in English Language)
Absences for Class Unable to attend class? Submit ‘Leave Application Form’ to the student service Following are the approved leave of absence by the School: Reasons Supporting Documents (in English Language) Compassionate Leave for Immediate Family Members Death Certificate Medical Leave Medical Certificate Business Overseas Trip Company Letter and Air Ticket/Boarding Pass MC must be submitted within 3 working days of your return.

5 ESCROW Account Name: Aventis Sch of Mgmt PL STFA (ESCROW)
Class Schedule A copy of the latest updated class schedule is attached at the last page School Fees Please refer to your Student-PEI contract on your school fees Escrow Account – Students will need to make their school fees to Aventis’ DBS Escrow Account ESCROW Account Name: Aventis Sch of Mgmt PL STFA (ESCROW) ESCROW Account No :

6 School Fees Student’s guide to payment of course fees
If you have a DBS or POSB account, electronic payment is the most convenient method for you: DBS iBanking (personal internet banking) DBS Cashline DBS Credit Card DBS Savings/Current POSB Savings/Current DBS & POSB ATM DBS Savings/Current Instructions Select Bill Payment Look for Student Fees Escrow A/c from the payee list Enter your 10-digit Bill Reference No. (omit the dashes) You are required to take a snapshot of the transaction slip to Student Service for verification purposes.

7 Name: Aventis Sch of Mgmt PL STFA (ESCROW)
School Fees If you haven’t got a DBS or POSB account, we have these convenient payment channels for you: Cash at any DBS Branch Cheques (include Cashier’s Order/Draft & Money Order) Mail it to Singapore Post Centre Post Office P.O. Box 514 Singapore or Drop it at any DBS or POSB Quick Cheque Deposit Box Instructions On the cash deposit slip or behind the cheque Write your 10-digit Bill Reference No. (omit the dashes) Write the PEI’s Escrow account name & number Name: Aventis Sch of Mgmt PL STFA (ESCROW) Number: If you are paying from overseas by Telegraphic Transfer Beneficiary Bank Details Remittance Details Beneficiary’s Bank: DBS Bank Ltd Course ID SWIFT BIC Code : DBSSSGSG Course Name Beneficiary Name : [insert Escrow Account Name] digit Bill Reference Number Beneficiary Account No : [insert Escrow Account Number] Student Name

8 Refund, Withdraw, Transfer Policy
Student Feedback and Grievances In the event that you have any feedback/concerns/issues, please contact Student Services via at We will investigate and resolve the areas of concern within 21 working days, depending on the complexity of the case. If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the resolution process, we may refer the matter concerned to the CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme. For more details, please visit 

9 Student ID Student access to UDO
Derby will generate your student ID and access. In the to you, please follow each step guiding you to activate your student portal. The ID allows you to view your grades for each module via the student portal. Your ID allows access Derby Library online for research articles, reading materials, journals or articles that will be helpful in completing your assignments.

10 Course Materials The module handbook and course materials have been provided to you in your Orientation pack You are advised to read through the materials before each class

11 Modules Business Management
(i) Principles & Practices of Leadership & Management (20 credits) (ii) Delivering Winning Projects (20 credits) (iii) Developing & Managing Performance (20 credits) (iv) Improving Business Performance (20 credits) (v) Issues in Global Business & Strategic Concepts (40 credits)

12 Modules Accounting & Finance
(i) Investing & Financial Markets (20 credits) (ii) Financial Strategy (20 credits) (iii) Managing Accounting – Performance Evaluation (20 credits) (iv) Financial Statement Analysis (20 credits) (v) Issues in Global Business & Corporate Accountability (40 credits)

13 Modules Psychology Studies
(i) Clinical Applications of Psychology (20 credits) (ii) Family Health Psychology (20 credits) (iii) Psychology in Education (20 credits) (iv) Addictive Behaviours (20 credits) (v) Psychology Research Project (40 credits)

14 Assessment Criteria The assessment method for each module is shown in the module handbook. It can be a combination of the following: Individual Assignment Class Presentation Exams (In-Class Test, Online Computer Test, In-Class Quiz)

15 Assessment Criteria Assignment deadline is clearly stated in the module handbook Submission of Assignments are made digitally in UDO (University of Derby Online) via Turnitin. All assignments must be correctly reference using the respective referencing system: - Business Management & Accounting & Finance: Harvard Referencing System - Psychological Studies APA Referencing System

16 Assessment Criteria Passing grade for each module is 40%
Assignments which are submitted late but within 7 days of the submission deadline will be capped at 40% Assignments submitted after 7 days will be treated as non-submissions and given a mark of 0%

17 Assessment Criteria To pass a module the average of the marks for the assessment components must be at least 40% and at least a mark of 35% must be achieved in each assessment component Where this is not achieved, credits are not awarded and the referral regulations apply Any module that is retaken or repeated, will be capped at 40% (re-module/assignment referral fee applies) Please note, there is no 7-day grace period for retake assessments.

18 Academic Misconduct Taking unauthorised materials into the exam hall
Unauthorised communication during an examination Plagiarism (copy contents, ideas from another textbook, author without giving due credit) Ghost Writer

19 Online Evaluation Form
Week 12 Link provided to student via for the online evaluation Login is not required, hence response will remain strictly anonymous.

20 Honors Classification
An overall results of 70% - 100% First Class honors An overall results of 60% - 69% Upper Second Class honors An overall results of 50% - 59% Lower Second Class honors An overall results of 40% - 49% Third Class honors

21 Graduation Singapore – tentatively in the month of November each year
Derby Campus, UK. Information will be available on the Derby’s website. Please contact us, if you are keen to attend the graduation ceremony On-Campus

22 Latest Update & Feed @ Facebook
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23 Singapore Student Support Service
Aventis Student Service Executive Eileen Low +(65) Aventis Academic Senior Manager Sandra Shirling +(65)

24 Thank You 

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