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Rotary International District 3141.

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1 Rotary International District 3141

2 NITYAM-WINS Toilets A Rotary Initiative

3 Dignity of Women Stressing on ‘Dignity of Women’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi had urged the corporate sector to build separate toilets for girls in schools across the country by next year.

4 DGE Gopal Mandhania has a Dream

5 His “Dream” is to build 150 Toilets for boys & girls in schools & for the needy.

6 toilets in schools for Boys and Girls… Only then will our girls
“Today I want to start the work to ensure that there are separate toilets in schools for Boys and Girls… Only then will our girls not quit going to School.”

7 The target is to build the toilet blocks by 30th June 2017

8 Make Provisions for building toilets specially for girls so that women do not defecate in the open.

9 Maintaining the Dignity of Women
…. Is the responsibility of everyone

10 Women & young girls wait till dusk to relieve themselves.
How much pain their bodies must be going through? How many diseases they must be prone to? We plan to make provisions for toilets for maintaining the dignity of our mother & sisters

11 WE APPEAL Let each Rotary Club build a minimum of one toilet seat.

12 The first 40 toilet seats sponsored by the Clubs from whom we receive cheques shall be matched by the District on 1st come 1st served basis.

13 Each Toilet Block will comprise of either two or four toilet seats
Cost of Each Toilet Seat : Rs. 1,10,000/-

14 WinS (Wash in Schools) Hand wash Stations shall also be built along with toilets.

15 50 Packs of Sanitary Napkins will be given free by the District to 50 girls in each school. An Incinerator to dispose Sanitary Napkins will also be installed.

16 Sanitary Napkins, Books & Incinerators
We need support for Books on Hygiene & Sanitation for Rs. 100/- each 50 Incinerators for Rs. 3,300/- each 3000 packs of Sanitary Napkins for Rs. 200/- each Sanitary Napkins, Books & Incinerators

17 We need space to build toilet blocks with two or four toilet seats along with water connection & electricity.

18 Rotarians do not make tall claims. They fulfill what they promise.

19 Availability of toilet blocks will encourage parents in urban and rural areas to continue educating their daughters after they attain puberty.

20 Building of toilets will provide the much required privacy for women and girls..
Before After

21 Orientation Programs for Higher Secondary girl students to be organized in order to discuss health & hygiene, using toilets as well as to explain the biological changes in their body are not taboo.

22 The new toilet blocks will be modern & easy to maintain.

23 Rotary NITYAM - WinS Team will specially build all functional toilets

24 It is our determination and responsibility to ensure a clean environment for both boys & girls

25 It is the responsibility of every Rotary Club to construct separate toilets for girls & boys.

26 This is one area where we can empower Girl child by providing them basic facilities.

27 Recognitions Clubs who build toilets will be recognized during the District Conference. Clubs who build ten or more toilets will be recognized in a special District Function.

28 What we need from Club Presidents
Each Club should appoint an active chairman for our NITYAM – WinS Project, Send the Contact details of NITYAM –WinS Club Chairman latest by 12th April 2016.

29 Each Club is requested to contribute Rs.1,10,000/-
towards the cost of one toilet seat . The Club may identify any sponsorer who may contribute in multiples of Rs. 1,10,000/-.

30 The Club may partially share the
cost of Rs. 1,10,000/- with the sponsorer identified by them.

31 Identify Rotarians in your Club who are in the Profession of
Construction & who can help in building the toilet blocks as per the specification prepared preferably in Boisar –Tarapur, Dahanu & Palghar areas.

32 Identify Rotarians in the Club whocan help in the Publicity of our
Thrust Area NITYAM- WinS Building Toilets through hoardings, buses, bus stops, T.V. Channels, Magazines, Bulletins, Flight Magazines & Radio. You may publicize through your Club Bulletin also.

33 Each Rotary Club must identify
Schools in their area in Mumbai & it’s surrounding areas where toilets for girls & boys can be built. Please provide the name & location of the school where you wish to build toilets.

34 The club must organize a special educational program for girl students on
personal hygiene training in schools hand washing after defecation, before eating & cooking managing menstrual hygiene facilities, use and disposal of sanitary napkins behavioral change on improved sanitation, cleaning toilets after use, etc.

35 events & competitions, etc.
Clubs must organize hygiene promotion & education through posters, wall paintings, messaging, hoardings, street plays, events & competitions, etc.

36 President of each Rotary Club is requested to make sure that the NITYAM WinS Club Chairman attends the Assembly on 27th March 2016 to enlighten themselves on the District Thrust Area Project NITYAM – WinS – Building Toilets.

37 Clubs must promote five benefits of our District Thrust Area
NITYAM - WinS Building Toilets

38 Building toilets for Girls & Boys separately will provide a healthy & protective school environment, minimize risk of disease, abuse & exclusion.

39 Building toilets for Girls will encourage pride & commitment in schools by enabling every girl child to become an agent of change for improving water, sanitation & hygiene practices in their families & their community.

40 Building toilets for Boys & Girls separately will be an investment in the health & well being of future generations - valuable commodities for the Country’s development & growth.

41 Building toilets for Girls will promote equity, ensure privacy & dignity & contribute to girls’ school attendance & retention.

42 Building toilets for Girls will discourage defacation in the open & will encourage children to insist upon their family members for having a toilet in their homes.

43 Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow,
In the words of Albert Camus, this is our Avenue Chairman Kalpanaji’s personal request to all the Club Presidents “Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead, Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow, Just walk beside me & be my friend.”

44 Together we shall complete our mission.
NITYAM-WinS Toilets A Rotary Initiative

45 Thank You.

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