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LucyBlu’s Publishing Schedule

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1 LucyBlu’s Publishing Schedule
Group 1 Jennifer, Abigail, Samuel, Chris and Mark

2 1. Daily Twitter Updates:
These are quick and easy posts to keep customers engaged and marketing up to date. They provide Updates on the company/company news-posts. They can post quotes. Instagram: Easy to post photos every day and keep the account current. Can post photos of craft related things Can create a Photo campaign (post a photo every day, counting down to a certain event, holiday, etc).

3 7. Weekly A Blog Post: Provides interviews with a satisfied customer-
An article on how the company got started Information on anything yarn, fabric, craft, mitten related.

4 30) Monthly A Flickr Photo Album:
Can post albums according to the season Can organize the albums by mitten color schemes A Video/Video Blog: Video of a tour of the facility- An update on how production is going A video that incites an emotional response in the customer/viewer. Ex: A video telling the story and showing the production of mittens from someone special’s sweaters -Crafty pinterest project ideas

5 4) Quarterly Contests/Promotions: By tweeting, contestants can
Post a video about what their favorite aspect of Lucy Blue is Post a photo of them wearing their lucyblue product They can win the craziest, coldest, most stylish, etc This would drive the customers to help with marketing and generates content easily. – Could also have the contest be based on having the customer make an infographic for lucyblue and the best one wins, or a promotional video for lucyblue

6 2. Bianually Infographic
An infographic related to recycling, waste, and "reusing" things. This will show what impact you can make on the world and the environment by "reusing" things.

7 1. Annually Events: (i.e. Wheaton College or venues such as the French Market) This would help recycle content. Instagram/Tweet pictures Write a blog post about their experience at the event Make a YouTube video about it, summing it up Create a flickr album Post statuses and updates to facebook and post (with photos) about the experience. Post interviews from customers or spectators

8 Instagram

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