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Mind Stretcher 8/30/16 Name at least 4 ways we depend on other organisms OR our environment for survival…

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1 Mind Stretcher 8/30/16 Name at least 4 ways we depend on other organisms OR our environment for survival…


3 SYMBIOSIS- "state of living together."
PARASITISM- Greek parasitos "one who lives at another's expense MUTUALISM- mutuus = reciprocal, done in exchange COMMENSALISM- Latin commensalis, meaning "sharing a table", from the prefix com-, meaning "together", and mensa, meaning "table" or "meal".

4 PREDATION- "act of plundering or pillaging," (predator/prey)
COMPETITION- from compete: " to enter or be put in rivalry with," PREDATION- "act of plundering or pillaging," (predator/prey)

5 National Geographic: “Ecological Relationships”
Quickly write these definitions on the back of your Learning Plan!! Vocab “self-check” is Friday! National Geographic: “Ecological Relationships” Competition—when two or more organisms rely on the same environmental resource Predation—behavior of one animal feeding on another Symbiosis—the close relationship of two dissimilar organisms mutualism—a symbiotic relationship where both organisms benefit commensalism—a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and one does not benefit but is unharmed parasitism—a symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and one is harmed

6 Why would this be beneficial?
Crittercam GOAL: to help researchers understand the day-to-day lives and ecological relationships of different species. PROCESS: fit wild animals with a GPS tracker and a combination video and audio recorder with environmental data instruments to measure such things as depth, temperature, and acceleration WHY: allows the study of animal behavior without interference by human observers Why would this be beneficial?

7 Crittercam Video Discussion: http://nationalgeographic
Watch video clip: “Fish Thieves Take Rare Seals’ Prey” What is the ecological relationship between the monk seal and the octopus/eel/trigger fish? Predator/Prey (predation) What is the ecological relationship between the monk seal and the jacks/sharks? Competition

8 Crittercam Video Discussion:
What symbiotic relationship is occurring in each of the following videos? MUTUALISM “Caribbean Cleaners” (2.5 minutes) “Giving Fish a Bath” (5.5 minutes) “Clownfish and Sea Anemone Partnership” (1.5 min) PARASITISM MUTUALISM Which relationship was not demonstrated?

9 Lemon Shark Other than the shark, what other organisms do you observe? It was because of this relationship that Greg Marshall, marine biologist and filmmaker, invented Crittercam. In 1986, a shark approached him during a dive near Belize. Marshall noticed a remora clinging to a shark, and as he watched the shark disappear, it occurred to him that if he could put a camera in the place of the remora, he could see the shark's behavior unfold without disturbing the shark.

10 Why do they do this? Remoras attach themselves to predatory fish like sharks for a few reasons: 1- a free ride 2- protection due to hanging onto a feared predator 3- feed off of food scraps left behind by shark The shark is not affected in the process since remoras eat only leftover food from the shark… (Commensalism)

11 Symbiotic Interactions Worksheet
Complete the student sheet Make sure to explain WHY you classified the different scenarios as one type of symbiosis and not the others… How do ecological relationships shape the marine ecosystem? Why is it important to identify and understand these relationships?

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