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Person Centred Care working across cultures

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1 Person Centred Care working across cultures

2 Who to contact for help and support
Managing Memory ²gether Holds up to date information on local groups and services available for people from Black Minority Ethnic (BME) Communities. Provides education groups with interpreters. Signpost to translation services. Social Inclusion Team - ²gether For guidance on inclusive practice or to request training specific to cultural competence and diversity. Advice and information on social inclusion policies including translation policies. Community Development Support Team (GCC) Support people from BME communities to access appropriate services and maximise independence. Offer specialist support to South Asian , African Caribbean, Chinese and Eastern European (particularly polish ) communities   Provide advice and guidance to health and social care staff where there are barriers to accessing services as well as adding value to the assessment process. Haroon Kadodia – Deputy Manager BME Agents (GRCC) Supporting people across the county to access health and social care services. BME Agents support people from for African Caribbean, Bengali, Chinese, Guajarati and Polish Communities.

3 Cultural Needs of the Service User and Carer
Language and Communication Needs Cultural Needs of the Service User and Carer Check if English is the service users or carer’s (family, friend) first language and if you need an interpreter. Remember cultural background may affect understanding and context of particular words Check that appointment times do not clash with religious holidays, festivals, rituals Find out how the person wishes to be addressed Diversity of food preparation and choices Consider privacy and dignity needs in relation to persons culture and faith. For details of translation services contact: Managing Memory 2gether For guidance on inclusive practice or to request training for your team Contact: Social Inclusion Team:

4 Person Centred Care working across cultures
Check that appointment times do not clash with religious holidays, festivals, rituals Check if English is the service users or carer’s (family, friend) first language and if you need an interpreter. Find out how the person wishes to be addressed Be aware of diversity of food preparation and choices Consider privacy and dignity needs in relation to persons culture and faith. Remember cultural background may affect understanding and context of particular words For details of translation services contact: Managing Memory 2gether For guidance on inclusive practice or to request training for your team Contact: Social Inclusion Team:

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