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Presentation on theme: "NEGOTIATIONS GEA NEGOTIATIONS TEAM"— Presentation transcript:

Susen Zobel - GEA President – Bonneville Junior High Kathleen Riebe - GEA Vice President – Elementary STS Mike McDonough – UEA Board – Woodstock Elementary Michael Cramer – Kearns High School Star Orullian - GEA Executive Director, Spokesperson Cindy Formeller – GEA Associate Director

2 (Cost of Living Adjustment)
Salary Increase 3% COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) $6.4 Million

3 Steps and Lanes Fully funded Steps and Lanes $4.8 Million

4 (For new hires to the profession)
Signing Bonus $500 Signing Bonus (For new hires to the profession) $200,000

5 Provisional teachers will receive a 3.3% increase.
$ increase to the first three steps of the teacher salary schedule, resulting in a starting salary of $36,714. Provisional teachers will receive a 3.3% increase.

6 Legislative Supply Debit Card
Beginning August 10, 2016, teacher supply debit cards may be used to purchase items from the Granite District warehouse.

7 Let’s Talk Insurance… One way to avoid insurance increases, or minimize insurance changes to the plans, is to reduce costs by being wise consumers of services. ASK…Am I a wise consumer? Use generics drugs whenever possible. ER is for emergencies, not for something that can wait until morning. Urgent or InstaCare costs the plan more than going to the doctor’s office, but not as much as a trip to the ER.

8 Insurance Facts Insurance can be a “black hole of employee money.” It is General Fund money that would otherwise go toward salary (and boost retirement) if we did not have to fund high insurance increases. Remember: Insurance is a line item that carries a cost of $63 Million. Bottom line: The more we do, individually, to reduce usage, the more money there is available for salaries!

9 GSD insurance plan had a
Insurance Changes GSD insurance plan had a 7.4% increase in usage. We had to cut… $5,000,000

10 Insurance Changes GEA and GESPA (our sister union) cut $2,000,000 and negotiated that GSD fund the remaining balance of $3,000,000

11 Insurance Notes Remember: You pay: 7% and 22%
Recalibration of your portion of the insurance premiums. Remember: You pay: 7% and 22% District pays: 93% and 78%

12 Insurance Deductible Changes
This Year Deductible In Network $ x 3 Out of Network $ x 3 Next Year Deductible In Network $1,000 x 3 Out of Network $1,500 x 3

13 Office Visit Co-Pay Changes
Next Year Office Visit Co-Pay Select Med & Value Care Generalist $40 Specialist $50 Select Med Plus & Value Care Plus This Year Office Visit Co-Pay Select Med & Value Care Generalist $25 Specialist $35 Select Med Plus & Value Care Plus Generalist $30 Specialist $40

14 Insurance Notes Dental premiums will stay the same.

15 Let’s Recap We protected your steps and lanes!
A 4.8 million dollar benefit because of GEA. This item alone may protect more than $25,000 over the career of a GEA member when he/she retires from Granite.

16 STEPS AND LANES Question - Why are Steps and Lanes a core value of the NEA/UEA/GEA? Answer - Because of the lifetime earning implications. If Steps and Lanes were frozen just one year… BACHELOR’S MASTER’S Step 3 $34,990 Step 12 $53,780 Step 4 $36,141 Step 13 $55,568 Loss $ 1,151 $ 1,788 Loss over 35 years $34,530 Loss over 17 years $30,396

17 Total Money Summary TOTAL: $ 75.1 Million Settlement Package
3% COLA $6,400,000 Steps and Lanes $4,800,000 Signing Bonus $200,000 Insurance Benefit $63,000,000 Steps increase ($800.00) $757,000 TOTAL: $ 75.1 Million Settlement Package

18 Did you know… It is actually worth 5 to 7 times as much as dues!
We protected your Early Retirement Benefit? Your Early Retirement Benefit, negotiated for you by GEA is worth more money than 30 years of GEA dues? It is actually worth 5 to 7 times as much as dues!

19 Other Items Negotiated…
New contract language added to Article 2.5: “The district agrees to provide payroll deductions for GEA membership dues.”

20 Other Items Negotiated…
Secondary Teachers Only: Teacher Assistants (TA) will be selected by application to the principal only (the TA option will not be on the registration card). Teachers will only be allowed one (1) TA each year. Teachers can apply and principals can deny. TAs will not be allowed in a teacher’s room during consultation time.

21 Other Items Negotiated…
Teachers will be able to OPT OUT of any digital presence (teachers’ photographs) for any school or district publication.

22 Other Items Negotiated…
Secondary Only – Evaluate the overall effectiveness of interventions, extensions and flex time, and how it impacts instructional time of content areas that are not double blocked. Principals will be given discretion to work with their School Leadership Team, Building Committee, and Community Council to reduce this time to provide more Tier One instructional time for subjects that are not double blocked.

23 Other Items Negotiated…
Curriculum maps and pacing guides will be updated before school starts. Aligned with new teaching tools like Go Math Wonders

24 Other Items Negotiated …
GEA UniServ Director(s) will be included in the calendar decisions that impact Counselors, LMETS, STS, etc.

25 Other Items Negotiated …
Once a surplus teacher is placed in a new school and assignment, that assignment will not change unless the principal can make a reasonable case to, and receive approval from, the HR Director. This information will be added to principal surplus information for the 2017 school year.

26 Other Items Discussed in Negotiations…
Disciplinary issues are escalating and need attention. BHAs are coming back.

27 Other Items Discussed…
Parents accessing buildings without checking into the front office. This creates safety issues for students and teachers. Memo 125 will be addressed with principals in Principals’ Meeting at the beginning of the year.

28 Other Items Discussed…
GEA asked for representation on the District MTSS and DISC committees. GSD declined this request. GEA proposed a job swap – GSD declined this request; however, we had a great conversation about it.

29 The Future GEA works hard on your behalf.
The contract is a 60+ year-old document. It is our legacy and must be protected. Membership is the key to our success. Now is the time to approach potential members. This settlement is the answer to their question, “What has GEA done for me today?”

30 Membership Opportunity
GEA is asking you to PLEASE: Ask GEA members on each grade level, team, or department to talk to non-members about joining GEA. The negotiated settlement is a great selling point as a $75 million dollar settlement! The Early Enrollment (EEL) program is also a great selling feature, “Join us now at no cost until September.”

31 GEA Ratification Process
The GEA Board of Directors has met and formally recommends the tentative agreement to the Association Representatives (ARs) for your consideration. Today, May 4, the Association Reps will vote to recommend (or not recommend) the tentative agreement to the GEA General Membership. Ballots go out with ARs today for a ratification vote in the buildings (if the ARs vote to recommend). ONLY GEA MEMBERS VOTE! Include the EEL members you signed up since April 1!

32 Ratification Process (cont.)…
Ballots are DUE to the GEA office Wed., May 18, 2016 by 5:00 p.m. Members will vote to approve, or reject, the tentative settlement that GEA has negotiated. If GEA members do not ratify the tentative settlement, the negotiations team will go back to the negotiations table. Note: Membership forms are in your packets

33 GO GET ‘EM!


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